I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 75 The precipice of the playoffs (6)

The situation continues to be deadlocked.


Mantis covered Syndra and pulled out the previous tower, and then WE began to press together again.

It was during this process that the Demon Sect finally evolved into the Demon Cut.

22 minutes of stacking up, which is not too slow. After all, it took him 8 minutes to pull out the Tears of the Goddess.

With the attack power bonus brought by this piece of equipment, coupled with Youmeng, Qin Hao knew that his Jace had a deterrent effect.

"Mantis steals a W from the flank, and Jace hits the Braum shield with a cannon."

"The clearing methods on both sides...are very safe."

Only this sentence can represent Guan Zeyuan's mood.

During the confrontation, I only saw skills flying around, and no one followed the soldiers to the front. LGD has Jess, Barrel, and Hanbing using their skills to clear the line, WE has Syndra to control Q to intimidate, and ez is on the top line, and neither side dares to cross the tower.

"I can only let him out and fight. Please keep an eye on me."

The situation was deadlocked, and Condi wanted to rely on operations to break through.

Since the frontal approach is not enough, let’s decide in the jungle!

Due to the advantage in the middle line, Condi began to ignore the man, letting Braum hang behind him, and took the initiative to find people in the jungle.

"Is this toad going to rebel? The wine barrel isn't afraid of you, mantis."

Blue zone encounters.

Eimy had a chicken with meat, eggs, and green onions, but was pulled away by Mantis E, and then took a W to slow down.

Mantis came up to deal damage. Eimy used W to reduce the damage while listening to the wishes of the flat team and holding back.

Try it and see if you can get an advantage.

"The top laners on both sides were rushing towards the river, and they met and started fighting on the way."

In LGD's jungle area, Big Tree has the upper hand.

But when Poppy came down from the triangular grass, when he saw the big tree, he just bumped into each other, and then they got into a fight with each other.

I saw that the road on the other side was being held up.

The mantis continued to swim, but only hit the wine barrel, and the damage was not intuitive enough. When Eimy saw that Titan was about to arrive, she raised her hand and it was R. However, Condi became invisible and pulled her body to avoid it.

"The mantis is too flexible. Xiye arrived at the river, but Penicillin was also there."

From God's perspective.

With the Blue Zone Pass as the center, a magnetic field is formed, attracting units on both sides to approach and surround it.

"Like showing off? You're showing off."

The Ping team couldn't stand it.

The lock distance is enough, just give it.

The next second, Mantis was invisible and accelerated again, and E jumped back into the river before being knocked away. This is enough, the wine barrel can follow E, and the big tree is nearby.

It's just that the big tree just hugged him and cooperated with the wine barrel to control the chain. Syndra QE pushed 2, and Poppy stored R to hammer away the big tree.

Guan Zeyuan: "LGD gave Mantis too much control, but now the position of the wine barrel is not good."

ez Ice Fist slows down, and cooperates with Syndra's ultimate move and Braum's Q to take away the barrel.

right here.

Qin Hao saw that Bronn's body did not cover his double c's, stood in the passage, and hit Syndra in the middle of the river with one shot.

This time, one third of Syndra's blood was taken away.

The corners of Xiye's eyes trembled.

As he continued to fight, Jace was hurt.

At this time, teammates were still communicating and looking at Titan, and ez had already jumped up to trigger the deceleration.

Condi felt that his mission was accomplished and retreated into the dragon pit with more than 200 health points.

In this way, Braun changed direction to guard against Jayce, and ez drove the Titan to the blue buff camp alone, and then followed Zhongshang to focus on the big tree.

"The big tree is very fleshy. On the flanks, Braum's Q is empty!"

"Look, you can fight!"

Qin Hao greeted.

Not missing the opportunity provided by Bronn, he hit Q with a jumping face, forced out of the security door, quickly adjusted his steps, and knocked open E sideways, allowing Han Bing to touch the back.

Toot toot.

Han Bing opened his bow and shot wildly.

Zero still wanted to resist, but after the security door disappeared, he made a too obvious move. Han Bing adjusted his pace, pulled back up and continued walking A, dodging the glacier fissure very accurately.

Guan Zeyuan: "Something's wrong, WE seems to be in trouble. The big tree is too powerful at this time, and Syndra can't leave even if she wants to."

Bronn sold himself and delayed for 6 seconds.


Jace fired another shot, forcing Syndra to flash out.

At this time, the team battle situation became clear.

The Titans pressed back and cooperated with Dashu to retain people. Qin Hao and IMP eliminated Braum, and the output environment was excellent.


IMP shoots a big move.

