I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 480 The White Helmets must die

Teleri posted a picture showing the second regiment of the government army’s 124th Brigade encircling the area.

The besieged 24 STS members gathered together and took advantage of the break between operations and reconnaissance to discuss the situation they were facing.

The first person to speak was Finch, the leader of this team. He frowned and said while looking at the marked battle map:

"The situation is not good, and the specific support plan and time have not been determined yet."

"We have to find a way to continue to support it, either until Tal Rifat is completely captured, or we have to let the Turkish military try to conduct an air raid rescue."

"I have been in contact with the CIA. In addition to us, there are four intelligence agents operating in the city. At the same time, there are also six people from MI6 lurking."

"They will try to come to our rescue."

"As long as we can escape the encirclement of Suhail, we have a chance to complete the evacuation without relying on air support."

"How can this be!?"

Before Finch finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by Wade, who had finally escaped.

The latter forced himself to sit up with his body riddled with shrapnel wounds, and then continued:

"Both the 124th Brigade and the 104th Brigade have directly participated in the battle of Tal Rifat. In terms of strength and equipment, the government forces have surpassed the Free Army."

"Now, the only advantage of the Free Army is our air power. Now you actually say that we want to evacuate without relying on air superiority?"

"How to evacuate? Dig a burrow like a mouse?"

"It would be great if it really could!"

"Damn it, here, even if we want to dig a hole, we still have to use those excavators sold from the north!"

"We should call B-52, call B-2 support!"

"We should blow them to pieces and reduce the city to rubble."

"Calm down, Wade!"

Finch turned to Wade with a stern look, and then said:

"It's not that you haven't experienced failed actions, and it's not that you haven't seen your brothers leave. As a soldier, you are not qualified to have an emotional breakdown!"

After hearing Finch's words, Wade subconsciously opened his mouth to refute, but in the end, he swallowed back the words that had rushed to his lips. After a long silence, he nodded and replied:

"you're right."

"But we really have no other option."

"We have to call in more, stronger air support."

"This is not just for us, but also to stabilize the situation in Tal Rifat."

"Turkey's actions are too slow. They have been overwhelmed by the changes in the domestic political situation, and their support for the Free Army on the border has also dropped to a critical point. I doubt that if Tal Rifaat continues to be unable to be captured for a long time, they will It may even announce a suspension of support for the Free Army.”

"But there's nothing we can do."

Finch interrupted Wade again and then said:

"Congress' involvement in the war in Syria is limited, and they have no money left."

"The war in Libya consumes too much of our money and military resources, and the Pentagon is under great pressure."

"Dispatching the B-52 is not something that can be done just by talking about it. It means that we will take the final step and fight this war ourselves."

"This is no different from being kidnapped by the Free Army. I think Congress will not let the situation develop to this point."

"Then what should we do? Wait for death here?"

Wade's expression was extremely depressed. It was obvious that the injuries on his body had affected his judgment and he could no longer think of any positive thoughts.

Looking at his reaction and the other team members who were also demoralized, Finch couldn't help but sigh.

After a moment of silence, he spoke:

"We're not completely at our wits' end."

"Right now, we are just in a stalemate with the Suhail Army. We cannot break out and evacuate quickly, and they cannot take the initiative to launch an attack."

"We have more leeway than they do."

"MPRI and Academy are already negotiating a new round of contracts with the Ministry of Defense, and results are expected within 12 hours."

"Once the contract is approved, they will be able to organize at least 400 elite combat personnel to join the Tal Rifat battlefield."

"When the time comes, whether it is a surprise rescue or a direct defeat of the government troops, we will be able to evacuate safely."

"I hope so."

After hearing Finch's words, Wade let out a long sigh.

But then, he spoke again:

"Now we have a very real problem before us."

"There's nothing to eat."

"Our supplies can only last three days, which means there is only one last meal left."

"We have to find ways to get food and fresh water, as well as necessary medicines."

"But now, most of the residents in this urban area have evacuated, and they took almost all the supplies with them."

"We might even starve to death here."

"No, someone will help us deliver the supplies."

Finch spoke confidently, and Wade frowned and asked:


"No, International Peace Organization."

"Syrian Civil Defense, to be precise."

"Can they come in?"

Wade's eyes widened in surprise.

"This is a war zone, and this is a tightly blockaded area by the Syrian government forces. Even if they allow the civil defense organizations to operate in the city, they cannot allow them to blatantly send things over. Suhail can't be that stupid!"

"No, this is Bashar al-Assad's order."

Finch answered firmly and then explained:

"War is never just a war. For Bashar, if he wants to win, he must do his best to win the support of all forces."

"He must perform a scene according to our requirements even if he is not willing to do it."

"Now, there are still at least hundreds of civilians in this blockade area who have not had time to evacuate. Coupled with the previous gas bomb incident, Bashar is no longer able to help himself."

"If he wants to remove suspicion, he must show the most active rescue attitude."

"So, civil defense organizations will have unimpeded access in Tal Rifat."

"No one dares to attack them, not even a crazy mercenary group like the Dongfeng Corps."

"So, just wait with peace of mind."

"They will come. After all, at this time, whoever dares to attack them will be the public enemy of all mankind."


Wade nodded heavily.

At this time, there was finally some hope in his eyes.

"We have to take out the Civil Defense people."

In the temporary shelter of the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen said seriously:

"This organization is so disgusting. It can even be said that they are blatantly conducting intelligence activities in the city, and are also using the channels of government troops to provide supplies to some rebel forces hidden in the city."

