I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 43 The Tsar is anxious, there is no point in being anxious

"Rain!! Damn! Rain!!"

Do you really cheer for someone?

You can tell by looking at the momentum.

At least at this moment, fans in the live broadcast room felt the purity and passion of the older generation of e-sports people. Purely subjective, without any neutrality.

Two shouts directly drove away the fatigue.

It wasn't until Han Bing died in battle, Broum dodged, and Kenan turned around to give up the pursuit that Shan Niruo calmed down his previous passion.


I said it was a gift to him, and I really gave it to him.

An AD can either have a conservative position that makes people scold him, or he can dare to go anywhere and stand out as brave!

Brave and waxy, this is Rain!


Shan Niruo was unhappy when he saw a barrage saying, "Penicillin's Jess will only mess with the situation." Although it was Kenan who got the kill this time, it was all thanks to Jace that the fight could be like this. It was rude to scold Xiao Hao.

A quality anchor who refuses random accusations from fans!

"If you talk about Jess, you definitely don't understand the game."

"In this matchup, Jace is not good at beating the Czar. He can only grow when he is selected. The strongest one is poke in front of the team. As long as Xiaohao's skills are accurate, there will be no problem."

"I've already said that I can't hide my identity as an LGD fan."

When he said this, Piggy shook his big head, very intoxicated.

How did you lose this round?

Can't lose!


Most of the water friends followed and were happy, except for some water friends who charged in the opposite direction and were now in a very unhappy mood. The stiff-flowing Jace was promised, but why did his skills become so accurate?


It must be that Rain's reaction was too slow, which made Jace's skills appear accurate.

The case is solved, but it can’t be done without Rain.

"Don't brag about Jace. When the time comes that he plays every day, the anchor will know that he is wrong."

"That's right, don't encourage him. Xiaohao still plays cards, Ice Girl is stable, he wins by pushing the line and grabbing the edge."

"When he played Jayce, the top lane advantage was much less than in the previous game. He still relied on the bottom lane to change lanes and demolish the tower."

Friends of the water, that's a sincere thing to say.

There is an essential difference between a stable closing and a roller coaster-like closing.

Everyone is not in good health these days, so don’t raise your blood pressure while watching a game.

After the barrage was posted, friends saw Zhuzhu's expression becoming uncertain, as if he was thinking about major events in life...

"Why isn't the anchor laughing?"

"Young models don't even smile when you wave?"

"Something happened at home?"

After a while, Zhuzhu muttered with a dark face: "It makes sense, cards make me most at ease. Flashy ones are not suitable for him."

"Damn it, Zhuzhu can't really be a fan of LGD."

"The case is solved, whoever helps Zhuzhu earn rice is the father."


Friends in the live broadcast room were amused by this interaction.

I can't help but praise Shan Niruo's hilarious art.

It turns out that after tearing off the SKT team uniform, Zhuzhu really had two words of "optimism" hidden on his chest!

The screen went dark, and Rain felt nervous. On the way back, he saw Jace in Soldier A, focusing entirely on Kenan. He didn't expect Jace to play like this.

Sighed quietly.

I don’t know who else I offended.

Kid said gruffly: "We push forward once, grind the tower and then leave. This is difficult."

"The dragon is gone again."

Kid actually doesn't care about Xiaolong. Controlling the dragon is not something that the jungler must consider. Even if it is considered, the ancient dragon will be refreshed in 35 minutes. If you can beat it by that time, the game will be over and the team will be wiped out.

He is just uncomfortable. Who would take the trouble to comfort his teammates for their "small mistakes"? Will you always pretend this never happened?

Kid can't do it.

We’ve talked a lot about the positioning issue. Has it improved?

As a fellow player, he knows how to be "tactful" and hurt the most. After saying this, Kid felt much better. Others' discomfort is sometimes nourishment.