Mystic reacted quickly, turning E to avoid Titan's Q and at the same time getting out of the angle of the crystal arrow.

It pulls off, and Syndra is not so lucky.

Guan Zeyuan was a little happy when he saw this scene.

This small movement of ez revealed Syndra who had just finished dodging from behind.

"Xiye...there is no way to leave like this. Poppy is entangled in the big tree, and Mystic can only sell it."

WE actively invaded and played three for one, and the total head ratio came to 5:7.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "This wave of WE kills the wine barrels and leaves. It's hard to keep big trees."

Remember: "I can only say that Condi is really flexible, but it just attracts his teammates to a more dangerous position. You see, Jace and Han Bing can directly threaten the back row when they come from the middle, and Bron is forced to go up and be beaten. It was handled very quickly.”

Qin Hao helped Dashu clear the bottom line, then went home and took out the pickaxe.

The scene on both sides became calm again.

Qin Hao discussed with his teammates to continue to develop, and he could help clear the line if the opponent teamed up.

The more WE fans look at it, the more things seem wrong.

They watched Jace get hurt step by step.

WE, think of a way!

The five players on the field seemed to hear the shouts.

Condi had just introduced a wave of rhythm, and now he was numb, "Baron, it seems that only baron can force the team."

Therefore, WE spent a minute and a half dealing with the line of soldiers and the upper side vision.

At 26 minutes and 32 seconds, Qin Hao bought Qingyu and left the high ground.

Mantis, Braum, and Syndra entered the Dalong Pit from the blue zone and made the first move. Poppy cleared the line and moved the bright card to the center. ez turned to the river to give the opponent a false impression.

Five seconds passed.

The double c's on the opposite side had not yet appeared, so Qin Hao and PYL felt something was wrong.

"Brother IMP, Tantan Dalong."

Ice cross E.

Realized something was wrong.

PYL hurriedly gave instructions, "Come quickly."

"Don't worry, they are giving you a chance when they fight the dragon."

After hearing Qin Hao's words, IMP simply picked up the center line again, don't waste it.

In the dragon pit.

The traces were found, and the WE people were very anxious.

"hurry up."

"Can you focus the fire and rush it out?"

“Want a Rush?”

Everyone was asking. Condi hadn't made up his mind when he saw the dragon with five thousand health. Jace stood in the area above the dragon pit and hit the mantis with a shot based on his feeling. He feels that junglers like to stay on the inside.

If that's all, forget it.

Taitan inserted a real eye through the wall and saw the wine barrel coming from the side.

Condi gritted his teeth and said, "Forget it, I can't fight."

This shot is so painful!

Combined with the dragon, half of the blood was lost. With one more shot, it's easy for the opponent to take over the baron.

Seeing WE retreat upwards, Qin Hao still remembered the situation of the bottom lane troops.

"You stay, Dashu and I threaten the high ground."

Say it.

Qin Hao deliberately waited for the next E, and then fired a shot at the grass on the river, hitting Bronn.

"Penicillin handed TP to the bottom lane minion. There seems to be a problem with this wave of WE branching."

Guan Zeyuan felt that WE was in a hurry again.

There has always been a situation of pushing each other down the line, but Poppy was afraid of fighting the Baron group, so he went to the middle line in advance.

This caused Jess T to go down the road, which happened to merge with Poppy's 2-wave line, and rushed down to the second tower.

"LGD's decision-making is a bit cool. The ice on the front is still shining on E, so Syndra and ez return to the city from the ruins of the previous tower."

IMP pressed the crystal arrow. Eimy knew that this wave only needed to keep people alive. E entered the blue zone and rushed to the open space.

WE fans dare not watch anymore.

Another nightmare episode.

If you keep playing, there will be problems with the dividing line.

"The ultimate move of the wine barrel exploded to 2, but I was slowed down by the ez ice fist, and was sucked by the broken one, and the mantis flew over."

The jungler must be killed.

Eimy forced herself to focus her fire for 4 seconds, waited for Ice and Titan to approach, and then flashed back to her teammates.

At this time, the second tower of WE had been demolished.

Jess and the tree were about to climb up.

957 also fainted.

Knowing that his teammates would not be able to come back for the time being, he still wanted to hit them hard.

"The big tree flashed, and Poppy's ultimate move hit it all!"

"Jace's damage is very high, and Poppy is a bit overwhelmed!!"

Guan Zeyuan took back the slow-paced words he said earlier.

It turns out that being able to procrastinate is also a skill.

After strengthening the cannon and jumping to the sky, Jace gave Bobby a beating.


The audience gasped sharply.

