I kidnapped an alien civilization

Chapter 71 Professor Smith

American Airlines flight 376, first class, a stewardess in American Airlines uniform pushing a beverage cart, "Sir, coffee or Coke?"

Professor SMITH, who was looking down at the documents, frowned displeasedly, and Zhang Xuemei, who was seated next to her, twitched her lips when she saw this, "Keep your voice down, no wonder American Airlines' evaluation is so bad now. The professor only drinks mineral water, you have Evian Is it?"

Maybe the stewardess had seen too many passengers like this, and she still handed over a bottle of mineral water with a smile on her face, "Please use it slowly."

"Professor, let's take a break first, you've already watched the whole thing." Zhang Xuemei poured mineral water into the glass graciously.

Professor SMITH gently closed the document, took the water glass, and looked at the white clouds outside through the window, "Now there are countless rising stars in the mathematics field, Petersburg and Europe are slowly rising, and the status of our Princeton, a holy place for mathematics, is declining day by day The reason for this situation is actually due to those old antiques in the college. They still insist on their own nobility in the era when colleges and universities are making great efforts to snatch talents. You must know that mathematics is the most talented subject. A genius is better than ten thousand mediocrities."

"That's right, thanks to your continuous digging of talents from India and China these years." Zhang Xuemei echoed with a low eyebrow.

Professor SMITH smiled conceitedly, "With my academic status, choosing to be my student is equivalent to choosing a bright path. Didn't you think the same way back then?"

Hearing the professor mentioning herself, Zhang Xuemei quickly said apologetically, "I chose to be your student because I admired the professor's knowledge."

"Haha, although you are not talented, you are quite good at speaking. In your Hua country's words, it is called eloquent teeth, right?" Professor Smith said with a big laugh.

Zhang Xuemei's face turned red immediately, and she had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Yanjing Airport, at the gate of the pick-up hall.

Several young students held a sign saying "Welcome Professor SMITH to visit Yanda", shivering in the cold wind. Standing at the front was Professor Wu's student, Zhou Ming.

"Professor Smith's flight is coming soon, it's so cold here." A girl holding a bouquet rubbed her hands and said.

Zhou Ming also stomped his feet and said, "It should be soon, everyone cheer up, we represent Yanda's face."

Hearing this, the boys beside him held up the banner again.

"Professor Smith is here, Xiaoxuan, you are going to offer flowers." The leading boy saw a burly white man walking out of the passage, just like the one in the photo.

The girl named Xiaoxuan rushed forward, "Professor SMITH, warmly welcome you to Huaguo."

SMITH squinted coldly and didn't reach out to pick up the flowers, so Xiao Xuan could only stand beside her holding the flowers in embarrassment.

Zhou Xuemei who was behind him hastily stepped forward to take the flowers, "Professor SMITH is tired from the journey, please forgive me."

"Hasn't the car come yet, Can't you handle all these little things, waste material", seeing that the car has not come yet, Professor SMITH said furiously.

Zhang Xuemei smiled and said, "The professor asked if the car to Yanda is ready. He is a little tired. Please do more welcome ceremonies for the students."

At this time, a boy standing at the back couldn't bear it any longer, rushed forward, and angrily said: "You think we Yanda students can't understand English, this old man is clearly scolding us."

"Xiaofeng, don't be impulsive. Don't forget what we are here for today." Zhou Ming reached out his hand to stop the impulsive boy. It is not allowed to drive the car to the pick-up gate here."

Hearing this, Zhang Xuemei opened her mouth in embarrassment, but said nothing.

"This way please, dear sir and miss." Zhou Ming led the way.

Seeing Zhang Xuemei's embarrassed expression, Professor SMITH seemed to understand something, and followed behind with a livid face.

Yanda Library

"Dididididi" WeChat message notification tone.

Zhou Dayong: "The equipment is installed!"

Equipment installed?

Li Mo raised his head and looked at Ying Sasha who was concentrating on reading next to him. Since the last encounter in the library, every time he came to a small corner of the library, he could see this girl reading a book here.

"I left beforehand. I will explain to you the question that you don't know how to do next time." After speaking, Li Mo hurriedly packed his schoolbag and rushed out of the library.

"708090100" If it weren't for the speed limit on the road, he would have liked to increase the speed to 150.

In 15 minutes, Wuling Hongguang arrived at Xiaoshan Laboratory.

"Brother Mo, how about taking a look?" Zhou Dayong greeted him enthusiastically when he saw him coming. Brother Qiu was still standing in the corner by himself.

"This is total power."

"This is UPS."

"This is the operating table."

"Because we don't know what your device is for, we haven't tested it, and you need to debug it yourself."

Li Mo nodded, "Well done, you all go out, don't let anyone in."

"Yes!" Zhou Dayong returned to his true self as a bodyguard, and led Brother Qiu to close the door and go out.

This is the universe quantum fluctuation listener? Li Mo stroked the cold server chassis with his hands.

When the server switch is turned on, strange symbols continuously jump on the display screen.

"User Authenticating"

"Biological wave quantum key matching."

"Match complete."

"User authentication successful."

"Welcome to the Cosmic Quantum Fluctuation Monitor. For the convenience of users, this system has been automatically updated and configured with the local (earth) language and operating mode."

"Before using this monitor, please read the entire operation instructions completely."

A black screen flashed and a video appeared on the monitor. Li Mo thinks this is a bit like the operation instructions before playing the game.

"Explanation of the principle of the universe quantum fluctuation listener: the smallest unit of matter is a quark. A quark is a basic particle that participates in strong interactions and is also the basic unit of matter. There are 12 basic particles, 6 quarks and 6 leptons (another Class I) are the basic particles of matter in the universe.”

Accompanied by this passage, a planet in the video is continuously decomposed, and finally decomposed into a lonely particle, that is, a quark.

"The quark itself has many different intrinsic properties, including electric charge, color charge, spin, and mass. The quark is actually a very small closed loop, usually called a closed string, and the vibration of these closed strings appears The fundamental particle. Because it is constantly vibrating, it has weak quantum fluctuations. Different combinations of quarks can form different substances. Under this combination, the quantum waves of quarks are continuously superimposed and magnified .Because the quantum wave has the characteristic of an infinite and non-recurring secret key, the listener can distinguish different stars in the universe according to the secret key characteristic of the quantum wave."

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