Rain's silence made Tabe unable to stand it, and said: "We have developed well in the middle. We take the lane first, wait for the opponent to group up, and then look for opportunities to counterattack. They have Jess and ez, and they will definitely group up and push us in the mid tower."

"When I quit, I was all looking at the mid laner...no one was helping me with my skills."

Rain reluctantly explained to himself.

He actually knew that his performance was not good, but he had obviously played well in the previous training matches, and he still felt that he could win by following Brother Rookie.

But gradually the situation got worse.

My passion for games is fading away. I used to stay up late playing, but now I am forced to practice.

But if you practice hard, the effect is average. There is no progress, only regression.

Communication and communication are also becoming more and more rigid.

"Pay more attention, I wanted to lean on the river too much just now."

Tabe laughed haha.

However, although the rhythm process can be guessed, there is still a long way to go before it is done well.

LGD is indeed united.

The Kenan line is no longer included. I see three of them from the front, directly crossing the wild area to put pressure, and merge with the excavators approaching the river to drain the holes.

With the short-term true vision effect provided by Punishment F4, IG's flanks soon became insecure.

The lower wild area is completely dark, and people standing in the front have to guard against 2 turrets.


A cannon flew out from the shadows, hitting the men, horses, and ice. IMP directly dealt with them face to face and cleared the wave of troops that were building up quickly, forcing everyone to disperse.

"It's hard to defend. The Czar clears the line very quickly, but it's hard for teammates. Can IG find a chance to attack?"

Very hard to find.

Tabe's original intention to grab Braum was to prevent poke, but more importantly, he wanted to grab the opponent's bottom lane combination. In the current situation, Braum is of little help in starting a team.

The men and horses can be activated, but what about the vision?

The field of vision is bright, why do you stand out?

In his anxiety, he fired another shot, and after taking damage, Bronn raised his shield. But the original angle had been changed a long time ago. This time the direction of the cannon came from the back of the passage, not the underside of the wall near the grass.

Regarding the effect of poke, PYL was very satisfied: "PP, I am not praising you, you can practice Jace in just 2 weeks."

This swear word represents how surprised PYL is.

Although he is not a C position, he also knows that the threshold for a hero like Jace is much higher than that of cards or Ice Lady. Maybe the latter is more of a coordination thing, but Jace is not.

This is a hero who can create a stage with a single click.

Everyone knows that its skills are powerful only if they are accurate, but how accurate are they? The crooked cannon, QE, and some combos in hammer form are easy to master with more practice. The key lies in how to perform them stably.

"Don't say that, Team Ping. Well, my cannon is fine."

"You are this."

It's hard to compare with Big Thumb in the game, but PYL believes that PP understands.

Seeing that he had good touch, PYL updated the command: "They are not in good condition on the next wave line. The three of us will pull up a tower. Eimy, you go to counter their red zone. It is useless for you to stay in the front."

"When going against, be careful to insert wards here." PYL marked the grass in the aisle in front of the red buff. If the jungler wants to farm stone beetles and transfer to mid, he will pass by here.

Two minutes passed like this.

IG can't afford to take advantage of it. Apart from shouting out in voice, the reality is that one or two skills always suppress the forward movement.

The economy quickly expanded to 3K.

LGD enters the familiar zone-sharing mode. Qin Hao pushes the troops coming from the river and puts pressure in the middle, forcing IG to follow up.

"Another shot, IG can't stand it anymore in the front row."

"Although Penicillin was suppressed by 20 knives in the lane, he made up for all his development during the transition period. Now Youmu adds a small wooden hammer, and Braum does not raise his shield and takes a strengthening cannon, directly losing 400 blood, and Rain's positioning is also affected. It’s also uncomfortable, as Hanbing’s clearing position is not considered to be at the back.”

Qin Hao maintained his rhythm of changing lanes, and his teammates received good news one after another.

