who I am? "

"This is where?"

"Why am I here?"

"I remembered, I am Chen Qi, and I saw the awakening ceremony!"

In the endless void and darkness, Chen Qi slowly opened his eyes.

His current state is very magical, his whole person is shrouded in a layer of white light, changing constantly.

Under his feet is a three-ring intersecting magic circle.

Chen Qi is at the center of the three intersecting rings.

Chen Qi looked at a ring at random, and then he saw his life in it.

Inside the ring, a movie with him as the protagonist was being played.

Childhood, childhood, youth, youth, Chen Qi from different periods appeared one after another, interpreting his own life experiences and psychological changes.

As a child, he longed to take [Colossus] to fight monsters. As a child, he experienced "the collapse of the world." As a young man, he was extremely lonely and rebellious. As a young man, he was obliterated by everything until he became a player in the King's Game.

"This circle represents my outlook on life, my understanding of myself."

Chen Qi had a realization in his heart, but what made him interesting was that the [Bronze Dice] did not exist in the life in the circle.

He met [Jomoa Chris] just on a whim, on a whim.

Chen Qi looked at the next ring, where various aspects of life and changes in the world were displayed.

"These are values ​​that represent my understanding of human society and other people."

Chen Qi understood in his heart and continued to look at the last ring.

In that circle, the sun rises and the moon sets, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, the magnetic field rotates, and time and space change!

This is [World View], which represents Chen Qi’s understanding of the world.

The three views are intertwined with each other, and the three cognitions construct Chen Qi’s spirituality.

"So this layer of white light is my spirituality?"

"What appears here is a mixture of my spirituality and consciousness."

Standing in the center of the ritual, Chen Qi carefully realized his own existence and was thoughtful.

The experiment designed by the founder of the Wisdom Sect is called [Spiritual Transcendence Experiment].

To put it simply, it is to use the high-dimensional characteristics of the soul to pull the spirituality, making it infinitely consistent with the world and infinitely close to [Scale 0].

In the definition of the wisdom school, [Scale 0] is a very magical existence.

It is regarded as a superposition state of high-dimensional and three-dimensional, where endless high-dimensional points are annihilated and release infinite energy.

These energies are completely different from the energies of the three-dimensional world, but they have the ability to interfere with the three-dimensional world.

In some schools of thought, they are even regarded as the "original driving force" for the emergence of life.

They believe that life can be born because this energy penetrates into the three-dimensional world and causes radiation effects on certain microscopic particles.

If you can directly control these energies, you will be able to do whatever you want and be omnipotent.

However, this is almost impossible to do.

Regardless of consciousness or spirituality, they are all born in the three-dimensional world. They can only be infinitely close, but it is impossible to touch [Scale 0].

Human beings can only capture this energy when it leaks into the three-dimensional world.

But the moment this energy appears in the three-dimensional world, it continues to decay.

In other words, it is precisely because of decay that they appear in the three-dimensional world.

The energy after decay is countless energy levels lower than before. It is no longer possible to tamper with the three-dimensional world and can only be forced to pry.

These decayed energies are called [spiritual energy].

They can be controlled by human spiritual fusion and are the cornerstone of transcendence.

If humans want to master psychic powers, the first problem they need to solve is to be able to control their own spirituality at will.

This is the truth of spiritual awakening, that is, human consciousness has complete control over its own spirituality.

For Chen Qi, all he has to do is to completely integrate the three rings.

The unfused parts of the circle at this time represent those parts of his spirituality that he cannot control as he wishes.

This part accounts for so much that it would be difficult to completely integrate the three rings by willpower alone.

This is also a level that all apprentices will face.

Before the enactment of the Human Spiritual Awakening Act, other supernatural systems may have their own secret methods.

But now, all apprentices can only choose the "Spirit World Declaration".

Chen Qi, who was in the ritual, finally saw the true content of the "Spirit Realm Declaration".

NO·1 The world with a spiritual frequency of -110 to 1700 should be human territory.

NO·2 This world is the center of the universe.

There is no additional space-time dimension (parallel world) in the NO.3 world.

NO·4 The spiritual world does not exist.

NO·5 Never betray human civilization.

NO.6 Comply with all laws promulgated by the world government.

NO.7 agrees with the definition and division of human beings by the world government.

NO.8 Make three binding vows to yourself and never break them.

NO.9 Never trust outsiders.

NO.10 Never come into contact with the [Ten Ancient People].

[Note: Those who break their promises will remain mortal forever. 】


"Is this a declaration from the spiritual world?"

"As long as I choose two of them, I can successfully awaken."

"There seems to be a lot of articles in this!"

Before starting the ceremony, Chen Qi already knew that he had to make a choice.

But he never expected that [option] would be so strange.

Fortunately, he was lucky. It was just a double choice. It would be tragic if it became a mandatory question.

I don’t know how many commitments other apprentices need to make.

"Ignoring the first three options, the fourth option is too weird!"

"The "Spirit World Declaration" actually contains a clause about the non-existence of the spirit world."

"What does this so-called spiritual world refer to? Is it wrong? Shouldn't it be [Zero Realm Declaration]?"

Chen Qi originally thought that the target of the [Spiritual Transcendence Experiment] was [Scale 0], and [Scale 0] was the spiritual world.

But now it seems that the spiritual world does not refer to [Scale 0].

It's right to think about it. How can ordinary human beings make commitments to such existences? They are simply out of reach.

The target of the [Spiritual Transcendence Experiment] can only be the [spiritual world].

The existence of [Spirit Realm] must be infinitely close to [Quotation 0], but it is still in the three-dimensional world.

Only in this way can Chen Qi have access to it.

"What is the spiritual world? The answer must be hidden in the paper. The most likely answer is [it involves the Chaos School and will not be shown]."

Chen Qi thought about it and found that this was the only answer.

Fortunately, he had no intention of choosing NO·4, so there was no need to delve into it at this time.

"If it's possible that you can't do it, you must not choose it."

"For example, those options involving world government."

"If you don't know the details, you can't choose."

"For example, N0·9 and NO.10, there is no need to set shackles on yourself."

In the same way, choosing No. 8 is even more stupid. I don’t want to set any rules for myself.

In this case, choosing NO.1 and NO·5 is the most suitable for me.

As a human being, I think about human beings and stand on the human side, so there will never be any problems.

"I declare that the world with a spiritual frequency of -110 to 1700 shall be human territory."

"I promise to never betray human civilization!"

Chen Qi, who is at the center of the three-ring intersection, made his own cry.

The next moment, he felt that he was connected to some magnificent existence.


With Chen Qi as the center, the three rings rotate slowly and overlap.

And at the overlapping moment, Chen Qi in reality suddenly opened his eyes and escaped from the endless darkness and nothingness.

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