I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 54 Consumption Failure

Wealth and honor do not return to their hometown, just like walking in fine clothes at night.

According to the logic of normal people, the first thing to do after making a fortune is to spend a lot and show off.

But unfortunately, the families of all members of the Dongfeng Corps are still in Kokang, and they have no chance to return home. Therefore, they have no choice but to use consumption to relax their nerves that have been tense for too long.

This is also a normal break.

Chen Chen does not place any restrictions on this point, because he knows that a relaxed and moderate rhythm is more conducive to improving the team's combat effectiveness.

In such a general environment, if we really follow the tactics of the ascetics in the XXX army, I am afraid that this team will collapse soon.

Therefore, he just set a few basic rules for the other three people and let them go.

The first one is that you can't gamble with poison, whoever touches you will die, and because of the existence of a common secret, there is no chance of being "expelled", so I will kill someone myself.

Article 2: If you have to go to a prostitute, you cannot stay overnight. You must go with the prostitute and put on your pants.

Article 3: Don’t get drunk outside and keep your pistol away from your body.

None of the three of them had any objections to these rules, and they were all gearing up to have a good time.


But here comes the funny thing.

Early the next morning, Chen slept until he got up at 8 o'clock, and saw the three of them going out without eating breakfast.

As a result, he left the house at eight o'clock and came back at 9:30. Chen Chen's own pot of pigeon porridge was not yet cooked, so Bao Qi was the first to walk in dejectedly.

And in his hand, he was holding a bright red envelope.

"Don't be discouraged, an hour and a half is enough."

Chen Chen patted his shoulder and said.

".I came in at nine o'clock."

".Half an hour is pretty good."

".I came back and walked for 20 minutes."

Chen Chen stopped talking. He was afraid that the more he talked, the more Bao Qi would get sad, so he pointed to the table and said:

"Sit there and eat some pigeon porridge to replenish your body."


Bao Qi reluctantly walked over and sat down, but just as he sat down, Gang Li came in again.

He also had a frustrated look on his face, but this kind of frustration was a little different from Bao Qi's.

"You can't do it either?"

As soon as Chen Chen opened his mouth, Bao Qi at the table stood up with his eyes widened, so he quickly added:

"No, that's not what I meant. What have you been doing and why are you back so soon?"

Li Gang glanced at Bao Qi inexplicably and replied:

"I walked around the city, but it seemed boring."

"I can't understand the things in those stores. Watches, leather bags, etc., each costs 10,000 US dollars. I don't know what they are made of."

"I went to look at the gun, but it didn't feel like it was useful. It was not as good as the Bayi Bar we use now."

"So. I came back. I didn't buy anything. I ate a bowl of sour noodles and spent 6 yuan."

".Then you are really awesome."

Chen Chen said speechlessly.

He could finally see that these two people really had not seen much of the world, and even if they were let out into the wild, they would not know what to do.

However, this kind of mentality cannot be said to be bad.

If one day, they really start to be completely corrupted by the desire that rages on this land, that's when the trouble begins.

"If you can't spend it, don't spend it. Save the money and find a way to take care of your family in the future."

"We have to start preparations for this matter, and it will definitely cost money by then."

As soon as Chen Chen said these words, Li Bang nodded immediately.

"That's what I was thinking too - when the time comes, it will cost money to manage relationships, hire people, etc., so I always can't bring myself to do it when I think of spending my own money."

"Brother Chen, what did you cook?"

"Pigeon porridge, sit down and eat."

Gang Li also took the opportunity to sit down, and the three of them didn't take a sip before Shi Dakai opened the door again and walked in, but his expression was much better than the other two.

And in his hand, he was holding a big black stone.

"Don't tell me you bought rough stones."

"Yes, I went to see them bet on stones, and I bought one myself - it's not expensive, more than a thousand yuan, RMB!"

"It's a pity that nothing came out, pure marble. I originally wanted to make a safe and sound card for everyone, but it turned out that I couldn't do it."

"Then you are so happy to bring it back?? Mengka is far away from the Wulong River. What good goods do you expect to be transported here?"

"If you've spent money on it, you can just keep it as a decoration at home."

“I would find this thing ugly even if I put it at home.”

Chen Chen shook his head helplessly and continued:

"Eat some porridge, don't mess with your broken stone."


Shi Dakai threw down the stone obediently, took his bowl and sat at the table.

So, the good spending day turned into a dinner day, and the meal was still very light pigeon porridge. This scene is probably the only one in the whole Mengkha.

But to be honest, in Chen Chen's previous life, many people described northern Myanmar as a paradise of sin and a holy land of desire, but what is the reality?

What kind of entertainment do you expect to be able to do in a place with a development level similar to that of a small county in the 18th tier?

It's just that industries that are unacceptable in a civilized society are extremely developed.

Porn, gambling, and drugs are taken to the extreme, even to the point of deformity.

But if you just want to find some healthy entertainment activities, you really have no idea where to start.

You can't be stupid enough to go to a bar here and pretend to be a big bar? Who are you showing it to?

A place where you can sleep with a woman above 7 points for 200 dollars, how many thousand dollars do you spend?

Please, stop it.

Then save it, it’s okay to save it.

When the identity issue is resolved one day, I will find a way to go to Thailand to be cool and unrestrained.

So, the few of them stayed "at home", drinking porridge and discussing the next plan.

"Training is definitely still necessary. You still have too much to learn. But from now on, I won't do continuous training for a whole month. I'll just practice when I have time."

"In addition, although our equipment is relatively complete and our firepower is relatively sufficient, at present, the advantages of our equipment are not enough to make up for our lack of manpower."

"So, now that I have money, I'll start thinking about what equipment to buy. At least as far as I'm concerned, some bits and pieces of equipment are still lacking."

"For example, what about a GPS, a muffler, a magnifier, etc. What do you need?"

The three of them looked at each other, unable to explain for a moment.

After thinking for a moment, Shi Dakai asked:

"Can you get a flamethrower?"

"?? This thing is not suitable for us. It is too dangerous. Don't burn yourself."

"Okay. What about the white phosphorus grenades?"

".Can't buy it."

"Individual cloud explosive bomb?"

"You can take a look at this. But do you really need such exaggerated equipment?"

Shi Dakai smiled sheepishly and replied:

"It's better to be prepared. If you have these things, the damage to living targets will be much greater."

"If possible, I would also like some hollow-point bullets to use; by the way, don't we have rocket launchers? But the only shells provided are high-explosive shells. Can we get some jet armor-piercing shells?"

Chen Chen was completely speechless.

"Go down and say hello to the King of Hell and let him tattoo you."

After some discussion, whether they really wanted it or just put forward an idea, the four of them finally determined several future equipment procurement goals.

Chen Chen took out his mobile phone and was about to call Peng Xucheng to ask if there was any goods, but unexpectedly, his call came first.

"Hey, Boss Peng, I'm Sunken Ship."

"Ah, I know—Wreck, are you free tonight?"

"I'm free, what's wrong?"

Chen Chen asked doubtfully.

"Just have time. Captain Chen wants to treat you to a dinner. It's a celebration banquet. You should prepare and come over."

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