First, MaRin hit Poppy from the side, and the remaining HP in his posture was not returned. Eimy jumped over the tower to take it away. Then, at 19 minutes and 32 seconds, IMP hit Q continuously and knocked out half of the HP of the Centaur. The female tank followed up with an anticipatory big move. Stay in position, ez and R, jump E and cooperate with the female tank EQ to complete the kill.

At 21 minutes, we saw the ice in front of us in the red zone. The excavator E forced to dodge and top, and the female tank controlled the big move. Now, Qin Hao followed up with a shot from a distance and took the kill.

"Brother, if you see someone now, you can try it. We are too far ahead!"

PYL is comfortable to play.

When playing female tanks, I like this kind of game where the big move can easily suppress the position. Even if it fails, it will be difficult for the opponent to counterattack.

Qin Hao thought for a while: "Ground off the side tower, let's make a big dragon. It just so happened that IMP brother Moqie also came out."


LGD's rhythm is so smooth, it is a kind of torture for IG fans.

In fact, there is nothing to summarize.

Development, the line passed and pulled in the group, and then the IG team members tried their best to dodge the skills. After hiding, the opponent went to develop again. Occasionally, they tried to grab the edge, but they couldn't beat it.

At 26 minutes, IG lost all its side towers, half of the middle tower's health, and LGD was ready to move the baron.

"The economy is 6K ahead, and it is difficult for IG to catch up with this wave."

"The Czar costs 280 knives and has two and a half pieces. We can only look at it this time. If we can push it to a key position, there is still a chance."

When his teammates opened the dragon, Qin Hao felt that someone from IG would definitely come down from the pass, so he did not choose the most common river grass, but squatted in the grass on the side of the middle road.

Because the first people to explore must be the front row. If you stand on the river, the angle is not easy to touch the back row, and it is easy to be flashed and stuck in the face by the opposite party.

It only disappeared for 5 seconds.

Blue ornaments light up the dragon pit.

Poppy is underdeveloped. If Kennen is given the Baron buff, the high ground in the lower lane will be defended.

It’s just that during the game, when the IG front row hurriedly peeked in, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t bear it.

Jess's positioning was too tricky. The key point was that IG didn't have time to push past the center line, and his vision was very poor.


It's Poppy, and there seems to be ice and horses behind him.

Seeing the formation on the opposite side, Qin Hao concentrated his attention.

right here.

Poppy had already entered the river, and the ice was just about to enter.

"With one shot, the troops at this angle were completely unstoppable, and one-third of Han Bing's health was stolen!"

"IG is so uncomfortable. ez also came out of the dragon's pit, and Braum was forced to raise his shield."

IG advanced from both sides, and Bron was spotted by ez at the intersection in the blue zone.

"The Tsar moved over the wall and followed the large army to squeeze through the pass."

Attitude to find Jace's location.

Before being stuck, Qin Hao accelerated his hammer and made a small circle, walked to his F4 channel, stood on a high position, and released IG into the river.

"The dragon has 5,000 health, LGD has stopped, the female tank is standing next to ez, Braum's position is very awkward, he is the only one standing in this direction."

"Another shot, the health of the troops and horses was reduced by one-sixth. ez's ultimate move scraped 2, Han Bing was hit by the precise barrage, and the health was less than half..."

PYL and Qin Hao both told them not to worry. Anyway, the excavator was equipped with meaty equipment, so it would not be difficult to fight against a big dragon.

"Brother IMP, when you enter the dragon pit, the flat team will block the gap and don't let it go. If the other side charges hard, we will counterattack around Kenan."

After saying that, Qin Hao squatted on his back and waited for the CD.

As LGD changed positions, IG was threatened by pokes from both sides, and Rain retreated to the pass, hoping to wait for a head-on fight.

But there is a female tank in the front, and the men and horses can charge into the dragon pit, but who will follow?

With unclear vision, Jeska's position made everyone at IG very uncomfortable.

The front row is close to the dragon pit, and the back row position will be exposed, and you have to be careful about Kenan.

