I, the Creator, cultivated a civilization of monsters

Chapter 466 Lin Han is calm and unhurried

Hear the words.

Yanran's face changed in shock.

He quickly understood what Lin Han meant.

Bad news and good news are always relative terms.

For Yanran and other city lords, the current situation is indeed very serious bad news.


For Lin Han, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Lin Han has his own interests.

His purpose is to summon the city lords from all over the world and bring out the God of All Gods.

Not saving the world!

At the moment, city masters all over the world have great needs, that is, they all urgently hope that someone can stop the tragedy that is happening in the world of creation.

Then the problem is simple. Hiring mercenaries requires payment, and hiring a creator who can resolve the current situation naturally requires payment.

As long as Lin Han can resolve it, then he can put forward conditions to the city lords around the world!

This is undoubtedly good news for him!


Yanran opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

It doesn't make sense to say that Lin Han took advantage of others' danger.

We are all egoists. Taking advantage of others' danger is not called taking advantage of others' danger. It is called making reasonable use of the situation to make profits.

Even if it is, what can he do to Lin Han?

"It seems like there's nothing else going on, then..." Lin Han hinted.

Seeing this, Yan Ran took a few steps back consciously.

"I have something else to do, so I won't bother you."

After saying that, he got in the car and left.

When Lin Han saw them leaving, he closed the door.

Back to Yaya's room.

Yaya asked: "Who is it?"

"Yan Ran is here."

"Is there any news about Yaya?" A glimmer of hope appeared in Yaya's eyes.

Lin Han struggled for a while before replying: "No, something happened in the world of creation."

After hearing the news that there was no Yaya, Yaya's expression darkened again.


"But it should be available soon. I can immediately mobilize the city lords around the world."

Yaya slowly raised her head and looked at Lin Han.

"Are you going to enter the world of creation?"

"Well, it won't be long. I'll come out to accompany you later."

"No, I want to be with you."

Lin Han looked at Yaya who was in a depressed mood, and felt like a knife was twisting in his heart.

They had already lost Yaya, he didn't want to lose Yaya again, and Yaya didn't want to lose Lin Han again.


Lin Han walked over, sat next to Yaya, and kissed her forehead gently.

Later, the two entered the world of creation together.



There was a flash of white light.

Lin Han came to the monster planet.

The Emperor Penguin communication was opened immediately.

No matter what big things are happening in the universe now, he wants to take Yaya over first.

"Yaya, you can use the comet train ticket first to teleport all the magic weapon mechas to my planet."

The activity comet train ticket can carry a larger number of creations.

But not all can be transferred.

But the rest can be transferred using ordinary Comet train tickets.

The combination of the two can complete the great migration of creation.

Yaya followed Lin Han's instructions.

Finally, she moved herself over.

Looking at the scenery of the monster planet, originally...a family of three should be here.

This was originally agreed upon.

Lin Han saw Yaya and all her creations arriving on the monster planet.

So I used a Comet train ticket.

He also wanted to bring Yaya’s planet over.

However, the abyss cannot be allowed to swallow stars.

Abyssal Galactus is extremely destructive to planets.

Ordinary planets can be captured with it, but Yaya is one of her own, and her planet should maintain a higher degree of integrity.

Therefore, Lin Han dispatched the mechanical lion god.

Although the size of the Mechanical Lion God is far less than that of Abyss Galactus, as the 'Sun God and Mechanical Lion God', he is fully capable of transporting a planet!

As the comet train arrives.

The mechanical lion god once again appeared on the surface of the planet Yaya.

"The mechanical lion god, use the chain to capture this planet, and bring it back after the capture is completed."


The 80,000-meter-tall mechanical lion god stretched out ten chains from its back. It controlled these ten chains, calculated a reasonable position, and penetrated into the interior of the planet.

Then, it reported its successful capture to its creator, Lin Han.

At this time, Lin Han used the comet train return ticket to send the mechanical lion god and the prey it captured back to Lin Han's star system.

This way.

Yaya, Yaya's planet, and Yaya's creations are all within Lin Han's star system, and they are all within Lin Han's protection.

Next, there is the issue of planet placement.

As we all know, the distance of a planet from the star in its solar system determines the ecology of the planet to a large extent.

If the distance is too close, the temperature is too high, the atmosphere may be damaged, and it may be subject to too much stellar radiation.

Too far away and the temperature may be too low.

Therefore, astrophysicists proposed the concept of habitable zone.

The habitable zone needs to be judged based on star data in the star system.

Therefore, the habitable zone of each star system is different.

In Lin Han's star system, the habitable zone is not spacious.

The monster planet happens to be in a more suitable location, which makes the monster planet covered with green plants and abundant oceans.

The second planet, Wang Xuexin's planet, has living creatures, but the environment there is already visibly barren.

The third planet, although now a fertile planet, was previously an 'ice ball' covered with ice fields.

These three clearly show the common problems of the habitable zone.

As for the planet captured last time, Lin Han threw it directly into the second space segment of his own star system, which is far outside the orbit of the third planet!

In common sense, that position would cause the surface temperature of the planet to drop sharply and fall into the ice age.

But that planet is different from common sense and was made into a monster.

The body temperature of the monster on that planet just provides for the daily life of the group of monks.

Fortunately, it is the world of monks, and ordinary creatures may find it difficult to adapt.

The problem now is how to place Yaya's planet!

The environment of Yaya's planet is similar to that of Lin Han's monster planet.

Because both of them chose the blue planet when they started.

If you want to protect the environment on Yaya's planet, you must place it in a relatively suitable cosmic position.

If Yaya planet is placed in the inner ring of the monster planet orbit, it is very likely to cause Yaya planet to fall into an irreversible greenhouse state.

If it is placed in the outer ring, it may fall into an ice age.

This is not good for fragile plants.


Lin Han had a flash of inspiration and thought of a star system under his command.

In that star system, there is a celestial phenomenon that can be called a miracle.

That is, the sister planet!

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