I have an eternal eye

Chapter 9 Shocked to hear about the killing cult

It was the boy who was beaten that day!

Zhang Biao's eyes were poisonous and he immediately recognized his identity.

The little guy was so frightened that he trembled all over, and then he didn't even care if his back was scratched by the gravel in the dog hole, and he kept running for his life.

But obviously, he is also a courageous and resourceful person.

Not only did he dare to return to the scene to investigate, but he also made an evacuation plan. After getting out of the dog hole, he turned left and right in the complicated alley, and then ran towards an culvert.

There are open channels and underground channels between each city in Yujing City. With the help of four canals that cross the city, a dense waterway network is formed.

There is a special closed water channel in the inner courtyard of the palace.

But the people's drinking water and sewage discharge all depend on this water network.

Open channels and shafts are clean water.

Underdrains are used for sewage discharge.

Although there are special incense societies that collect feces and sell it as fertilizer, which is very profitable. However, there is sewage in the culverts that accumulates all year round, causing an unpleasant odor. Snakes, insects, rats, and ants live in it.

Zhang Biao knew what the other party wanted to do as soon as he saw it.

This culvert is connected to the Yongding Canal. After drilling in, you only need to endure the stench and hold your breath, and then you can follow the water flow into the canal and escape.

Quite alert...

Zhang Biao secretly smiled in his heart and used his body skills to wander around the wall of the abandoned house. He jumped down when he saw an opportunity and at the same time flicked his left arm.


The soul-enchanting chain whizzed out, and the spear head in front twisted and shook its head like a spiritual snake, instantly wrapping around the young man's right leg.

With a plop, the young man fell hard and fell into the mud. Then he screamed and struggled with his hands before being pulled back.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Biao showed off six bronze medals.

The young man immediately closed his mouth, his eyes filled with surprise.

It's not surprising that he was surprised, because Zhang Biao's appearance here was really unreasonable.

This world of mortals seems to be mixed, but in fact there are clear barriers.

The dignitaries and ordinary people are still in two different worlds, even if they walk on the same street or eat in the same shop.

The court and the market are always two thoughts.

A person who pays attention to political checks and balances,

One must learn etiquette, justice, benevolence, wisdom and trust.

The wolf and the sheep form a set of order together.

The ups and downs of dynasties are the collapse and re-formation of this order.

Jianghu, on the other hand, is outside this order.

They have their own rules. Killings like the ones before will be digested by themselves, and the government will not come to interfere.

The responsibility of the six gates is not to maintain order in the rivers and lakes, but to form guardrails between the rivers and lakes and the court and the market.

Gang fighting is okay, but spying on the government is not.

It is okay to fight in the rivers and lakes, but not to affect the common people.

This is why the six doors are called Eagle Dog.

"What's wrong with Mr. Catcher?"

The young man stammered and seemed panicked, but in fact his eyes were wandering as he was thinking of an escape strategy.

Zhang Biao said in a deep voice: "What is your name?"

"The younger one's name is Chen Er..."

The young man opened his mouth and just half-way through his reply, he saw something in Zhang Biao's hand shaking slightly. Then his head seemed to be frozen and his eyes gradually became dull.

"what's your name?"

Zhang Biao asked softly while holding the ecstasy mirror.

This young man has been hanging out in the world for a long time. Unless he is tortured, he will never tell the truth to him. It is faster to ask with a magic weapon.

Sure enough, the young man began to respond dully.

"My name is Tian Yue."

"What do you do for a living?"

"Grave robbing and digging are the profession."

"Who killed those people?"

"Yi Chonghui."

"Why do you do it?"

"The master took us to dig up the snake temple and found some artifacts. After those people came and snatched them away, they said they didn't want the news to be exposed, so they killed people and silenced them..."

"What is the Snake Temple?"

"In Tuwan Village outside Yujing City, there is an ancient temple hidden in a cave in the back mountain. The temple has collapsed and only half of the stone snake statue is left. The master doesn't know the origin, so he calls it the Snake Temple..."

"What did you find?"

"A bronze mirror and a stone incense burner."

"Where's the incense burner?"

"The incense burner was robbed by them, saying..."

Zhang Biao kept asking, doubts rising in his heart.

He knew that Yi Chonghui was worshiping Yi Chong, a general from the previous dynasty. He believed in bravery and integrity as his creed, but in fact he was engaged in the business of helping people lend money and collect loans. He was quite influential in Yujing City.

Some casinos, Taoist temples, and even dignitaries are its patrons. They deposit their money in Yi Chong Hui, lend it to the people, and collect dividends on time.

I don’t know how many people died because of their families.

Speaking of which, they are also old acquaintances.

Several tragedies committed by Zhang Biao were all related to this Yi Chonghui, and there were many conflicts with it. However, because of the protection of dignitaries, only some peripheral minions were cut off.

Later, the chief catcher Guo An was so annoyed that he handed over all cases related to the Yi Chonghui to another catcher and prohibited him from participating.

The catcher was a clever man, he pretended to be deaf and dumb, and he took great pleasure in taking it.