Rookie was also shocked.

Seeing that Poppy had taken a shot and was heading up the wall, he suddenly controlled the sand soldier to drift up the wall.

Without any warning, accompanied by flashing sound effects, the wall of the Forbidden Army pushed towards them.

But the Czar's actions were too obvious, and Qin Hao had already been alert. What do you want to do if a person in the back row doesn't look at the female tank but is close to the wall?

In fact, Qin Hao was quite confused.

He felt that even if he was pushed, IG would still have to follow the skills. But if he dies, what benefits will IG get? After ez went in to help fight, the dragon only had 2,000 health left.

This information was taken for granted by Qin Hao, but Rookie was not clear about it.

At that moment, he wanted to drive Jace so he drove.

Not so much why.

Just before pushing back with his ultimate move, a sound effect suddenly rang in his ears, and Jace dodged into the dragon pit and opened his position. Just in time to hit Centaur Charge and Poppy charging up.

An oolong scene has come.

The three men and horses were afraid of each other. Poppy's ultimate move was originally aimed at the excavator, but fear caused the excavator to take a step back and hit the air with the hammer.

At the same time, with Kennen on the inside, E flashes and cooperates with the female tank to seal the hole.

"Whose dragon is it? Kennen enters the field, but Braum and Poppy are left behind!!"

When Kennen and the female tank were launching a combo, a crystal arrow hit the excavator. Rain had just the courage to enter the river. It was too late, but Qin Hao fired a shot in the direction of the grass in the river.

"Mist grass."

"What is Rain doing?"

"Ten seconds of movement, zero output in team battles."

The audience in the live broadcast room just happened to witness Jace swiping the troops and firing the enhanced cannon, and Han Bing steadily caught it. The delicate body had no time to snort and fell directly to the ground. This is the ADC?

At the same time, because the men and horses rushed too fast and the front opening was stuck, Rookie felt that he was impulsive.

By the time he outputs damage through the wall, Braum has fallen, and Poppy is not much better. He flashes with remaining health and runs away with W, and his troops are sold.

"My dragon!"

"Look at the Tsar, it's not flashing."

After being reminded, ez jumped on the wall to challenge the Tsar. It's not a duel. After slowing down, Qin Hao helped make up the Q, and the Tsar turned E to run to his own high ground.

IMP is very familiar with such pursuit battles.

When ez refreshed next time, Rookie looked at the darkened screen and suddenly smiled with relief.

He thought of a way to solve the crisis, but it seemed a bit stupid. But it doesn’t matter.

The audience also knows that if it weren’t for the Rookie Czar controlling the sand soldiers and insisting on poking, IG should have been broken all the way.

It's just that in front of everyone, IG's entry cooperation is indeed a mess.

Everyone can understand that it is difficult for them to start a group, but when it comes to starting a group, it is still very rare for five people to have four thoughts.

The Czar looked for Jace, but did not communicate with his teammates, otherwise the troops would not rush into the dragon pit at the same time, and they would have to stay at least 2 seconds to check the situation. Braum lost his shield and was not very willing to support ez's output; then Poppy wanted to fight It was a perfect combination, but the angle was too correct, and there was no way to predict the effectiveness of teammates' skills.

As for the ice...

Strictly speaking, ice cannot enter the river, but Qin Hao has been watching. When he was testing, he felt that the opponent's AD was not in the right state today and his reaction was slow, so he gave priority to the strengthening cannon to Han Bing.

Jace players should all know this.

Nice sounded in the earphones, and Qin Hao yelled.

He felt very happy, especially when the tough-tongued Ping Qi said: "You Jess really got my approval. You are better than me."

Qin Hao grinned.

If he hadn't seen the strength of Jace, who was on the same team, he might be happier.

With the sound of "eat", Qin Hao and Eimy repeated: "Eat!"

Four thousand one chapter, eat!

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