After leaving the A-shaped area, Chu Ning did not go back to the dormitory, but instead went to the concierge.

Each student can write a letter here and ask the concierge to help mail it.

In the two months since he came to the school, Chu Ning wrote two letters to his family and one letter to Mr. Huang.

The content of the letter to the old aunt was mostly to report that she was safe, so that the old aunt would not worry, while the letter to Director Huang was mainly about the progress of his martial arts training in the school.

Chu Ning regards herself as a poor college student, and Mr. Huang is a caring person who donated money for her to go to college. She tells the caring people about her study situation in school, so that they can feel that the donation is not in vain and have a sense of accomplishment.

People don't necessarily want you to be talented, but at least you have to be ungrateful. If you achieve excellent results on this basis, it would be even more gratifying. .

After writing a letter to her old aunt, Chu Ning picked up the pen and wrote a second letter.

[Uncle Huang:]

[Nephew Chu Ning respectfully expresses his gratitude. 】

[Like the previous letter, I first thanked Uncle Huang for his help and was able to practice martial arts in the school. After a few words, I got to the point. 】

[I have been in the school for sixty years. My nephew knows that learning martial arts is not easy, so he does not dare to relax. He trains hard day and night. My nephew is not as talented as his classmates. If he has doubts, he asks for guidance. When the courtesy comes more and more, I dare not say a word in return; when I am happy, I will ask you again. Although my nephew is stupid, he has learned something. 】

【Sleeping on the road, you will not enjoy the taste of fresh fat. All the students in the same room were embroidered with silk, wearing hats decorated with red tassels, white jade rings around their waists, swords on the left, and swords on the right. They looked like gods. The nephew was wearing a robe and a pair of clothes in the middle, and there was no hint of admiration. Those who are satisfied with it don't know that the worship of words and bodies is not as good as others. The diligence of my nephew is as difficult as this...]



After finishing writing, Chu Ning paid the concierge five coins and asked him to deliver the two letters immediately, and then walked back to the dormitory.

As soon as we entered the dormitory, the smell of meat hit our nostrils.

Chu Ning swallowed hard. Fortunately, he was very full this time.

In the small courtyard, Ji Yang was fishing beef out of the pot. When he saw Chu Ning coming back, he quickly greeted him: "Chun Ning, I bought a beef leg earlier and cooked it. Let's eat together."

"I was very full after eating in the kitchen. If I had known you had bought beef, I would have eaten less. Now I really can't eat anymore."

Chu Ning lifted up her clothes, revealing her round belly. Ji Yang smiled and said, "You're still blaming me. It's not me who made you eat so full."

Lying on his bed, although Ji Yang ate the beef leg and paid attention to not making a sound, the smell of the meat could not be concealed. Chu Ning looked at the ceiling on the wall. He was halfway through writing this letter to Mr. Huang. It’s also a real feeling.

Among all the students in the academy, he is probably the one with the worst family background.

If you want your strength to grow quickly, you need nutrition to keep up.

The nutrition of this era is to eat meat. These students who can pass the examination may not eat meat every day from their family background, but at least they will not eat grass every day like me.

Are you saying you are not envious?

That's bullshit.

Otherwise, how could the author of "Preface to Ma Sheng in Dongyang" remember his classmates' food and clothing so clearly?

Chu Ning simply closed his eyes and listened to Ji Yang gently sorting the cow bones and walking out of the dormitory. He sighed in his heart. He and Ji Yang's dormitory friendship was probably coming to an end.

I refused today on the grounds that I was full, but what about tomorrow?

If he eats the beef bought by Ji Yang.

One or two meals would be fine, but if there were more, Ji Yang would feel knotty in his heart.

Although Ji Yang's family background is good, it is not very good. The martial artist in their clan is only his cousin, not his uncle.

If he hadn't eaten all the time and Ji Yang had eaten beef alone in the dormitory, he would have felt a little awkward and embarrassed.

The gradual alienation between the two is doomed.

It's not his fault, nor Ji Yang's fault.

What was wrong was that I was too poor.

Day 70.

Chu Ning's strength reached 410 pounds.

I have only gained 20 pounds in these seven days.

It is a bit dangerous to reach 500 pounds in three months at this rate, and you need to use food supplements to break through to the third level of "Niu Mo Jin".