Moqie, Youmeng, Qingyu, a set of combos knocked out half of Poppy's health. The key is to land a W immediately from the big tree, leaving Poppy with no place to run.

"You apologize to me, why don't you understand Qingdi's pretense?"

"It's so familiar. Why is WE beating Baron? Do you think ez can beat Baron very quickly?"


No wonder everyone is so confused.

WE suddenly lost the bottom lane high ground and crystals.

Qin Hao was calculating the time to demolish the tower. Hearing Team Ping say that the other side had returned, he felt that there was no point in sitting on the front teeth.

"Get out, get out, this wave is very profitable."

Connect three signals.

As soon as Jess and Dashu left the WE Highlands, Mantis quickly rushed out to save people, but all they could see was the exhaust gas.

This moment.

Guan Zeyuan really feels that WE is being played again.

"This... the economy has been stretched to 4K, and Jace inexplicably defeated Syndra by 54 dollars."

"Sindra's group is very positive, and it's normal to fall behind."

"But, Jace seems to be drinking the Devil's Knife when he comes home."


He wanted to kill the game so badly.

28 minutes and 11 seconds.

After the supplies came out, Qin Hao shouted to Dalong.

"When the super soldiers on the bottom lane go out, we will fight if someone is exposed on the other side."

"I'm doing a lot of damage, don't let anyone in."


Team Ping inserted real eyes into the river grass.

With the help of the super soldier's vision, he saw Bobby and started fighting immediately.

They know that WE will pay attention to Baron, but it doesn't matter. It is a conspiracy to force people to come over.

"LGD started to move the baron, and WE's vision was a bit poor. It was too comfortable for Jess to advance like this."

Braum was in the blue area of ​​the row, and a shot flew towards him, and Zero raised his shield.

"Drive Syndra! I've done enough damage!"

There are still four seconds left for the security door.

Before WE entered the river, Qin Hao accelerated and quickly adjusted his position and went to the grass area on the river.

5 seconds.

The WE formation has not yet been deployed, Syndra is at the intersection of the blue zone, and Bron has a clear view of the situation at the entrance of Longkeng.

Just then, Titan flashed a headlock and aimed at Syndra.

At this moment, Xiye judged that Bronn could take damage and did not choose to dodge.


With a shot from the flank, half of Syndra's blood evaporated. She saw Bronn take the hook and was tied up by a big tree.

Qin Hao judged that WE was going to pull back.

Flash from the grass through the wall into the triangular grass.

No one saw him make this move.

At that time, Xiye and Mystic's attention was focused on the river. Next to them, Poppy had just handed over the T to the pass grass, and wanted to cooperate with the mantis flanking the field to harass the back row.

5 seconds.

Mantis stealth W slows down by 2, Poppy is very fast, and rushes into the formation to help share the pressure.

However, the commentary did not focus on the river.

Even if Bronn, who was still alive, came to help him before he died, no one would care.

"Another shot, Penicillin intercepted the back row alone!!"

Xiye's expression was astonished.

He was not slow to react. When Jace's side card came out of view, he pushed E, but after giving up the position of the blue buff camp, the two of them could not join up with the teammates in front of them.

Condi pulled hard, and when it was over, he found that Jace was hitting his double c.

"The magic resistance shoes have done a good job. The control time of this push is very short. Jess moved and twisted ez's second Q. Syndra has less than 200 HP, do you still need to take it?"

Xiye got drunk.

Hearing the words that he couldn't fight head-on, he didn't want to retreat at all.

"Huh? Syndra flashed her ultimate move and set it on fire, but Jace also had a small demon-drinking knife."

The shield was triggered, Syndra took the initiative to get close, and Qin Hao handed over to the Leap of the Sky to accept it. Although he was taken away by ez later, he delayed it long enough for Mantis to be dragged away with residual health, and Poppy and Bron were killed. , teammates took the baron.

"A wave!"

Dashu teleported down the road and joined the super soldiers to push the front teeth. At the same time, Titan resisted the tower and led his people to join Dashu.

"WE took an early lead again in this game, but failed to grasp it."

"LGD's mid-term operations are better than WE's."

The two commentators were analyzing, and the only words left in the barrage were exclamation.

"LGD can beat WE like this, what about those who say WE will open at 73?"

"I knew how to catch Jace in the early stage, but why didn't I catch him later? This would help him develop?"

"Is it possible that Han Bing also needs to be targeted?"

"Condi was trying his best, but the double C on the other side was too strong."

"No one praises Titan for attacking Syndra in the last wave. This ultimate move was very effective."

"Damn it! LGD has a cliffhanger in the playoffs."

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