A few days had passed since Li Xuan received the notice from Hogwarts, and Li Xuan was still in the house at No. 8 Privet Road.

In addition to dealing with some things sent by subordinates that are difficult to decide, Li Xuan watched the most about the various farces at No. 4 Privet Road next to him.

The first is to take it to the zoo, Harry’s magical burst and parseltongue awakening, allowing Dudley to taste what it is to be watched.

Then all kinds of owls came to report every day, constantly sending them letters, annoying, it seems that the day when the other party is about to move is not far away.

As for why Li Xuan didn’t go out and stay at home, naturally to wait for a reply, yesterday he had already received a reply from Hogwarts, telling him that a professor would come to his house at three o’clock this afternoon to take him to Diagon Alley to buy the items needed to start school.

So Li Xuancai waited quietly at home, in fact, it was not boring, there were so many owls in the Dursleys next door, Li Xuan prepared a lot of food and water for them in his yard.


Li Xuan heard the doorbell ringing, looked up at the time, and it seemed that the professor who came was very punctual.

“Wait a minute!”

Li Xuan got up and went to open the door, wondering which professor came to take him to Diagon Alley this time?

Professor McGonagall of Gryffindor? Professor Snape of Slytherin? Or Professor Sprout from Hufflepuff?

Thinking like this, Li Xuan opened the door, don’t say anything so powerful, there is not a maid in the family.

With the existence of magic, Li Xuan does not need the help of others at all, not to mention that Li Xuan has too many secrets here and is not suitable for people to see.

In addition, before crossing over, Li Xuan lived alone, and he was used to life, so he didn’t need others to disrupt his rhythm of life.

There is magic to help with cleaning, as for eating, Li Xuan feels that it is better to do it himself, and the chef’s cooking in England does not meet his appetite.

As for the problem that the ingredients are not easy to buy, is it difficult to solve this problem with Li Xuan’s current net worth?

“Mr. Hyun Lai? Or according to your custom, you should be called Mr. Li Xuan. ”

Opening the door, Li Xuan heard the other party call out his name, unlike ordinary Englishmen, the other party did not feel the slightest awkward when he read his name.

Li Xuan looked over, this time it was the head of Ravenclaw who came to pick him up to Diagon Alley, Professor Flitwick!

Just now, Li Xuannian nagged the deans of the three academies, but what he didn’t say came here.

“Yes, thank you very much, may I ask you?”

Although his heart is like a mirror, Li Xuan still has to go to the procedure.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Li Xuan, I am Professor of Charms at Hogwarts, Head of Ravenclaw House, Filius Flitwick.

I am the guide sent to you by Hogwarts School to take you to buy some of the items and books you need to start school. ”

Professor Flitwick, Li Xuan also understood why the other party was able to pronounce his name correctly, because a Donghuang man in his academy had just enrolled last year.

Zhang Qiu!

This Donghuang girl who will fascinate our savior Mr. Harry Potter in the future, for him, Zhang Qiu should be the white moonlight in his heart, although he finally married Ginny Weasley.

However, after Li Xuan saw Harry Potter, he knew that this was a version of the movie, not a version of the novel, so he could only say hello to this fellow countryman, goodbye fellow countryman!

After all, the aesthetics of the East and the West are different, and Li Xuan saw it in his previous life.

“Professor Flitwick, welcome to you, please come in!”

There were many thoughts in his mind, but Li Xuan still had the courtesy that he should have on the surface, and quickly turned the open door to Professor Flitwick and said.

Professor Flitwick nodded with a smile, and considering Flitwick’s height, Li Xuan led him to a low soft sofa.

As a martial arts master, Professor Flitwick’s observation of things is naturally not bad, and from contact to now, he is still very satisfied with Li Xuan.

According to his letter, Li Xuan was alone, but whether he was treating people or seeing himself for the first time, he did not have any discrimination or other emotions against himself because of his goblin bloodline, that is, his short stature.

Professor Flitwick, who is sensitive by nature, did not feel any bad emotions here in Li Xuan.

And considering his size, he also chose such a sofa, which undoubtedly does not indicate that this is a gentle and considerate child.

Living alone can still maintain such a character, seeing the slightest knowledge, Flitwick’s favorability for Li Xuan instantly increased a lot.

Li Xuan brought out two cups of black tea and some cookies and placed them on the table.

The two sat on the couch and talked for a while, and Professor Flitwick was full of praise for Li Xuan’s black tea and cookies.

Tell him to wait until he enters Hogwarts and treat him to bee candy or toffee from Honey Duke’s candy.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, it was mainly Professor Flitwick who told Li Xuan some basic common knowledge about the wizarding world.

Of course, it was also Li Xuan’s studious appearance that made this Ravenclaw dean very satisfied with him, plus Professor Flitwick’s gentle personality, naturally he would not mind telling him something.

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