Chu Ning went to the kitchen and bought a leg of cow. The price of a leg of cow was thirty taels, which was ten times the price outside.

Half a month ago, a leg of cow only cost twenty taels.

Medicinal materials are even more expensive. Chu Ning asked the price of some medicinal materials and turned around and left.

He could only lament that what he bought was not good enough to sell.

The boss of the kitchen knows the psychological changes of the students.

At the beginning, the students were all confident in themselves, but the sales of beef and medicinal materials were not good, after all, the prices were so high.

But as the three-month period approaches, those students whose strength growth is not satisfactory become anxious and have to buy it even if the price is high.

Just like a crazy gambler, he dares to borrow even though he knows the interest rate is high, because as long as he wins, he will get his money back.

Chu Ning put the beef leg in the pot and cooked it, but did not call Ji Yang because Ji Yang had not returned to the dormitory.

When Ji Yang first started eating beef shanks, he was embarrassed to eat alone in front of Chu Ning, so he went to dormitory No. 8 to eat with Huang Chen in Room A 8, and came back to stay at night.

According to Ji Yang himself, Huang Chen's father was also a martial artist and had a good relationship with his cousin.

But when Ji Yang saw Chu Ning fetching water for Huang Chen, he didn't come back that night. Chu Ning came to fetch water for Huang Chen several times and met Ji Yang, but Ji Yang pretended not to see him.

Chu Ning knew in her heart that Ji Yang felt embarrassed to be in the same dormitory as him.

After all, there are so many students, and I am the only one to do the chores that belong to the servants.

But Chu Ning didn't care, because he had expected this result a long time ago, and he didn't resent Ji Yang. This was the way the world thought.

For example, those literati in ancient times, even if they were poor, had to rely on help from others to have food, and they were not willing to work as accountants or do small business, because poverty can be said to be the lowest point, but if you want to do business or work for merchants, If you don't live, you are willing to be humble.

The difference in thought and cognition has nothing to do with people.

After four days of work on the four legs, Chu Ning's strength reached 440 kilograms.

Still haven't broken through the third level of "Niu Mo Jin".

There are still fifteen days left before the assessment.

I don’t have the money to buy any more shanks of beef.

Those in Number A have already given the money at the end of the month in one lump sum, and it is impossible to give any more.

Those few people are not fools. If they fail to pass the three-month assessment and are eliminated, the extra money will be wasted.

If there is no assessment, Chu Ning has nothing to worry about, because even if he doesn't eat beef, his strength will steadily increase by three kilograms every day, and he will be able to gain one thousand kilograms in a year.

The key is that there is an assessment in the school, and if he fails to reach 500 catties, it means he has to leave with the bucket.

The result of leaving with a bucket is that you will not be able to work as an errand in the Yamen, and you will not be able to obtain the next three levels of "Niu Mo Jin".

"Are we going to find Mr. Liu and cheat again?"

Chu Ning muttered in her heart, but then denied this method.

If those teachers hadn't seen through it, he might have been able to do it with the help of Mr. Huang's tiger skin, but those teachers knew that he didn't have a close relationship with Mr. Huang, and the school would never let him cheat again.

Huang Mansion.

Huang Zhongtai rode back to the house, and his servant came forward to lead the horse. As he walked, the housekeeper reported to him the month he was away from Daning County, and some major events that happened in the county.

After the report, the housekeeper was hesitant. Huang Zhongtai saw the housekeeper's hesitation and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Master, another letter from Chu Ning has been sent from the school."

The housekeeper was hesitant because the concierge sent a letter to the school a month ago, saying it was from Chu Ning. The master picked it up and read it before saying nothing.

"Oh, let me see."

Huang Zhongtai walked in as he spoke, and the housekeeper quickly handed over the letter.

Huang Zhongtai opened the letter, glanced at it for a few times, and then stopped, with a look of emotion on his face.

"Master?" The housekeeper saw his master stop and was a little curious about what was written in his heart that could make him so moved.

"This boy is a man of great perseverance!"

Huang Zhongtai sighed, and instead of going to the bedroom, he turned and walked towards the study.

PS: The status has been changed after signing the contract, so I’ll add another chapter to celebrate!

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