There was a lot of uproar in the outside world because of what Zhang Lin said about Chen Pi Asi stealing the Mirror Palace and Mr. Zhao publishing old newspapers!

But there was nothing unusual about Zhang Lin, who was still telling stories.

For him, no matter how big things happen outside, they have little to do with him.

Looking at the growing number of storytelling points in the system, Zhang Lin estimated that after finishing talking about Chen Pi Ah Si, he would be able to conduct the second King Draw!

Zhang Lin is full of expectations for what rewards he can draw this time.

He now has only one Qilin bloodline, he is the leader of moving mountains, he is proficient in the body movement of Partridge Whistle, and he has the Jingling Armor of Nine Deaths.

Although it is no problem to deal with ordinary people.

But with the emergence of the Snake-browed Bronze Fish, the conspiracy of immortality is about to be completely revealed.

The Feng family will also be involved in this ancient tomb exploration chaos.

All the famous tombs related to immortality will be revealed one by one.

If Zhang Lin doesn't accumulate more skills, he may not even be able to deal with the Xiangxi Corpse King who has"yin elixir" in his body.

Ignore the outside speculation about the Snake-browed Bronze Fish.

Zhang Lin continued to tell the story of Chen Pi Asi stealing the treasure Jinger Palace.

But at this time, everyone listened to the follow-up and already had a different feeling

"Now everyone knows that there is a heavy letter of eight treasures in the base of the tower, but Chen Pi Asi doesn't know it yet."

"He intuitively felt that there must be something good there, but now he faced a problem"

"Chen Pi Asi was hung upside down into the underground palace of the pagoda. The rope he brought was not long enough."

"Even if you put it to the maximum, there are still about ten meters from the bottom. You can't see clearly what's going on at this height. If you jump down rashly, you will be particularly vulnerable to injury."

"In desperation, Chen Pi Ah Si is ready to use his own stunt!"

"In addition to the iron marbles, Chen Pi Ah Si also has a unique skill called the nine-claw hook."

"I have told you before that Chen Pi Ah Si grew up along the coast of the Yangtze River."

"He has been catching crabs on the tidal flats since he was a child, using a nine-claw hook."

"This kind of claw has nine hooks, arranged in a circle and very densely arranged."

"When catching crabs, tie a rope to the tail of the hook, and then when you see the crab appear on the beach, throw it out."

"One hook and it's a crab, and then one pull and the crab flies back and falls into the basket!"

"Chen Pi Asi has practiced this skill to the extreme. He can hook a raw egg from 20 meters away with just a flick of his hand, and it will not break when it hits the ground. It is simply a miraculous skill."

"But you also know that later on, Chen Pi Ah Si certainly didn’t need this unique skill to catch crabs and hook eggs."

"This unique skill is used exclusively by him to kill people! Throw the hook out and hit wherever you point, and you can take off someone's scalp in an instant!"

Everyone couldn't help but get goosebumps when they heard this.

Any acrobatic skills, when used to kill people, will show an almost perverted beauty!

Some people call it the art of killing!

But killing is killing, no matter how artistic it is, it is bloody.

When used on others, this move is art and pleasing to the eye, but when used on oneself, it will be cruel!

No one is willing to face a master like Chen Pi Asi.

Otherwise, I don’t know. A hook flies out of nowhere and your ears are gone!

"Chen Pi Ah Si first swung to the side with a rope, then climbed down layer by layer along the Arhat statue."

"When the distance was close, he took out the nine-claw hook, and in an arc with an extremely small angle, the claws were thrown out and hooked on the treasure tent!"

"Chen Pi Asi raised the treasure tent and put it on the head of the Arhat on the side. The strength of his hand changed, and the hook came out and returned to his hand."

"The next step was to remove the jade or tooth tower, but Chen Pi Ah Si threw out a nine-claw hook, hooked the pocket tower brake, and pulled it a few times, but it didn't move at all!"

"This thing looks light, but actually weighs several hundred kilograms!"

"At this time, Chen Pi Ah Si was already a little impatient. He saw a wasp bag at the bottom of the tower."

"This kind of wasp is a wasp in a package, and its poisonous sting is very cruel. If it is stung, it can hurt people to death!"

"In desperation, Chen Pi Asi lay on the tower, controlling the strength"

"When he saw a corner of the treasure letter under the tower exposed, he swung the nine-claw hook and hooked the thing up from the bottom of the tower. Then he retracted the hook and threw it out, hooking the Arhat statue on the side, pulling himself up like a rope. Hold on!"

"This action is done in one go, which can give Chen Pi Ah Si a round of applause."

"But unfortunately, he didn't expect that the Arhat statue couldn't hold the tower body and his weight at all."

"With a pull, the Arhat statue became unstable and fell off the wall!"

"Then he and Arhat fell heavily into the wasp bag."

"Just when Chen Pi Ah Si thought he was going to be stung by a wasp, he discovered that the wasp bag had shriveled up and there was no wasp inside."

"There is a crack on the bee bag, and you can see a black lump inside."

"It looks like it was wrapped in it when the nest was being built. I don’t know if it’s the body of a dead person or some kind of animal."

"Chen Pi Ah Si tensed up and boldly tore open the bee bag, only to find that inside was an Arhat statue with the same style as here!"

"At this moment, the hairs all over Chen Pi's body stood up."

"Because he just came down from the top and didn’t see any missing Arhat statues in any circle!"

"So, if the Arhat statue in this bee bag is real, does that mean there is a fake thing mixed in that pile of Arhat statues?"


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