Some people in the six gates often teased him about this matter.

From various clues, it seems that the Snake Temple is related to the monks.

This Yi Chonghui,

Where did you get the news?

The spirit revives,

I'm afraid I'm not the only one who knows...

Zhang Biao was deep in thought, and finally took the magic mirror and said softly: "You don't remember me. When you saw the tragic death of your master and brother, you planned to escape from Yujing City and hide your name..."

After a long time, the young man slowly woke up.

He looked at the empty dark alley with fear in his eyes, then turned and jumped into the culvert...


When we returned to Anzhenfang, it was already sunset.

On top of the gate towers of each city, Marquis Wu vigorously struck the bronze bells, and the sound of the bells echoed throughout the city.

This is a signal that the gate is about to close.

Although Yujing City does not enforce curfew on weekdays, the gates will be closed when night falls, and people must explain their reasons and undergo interrogation, which is very inconvenient.

Officials are easy to say, but if the common people meet a sinister Wuhou, they will inevitably be blackmailed, so they usually don't go out after sunset.

Therefore, the capital city at night is a different world.

The nobles and nobles sang and danced in their mansions.

Wealthy officials and gentry are enjoying the feast of wine and meat in brothels.

People in the rivers and lakes, blood spattered five steps on the long street.

Before Zhang Biao arrived at the gate of the square, he saw Wang Xin standing in front of the gate, holding a root of yarrow in his mouth, chatting with Marquis Wu.

"Brother Biao, you are finally back."

Wang Xin stepped forward quickly, winked and said, "You've been away from home all day. Could it be that you have a familiar girl in Taipingfang?"

"That's a must!"

Zhang Biao laughed and patted Wang Xin on the shoulder, "Since you are here, come and have a drink with me."

"Let's talk about it another time."

Wang Xin said with a grimace: "The chief arrester ordered us to take turns on night patrol. Huo Feng is in charge. That guy wants to be a gold medal catcher. If he is caught slacking off, he will inevitably get a beating."

Zhang Biao was speechless, "What else does the emperor want to do?"

The six-door night patrol is nothing more than suppressing people in the world.

The current emperor has the best face.

Whenever there is a palace banquet, the chief catcher Guo An will always send them out to prevent the Jianghu Rangers from causing any trouble and causing the Six Gates to be reprimanded.

"It's not from the Emperor's side..."

Wang Xin looked around, and then whispered: "Brother Biao still remembers Chen Hou'er we captured?"

Zhang Biao nodded, "Just a thief, what kind of trouble can he cause?"

"Of course he doesn't have the ability."

Wang Xin sneered and said: "This guy committed a crime and dared to run to the capital. The Black Hell King in charge of the torture used more methods to ask for a piece of news."

"The Slaughter Cult appears again..."


Zhang Biao was stunned and suddenly felt his scalp numb.

No matter how cruel the Yi Chonghui is, it is still a gang, and it only seeks profit. It must be managed from top to bottom, but it does not dare to openly violate the laws of the court.

But this killing cult is different.

This is an ancient sect that behaves strangely and believes that everything can be obtained through killing.

If you want money, just kill someone.

If you want power, just kill your opponent.

As long as you join the Slaughter Cult, they will even send someone to help you complete it.

But when you get used to this, you will find that there is nothing in the world that cannot be solved by killing.

If there is, it means not enough killing.

Once you gain glory and wealth, you will gradually become numb and realize that only killing can bring pure pleasure.

After the collapse of the previous dynasty and the separatist rule by warlords and vassal towns, many generals believed in the religion of killing, cooking people and eating meat for fun, and Kyushu was like hell.

Since the founding of the Liang Dynasty, the Liang Dynasty has severely cracked down on the killing religion. Once people are found to believe in the religion, it will be a crime that will implicate the nine tribes.

Even so, it cannot be cut off, it can only be hidden deeper.

It can be said that the Sect of Killing Life is comparable to the Demon Sect of the Liang Dynasty!

Seeing Zhang Biao's appearance, Wang Xin smiled and said: "Actually, there is no need to worry too much. Every year there are rumors of the reappearance of the Killing Cult. There are so many masters in the capital. They are stupid enough to dare to come."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Zhang Biao glared and scolded: "Maybe it's true this time. Be smart when patrolling at night and run away if something happens!"

Wang Xin's father was his father's subordinate, and this boy had followed him since he was a child, almost like a biological brother, so he was naturally worried about his safety.

"Don't worry, Brother Biao."

Seeing that Zhang Biao was angry, Wang Xin also stopped acting like a fool and said in a deep voice: "There is one more thing to do this time. Xiao San's case has been decided. The Ministry of Punishment will sentence him to be executed in five days."

"Yeah, I know, be careful."

"Okay, Brother Biao."

After listening to the instructions, Wang Xin turned and left.

Seeing the other party's figure disappear, Zhang Biao raised his head and looked at the sky.

The sun has set, and the night is like a curtain covering most of the sky. The bright moon is gone and the stars are dim.

"A storm is coming..."

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