Mengka's Chengyi Street was even emptier than Chen Chen expected - in fact, it should be so.

This is not the central commercial street of Mengka. Although the information says it is "crowded", that is only for the central Ulan Avenue.

In fact, although the road here is not wide, it is about four meters long, and there are not many vendors on both sides. It can even be said to be smooth to drive along.

At 12 o'clock, the warrior stopped at the entrance of Puyi Trading Company on time.

"get off!"

With an order, everyone got out of the car within 3 seconds, and then occupied their predetermined fighting positions within 5 seconds.

After special training on getting on and off the vehicle, the movements of the three of them were much faster.

Chen Chen rushed to the door of the trading company and stood by the door on the left.

At this time, Li Gang had already fired into the air, then pointed the gun at the door and began to shout the lines he had prepared long ago.

"People inside, listen, we are here to find Puyi Trading Company!"

"We are going to blow up this store and destroy all the goods. Anyone who is not involved will leave immediately!"

"People inside, take off your shirts and come out with your hands up, you only have 10 seconds!"

Then, there was another gunshot.

The crowd dispersed in a hurry. At this moment, even the dullest person could see that this group of people had bad intentions.

Dare to shoot in Mengka City? Either they have the permission of the management committee, or they are real desperadoes, but they didn't mention the management committee at all, so they are acting recklessly.

This situation is more dangerous than if authorized by the management committee, because they may actually shoot at civilians regardless of the situation.

Then why not run? What are you waiting for?

Several shirtless men with hands raised rushed out of Puyi Commercial Bank. The Li Gang let them go, and then immediately shot down one of the men who tried to close the door.

There were gunshots, screams, footsteps, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the sound of broken glass. In the midst of this chaos, a man's voice came from the business.

"Sir, is there really no need to discuss it?"

"Wan Heno is gone, but we can cooperate!"

"Do you admit it's you who are targeting us?"

Chen Chen stretched out his hand and made a "waiting" gesture to signal the start of the planned negotiation. At the same time, he had taken out the wall-penetrating detector from the side of his backpack and started scanning the interior.

".I admit it, but this is a misunderstanding. There is no need for us to fight to the end!"

"The interests on Tachileik's side are great. We have mature trade routes. We can."

There's no need to listen any more.

The first point is that the other party admitted the fact that it had intended to attack before and determined its hostile status. If Chen Chen wanted to survive, he could not risk giving the enemy a way out, because this was northern Myanmar and Monkha.

The second point, and the stupidest point - how can you tell your secret in public? How could he brazenly say that he had to touch a cake that only a big shot could touch? ?

If you shout like this, should I listen or not?

Are you afraid that I don’t have enough enemies, that I won’t be targeted by other larger forces? ?

Chen Chen clenched his fist fiercely, and the shock bomb Li Gang had prepared in his hand was instantly thrown.

Then, there was an offensive grenade thrown at the second-floor window.

Less than two seconds apart, the two projectiles entered the room accurately, and within these two seconds, Chen Chen had memorized the information on the detector screen.

He casually threw the detector to the ground. After the loud bang of the shock bomb, he raised his gun to signal Bao Qi to cease fire, then quickly rushed into the room on the first floor with the gun drawn.

There are two enemies in the simple corner and one enemy in the dangerous corner. Their life activity data has already been captured by the detector.

But now, under the impact of an M84 shock bomb, these people have been instantly disabled by the huge sound and light effect, and the cochlea has been hit by a noise of 170 decibels. Even specially trained special operations personnel will fall into it. Persistent dizziness and loss of movement.

As for the ordinary mercenaries from the trading houses inside?

They had fallen to the ground.

Two guns in the chest and one in the head. The king of hell shook his head when he saw it.

Chen Chen quickly replenished his gun. The role of the red dot sight in the narrow CQB environment was now fully revealed. He no longer needed to raise the gun to his eyes. As long as he could see the red dot through the lens, even if he squinted, he could hit it accurately. Target!

It only took less than 5 seconds for all three of them to have their minds opened. Then, he immediately switched to holding the gun in his left hand, took off another shock bomb from the hanging point on his chest, and headed towards the stairs on the right side of the room on the first floor. Throw it over.

The shock bomb landed on the stairs. Chen Chen turned his head to avoid the strong flash, while the Russian-made noise-canceling headphones blocked part of the noise.

He only felt strong tinnitus and did not fall into dizziness.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to the stairwell. Although he had lost the muscle memory of his previous life, he still successfully completed the investigation of the stairwell using a very small outward expansion arc around the corner.

As he expected, there lay an enemy knocked down by a shock bomb.

After another shot, he was killed, and the second shock ejected from his hand.

The enemies on the second floor have been disrupted by Li Bang's offensive grenade. It has only been 15 seconds since Chen Chen broke into the room. Even the surviving enemies have not yet recovered from the shock wave. .

What greeted them was an even more powerful impact.


The sound that exceeded the limit of human hearing had no specific "shape". Chen Chen only felt that his ears were inexplicably quiet for a moment, and then there was continuous tinnitus.

He rushed around the corner of the stairs in two steps, took advantage of the diagonal height difference, looked out, and knocked down two enemies who were already lying on the ground in the room on the second floor.

At this time, Shi Dakai, who had already arrived on the fifth floor of the house opposite, also began to report the situation.

"There was a person under the window on the second floor who was hit by me and fell to the ground. His condition is unknown. I saw at least three enemies on the second floor!"

"No. 4, the stairs are on your left, there are people on the third floor!"

At least three, two have been eliminated, and the risk factor has been greatly reduced.

But the problem is that Chen Chen fell into the most difficult decision situation in CQB.

To the right is a room on the second floor, which contains at least one enemy who may still be able to move.

To the left is the stairwell leading to the third floor, where there must be an ambush.

Without sufficient tactical equipment, no matter which side you choose to break through, you will fall into a dangerous situation of being attacked from both front and back.


But fortunately, Chen Chen just bought a large number of throwing objects.

Without hesitation, he threw a smoke bomb near the door of the room on the right, and then threw the third of the four shock bombs he carried into the stairwell leading to the third floor.

He chose the angle of the projectile very carefully to avoid direct fire that might be lurking in the stairwell.

In fact, his choice was extremely correct. The moment the shock bomb was thrown, the first gunshot from the enemy finally sounded.

"Da da da da da"

At least two guns were firing at the stairs—unfortunately, they only went off for less than two seconds.


Shock bombs interrupted their movements, and those who reacted quickly fell back and blocked their ears, but what was the use?

Chen Chen won a larger control angle, but he did not choose to confront the gun. Instead, he pulled off an RGO defensive grenade and threw it directly.


This thing is a Russian product. It is known as a small battlefield cannon. It has a collision and explosion function. It is especially suitable for use in mountainous terrain, because it will explode before it has time to roll, and the enemy cannot pick it up and throw it back.

This was originally prepared for his field defense, but now, it plays a unique offensive role.

Just one second after taking action, the grenade hit the floor on the third floor, and then more than 600 fragments swept across the entire room.

Chen Chen did not wait, rushed up the stairs in a few steps, and shot the two corpses lying on the ground one by one.

Only the last floor is left, the roof.

The voices of other team members came over the radio again.

"Report No. 3! There are two people on the roof! I have suppressed them!"

"Report No. 2, two people jumped through the back windows of the second and third floors respectively. The one on the third floor was knocked out, and the other one fell behind the fence in the backyard!"

3+1+2+2+2+2, 12 people confirmed.

Two more to go.

There was no need to go to the roof again, Chen Chen said:

"No. 3 suppresses the roof, and I want to clean up the inside of the building!"

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