Extinguish fire, conceal, observe and evacuate in one go.

The flash that Chen Chen saw was finally determined to be the tracking team of the Lion Corps. They were traveling along the ridge and were accidentally exposed by the reflection of the telescope at the moment the sun rose. However, at the same time, they also discovered traces of the Dongfeng Corps. .

After all, Chen Chen made two mistakes.

First, he did not expect that the Lion Corps would specially send a group to occupy the ridge for long-distance observation, which is almost useless in the jungle. He also did not expect that the other party was so lucky that he could be in this large jungle. We happened to observe our camp through a narrow gap in the river.

How difficult is this?

From a distance of two kilometers, find the piece with a bee printed on it from a 1X1 square meter puzzle.

Go find it.

But the Lion Corps found it.

As expected of the team that had chased Kunsha, I really underestimated them.

Secondly, he really didn't expect the Lion Corps to be so fast - such speed was obviously beyond the limit of the human body.

Fortunately, he was cautious enough and left enough room for response.

Although it has been discovered, at this distance, exposure does not mean danger.

In the final analysis, the distance between the two parties is still too far.

It is so far away that even if the opponent has a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle, it is impossible to touch a hair of the Dongfeng Corps.

Not to mention the Dongfeng Corps - not only can't you touch it, you can't even see it with the PSO-1 on the SVD.

But even so, Chen Chen didn't intend to run away blindly as if nothing happened.

The real danger is not guns and bullets, but information.

I saw the first group, and only two people were seen in this group, which means that the other groups of the entire Lion Corps must be nearby and not far away.

Although the role of the ridge position team is most likely only for observation, and they cannot be used as a reference to judge the positions of other tracking teams, Chen Chen has reason to believe that his side's lead over the Lion Corps will not exceed 4 hours.

This means that if the other party is weaving a pocket, then you are already at the mouth of the bag and will soon be pocketed.

what to do?

Keep accelerating, betting on yourself to be faster than your pocket?


Yes, it is indeed possible for the Dongfeng Corps to move faster than the pocket, but being faster does not mean that it can escape.

This is the brilliance of the Lion Corps strategy, they are like a child catching flies with a plastic bag.

Chen Chen often did this kind of thing when he was a child. He liked to catch a fly in a plastic bag, and then watch it keep hitting the wall but never fly out. When it starved to death, he would use its body as food for the ants. .

Compared with a fly swatter, it is almost not difficult to catch flies with a huge plastic bag. Although to the naked eye, the fly flies much faster than the bag, no matter how it flies, it is impossible to fly out of the range of the bag.

So don’t be a fly, be a wasp, be a mantis.

The bag must be drilled open, and the person holding the bag must be stung away.

So, he ordered:

"Things have changed and we need to adjust our strategy."

"Lin He, you are number 5 from now on."

"You work with me and go out 200 meters as a fire reconnaissance team."

"No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, keep an eye on the goods and continue along branch No. 2 of the planned route, leaning to the south."

"Be prepared for battle. We have been exposed. The opponent's encirclement will immediately shrink with the current position as the center. We may encounter us soon."

"If we really encounter each other, we must defeat the enemies we encounter at all costs and destroy their encirclement!"

"We cannot allow them to continue to approach, especially we cannot allow them to form a close encirclement before we reach Wantongyin Pass."

"Otherwise, we will lose the space to maneuver, and the final battle will be forced to become a head-on collision!"


The other three people answered immediately, but then, Bao Qi couldn't help but ask:

"How can they be so fast? Don't they need to rest?"

"We only rested for 5 hours."

"Do you even need to ask?"

Chen Chen glanced at Jiya, and Bao Qi understood immediately and said no more.

And then, Shi Dakai asked:

"No. 4, is it too risky to investigate alone?"

His expression was filled with worry--in fact, even if it weren't for his natural tendency toward pessimism, it would have been impossible not to be worried when faced with this situation.

Going out alone, you have to take Lin He with you, who has no combat experience.

If the subsequent trio doesn't follow up in time, it can be a horrific encounter.

Chen Chen had no chance of surviving because he was facing at least one group from the Lion Corps.

The elite among the elite are not the kind of civilians like Jia Luojia who can come and try their luck!

"There is no way. We must maintain sufficient forward range, otherwise once we are surrounded and ambushed, it will be a fatal situation."

"Trust me, be careful, I can handle it!"


Shi Dakai stopped talking. In the previous battles, he had already developed the habit of unconditionally trusting Chen Chen.

And this habit may even overwhelm his pessimistic tendencies.

There is nothing that this man cannot do. Since he has chosen to go forward alone, he will definitely make this strategy effective.

Chen Chen checked his weapons one last time, and then said to Lin He:

"Walk one meter in front of me."

"From now on, you are my best and only guidepost."

After that, he flipped down the night vision goggles and switched to thermal imaging mode.

Yes, night vision devices based on thermal imaging principles can also be used during the day.

Its principle is only to receive infrared signals emitted by objects. Unlike low-light night vision, it is not actually affected by the intensity of ambient light.

The only disadvantage is that during the day, due to the influence of sunlight and temperature, the temperature of the environment and objects will rise, so the target protrusion quality of thermal imaging is relatively poor.

Therefore, it is not uncommon to use thermal imaging cameras during daytime in jungle warfare.


However, it is definitely not a common thing to wear a thermal imaging camera while traveling.

The distorted picture will quickly make people feel dizzy. Without special training, the person may fall down before going very far.

But Chen Chen had to do this.

Because he knew that such a visual field advantage would give him a "priority discovery" advantage of a few seconds to more than ten seconds when encountering the Lion Corps.

And these ten seconds may very well determine the outcome of an encounter and the life or death of the Dongfeng Corps.

"Set off!"

Chen Chen gave an order and the other four people waited where they were, while he and Lin He rushed into the jungle without hesitation.

At this time, Lin He's role as a jungle guide was fully utilized.

Chen Chen only needs to track his heat signature and follow him along the optimal route without worrying about the so-called environment.

Every step he took was on solid ground, and every time he walked through the dense forest, it was extremely smooth.

In just a few minutes, they had moved forward two hundred meters, and the four people behind them also started to follow.

"Execute burst communication, pay attention to the traces I left, and report the location in time."


Shi Dakai's voice was very clear in the headphones. When Chen Chen was not in the team, he took on temporary command responsibilities.

The two separate teams moved forward, and Chen Chen gained a huge speed advantage thanks to Lin He leading the way.

He did not waste this speed advantage, but used the time waiting for the rear team to conduct Z-shaped reconnaissance without interruption.


This was originally a reconnaissance method suitable for sparse jungle, but now, in order to maintain speed, he had to make a choice.

Three hours later, the Dongfeng Corps had already embarked on branch route No. 2 and began to turn and move in the intended direction.

At this time, they were two kilometers south of their original route.

If the Lion Corps is encircling from south to southwest, then now is the window period for the two sides to encounter.

Chen Chen's spirit was stretched to the limit, and just as he was nervously observing the surrounding environment, a red shadow flashed across his sight.

That's not a pheasant or a wild boar.

is a person.

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