"Small-scale conflicts have occurred one after another in the city in the past few days, and they are largely related to them."

"They are the cancer of Tyler Rifat. If we don't get rid of them, there is no chance of winning this defensive battle."

"Now, Bashar is completely kidnapped."

"Although he has completely given up on peace talks and chosen resistance, he still has hopes for the so-called 'advantage of public opinion'."

"Perhaps the prism gate gave him an illusion. He probably still doesn't understand that public opinion can be temporarily suppressed, but it is unlikely to disappear permanently."

"Only the truth is the last thing that can stand."

"It is useless to compromise with them. No matter how 'merciful' you behave, the international evaluation of government forces will not change."

"So, instead of doing this, we might as well break the pot and kill the people from the Civil Defense Organization directly!"

"The opportunity is right in front of us now."

"Most of their core personnel will gather together and enter the besieged area to 'rescue civilians' in the near future. There is absolutely no chance that there will be real civilian volunteers in this group of people. They will be 100% 'native members'."

"We can do it directly without leaving them any time to react. If we succeed, their organizational structure will be severely damaged."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xia Xing frowned.

She thought in silence for a few seconds before finally speaking:

"Killing the civil defense organizations is too risky in terms of legal principles and ethics. Although we have basically been able to determine the identities of most of them, at least for now, they still appear to be harmless to humans and animals."

"No matter what excuses, reasons, or evidence we have, attacks against them will be regarded as anti-humanitarian terrorist attacks."

"It's hard to say what consequences this will bring. Of course we can shift the responsibility to the JD organization, but if it is not handled well"

"Let's just say the identity is revealed - do we really care?"

Chen Chen interrupted her and continued:

"The Dongfeng Corps has been on the Americans' list of JD organizations. From the moment we killed Andrea, we no longer expect our reputation to be so good."

"Of course, targeting civil defense organizations does appear to be more 'extreme' on the surface."

"But the question is, how many good people can there be in the so-called 'neutral organization without borders' that enters the war zone at this time?"

"--That's wrong. It's not that there are a few good people. It's that there can't be even one good person."

"So, my only appeal now is one."

"Report our plan truthfully to your superiors, and tell me the results of the decision as soon as possible."

"You have to be quick, the opportunity is fleeting, do you understand?"


Xia Xing nodded solemnly, and then without any hesitation, she immediately walked aside and began to report to the superiors. In just five minutes, she received feedback from the superior department.

When she walked up to Chen Chen again, she only made one request.

"Syrian government forces must be involved in this matter."

"We have to drag the Syrian military into trouble. It's impossible for us to do all the dirty work and leave them with a chance to reap the benefits."

"So, you have to meet Suhail, you know what I mean?"

"no problem!"

Chen Chen replied happily.

Subsequently, within half an hour, the Dongfeng Corps established contact with Suhail.

An hour later, Suhail led the team to the shelter of the Dongfeng Corps.

The formal meeting between the two "strong men" was not as "turbulent" as depicted in many literary and artistic works. In fact, Chen Chen simply shook hands with Suhail and straightforwardly explained his intentions to him.

"We are going to take out the Syrian Civil Defense group in the city, the so-called White Helmets."

"Killing means we have to find a way to kill all their core members without leaving a single person alive."

"We need your cooperation and participation in this matter."

"You have to provide us with their location."

"I heard that they will enter the blocked area at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to carry out so-called humanitarian relief."

"Whether these White Helmets are escorted by you or not, you must find a way to annihilate all their main forces."

"And we will be responsible for clearing out their other strongholds in the city."

"There is only one principle, don't let anyone leave alive."

"How about it? Can you do it?"

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Suhail's face showed a surprised expression.

In fact, before coming, he only knew that a representative of a certain "big power" wanted to discuss a vital plan with him.

He thought that this plan would be an encirclement and suppression of 24 STS, an interception of NATO follow-up support forces, or, going one step further, a full-scale attack on the Free Army.

But what he didn't expect was that what the other party planned to do was actually such a "neutral organization" that seemed to have no impact on the battle situation!

In a sense, this plan itself already reveals the color of "terrorism".

But after listening, Suhail not only did not feel angry, but was surprised and showed a bit of admiration.

He looked into Chen Chen's eyes carefully. After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly asked:

"So, you also think there is something wrong with this so-called humanitarian relief organization?"

After hearing Suhail's words, Chen Chen slowly shook his head and then replied:

"It's not that we think there's a problem, they themselves are in the same group as the militants in the previous gas bomb attack!"

"According to the intelligence we have, the movement trajectories of these people are highly consistent with those of previous militants."

"They are most likely under the unified command of MI6, and were largely involved in early terrorist attacks."

"That alone is enough to sentence them to death."

"I think you won't refuse my proposal, right?"

After the words fell, Suhail nodded silently.

Obviously, Chen Chen's words matched the clues he had.

His expression was angry with a hint of pain, as if just recalling the attack that had just occurred had made it difficult to suppress his emotions.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Hundreds of lives were lost, at least half of which were innocent civilians."

"They died in pain and their souls were tortured."

"I think this deserves revenge."

"Even if it's just revenge."

After hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"So that means we have reached an agreement and cooperation can begin?"

"Yes, we can work together."

Suhail extended his hand to Chen Chen again, but at the same time, he asked again:

"So, where's the evidence?"

"After killing them, we need at least some evidence to prove that we are not killing innocent people indiscriminately, right?"

"we do not need."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"As long as we ensure that all the first batch of White Helmets die here, then the hundreds of poisoned corpses in the city will be evidence!"

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