I Have a Game Clone

Chapter 81: The Hall of Mountains

Golden Lion City, Double Eye Palace.

The eldest prince Chapman's eyes were red, and he walked towards the three-eye study with a very haggard expression.

He wanted to inform his father about the death of his third brother, Alesia.

In order to show enough sadness, he was secretly overjoyed, and he couldn't cry, so he smoked his eyes first.

Now his eyes were red, he kept blinking, tears flowed unconsciously, full of sadness.

In order to reflect the specialness of the Crown Prince, His Majesty Joger granted Crown Prince Chapman the right to have an audience at any time.

Along the way, the guards saw Chapman's sad expression and thought that something big had happened, and no one dared to stop him.

Chapman opened the door of the study and cried out in grief.

"Father! The third brother is dead! He died so miserably! He was beheaded by Ning Shi, the lord of Duohuang City!"

"My son wants to avenge the third brother, but he is afraid of causing bad influence. Father, what should I do? Please advise!"

Chapman was heartbroken, but the study was empty, and His Majesty Jorge was not here.

His cries came to an abrupt end, and a contrived performance was given to the air.

At this moment, His Majesty Jorge is in the deepest part of the Double Eye Palace.

Hall of Mountains.

This is the forbidden place of the Brad Empire, except for the king, no one dares to come here.

After Joger entered the hall, dozens of tall figures were already sitting on both sides of the hall.

Some of these people are masters of the royal family, and there are also former royal sword holders, or former kings.

After the bloodline cultivation reaches the ninth level, the lifespan limit can reach 300 years old.

These people are the top masters of the ninth-level bloodline, and they are also the foundation of the royal family's development for hundreds of years.

In the face of these seniors, Joger did not have the momentum of any king. He stood respectfully in the middle of the hall like a child.

At the top is an old man with silver hair and wrinkled skin.

The old man's eyes are long and narrow, his nose is curved like a hook, and his face is like a donkey.

He asked coldly: "Jorge, the primordial treasure just suddenly became violent, and a primordial weapon was differentiated. We didn't catch it, and the primordial weapon has disappeared.

Do you know what that means? "

Jogel knew the secret of the primordial treasure. In order to preserve his power, he would only differentiate one primordial weapon at a time, and the primordial weapon would choose the Son of Destiny to complete the mission of destiny.

Now another original weapon has been differentiated, which means that the Lionheart Saber has been destroyed!

Alesia's operation failed.

As the planner of Operation Alesia, he must bear the responsibility for the failure of the operation!

Jogel did not defend himself, he knelt down on the ground and said honestly.

"Please calm down my anger, I am willing to accept the punishment."

The old man sitting at the top is the leader of the Temple of the Mountains, and also Joger's great-great-great-grandfather, Lion 25th, Jose Ba-Laine.

Joseba snorted coldly.

"Jogel, your personality is too cautious, you like to use tricks in everything, but everyone knows that the truth of the world is still bigger than whose fist!

Back when you were fighting for the throne, the path I showed you was to let you go to the Elf Empire in exchange for the blessings of the Sun and Moon Gods, purify your bloodline, and strengthen yourself and your subordinates.

But you got together with Yinlu and used her power to win the throne. "

"Originally, the appearance of the Lionheart Sword, according to our plan, also chose you as the host of the Lionheart Sword, but you said that your identity is sensitive, and it is not as convenient as Alesia.

Well now, the Lionheart Knife was lost by Alesia!

Without primordial weapons, all of our plans have to change! If it weren't for the Lionheart Knife's requirement for the host's age, I would have stepped on the horse earlier! "

Joseba was really angry and started to swear.

As the leader of the Temple of the Mountains, Joseba has a very high prestige. When he gets angry, everyone is silent.

The hall suddenly fell into silence.

After a long time, Joger said bitterly: "Ancestor, according to the instinct of the original treasure, the original weapon must still be in the Brad Empire. I will order to monitor the whole country and find out the whereabouts of the new original weapon as soon as possible."

"Give me three months. If I can't find the original weapon within three months, I am willing to give up the king's seat and wait for the ancestors to go to the Hall of Mountains."

After Joger finished speaking, the old man sitting at the bottom, Joger's biological grandfather and also Joger's teacher, Casey Lane.

He pleaded.

"Grandfather, there was nothing wrong with Joger's plan, Alesia's death was just an accident, and Joger cannot be completely blamed.

The situation is tense right now, and it is not appropriate for us to send heavy troops to attack Duohuang. I will personally go to Duohuang to bring back Ning Shi's head. "

Seeing that Joseba still didn't speak, Casey, who had not been in the Palace of the Mountains for a long time, daringly asked.

"Grandfather, since we can monitor the whereabouts of the original treasure, why don't we directly find a suitable candidate to become the host of the original treasure?"

Joseba didn't speak, but a burly old man sitting on the lower right of him said.

"Original Supreme Treasure will no longer recognize the Lord.

Thousands of years ago, Primordial Primordial Treasure first appeared in the world. He was obtained by Gruumsh, the god of orcs. Gruumsh attempted to directly swallow the source power of Primordial Primordial Treasure, and Primordial Primordial Treasure was almost annihilated in Gruumsh's hands.

At a critical moment, the power of the source attacked Gruumsh, and Gruumsh fell.

Yuanchu Zhibao was also frightened by this, and instinctively hid after being freed.

Today, although we know the place where the original treasure is hidden, we can only look at it from a distance and cannot approach it.

As soon as you get close, he will disappear. "

The first time Cassie heard such a secret, he sighed: "Gruumsh is too hasty, or he may become the supreme god."

Hearing this, Joseba, who had not spoken for a long time, finally spoke up, and he said disdainfully.

"What gods, they are just a group of pseudo-gods who are controlled by the clergy, creatures who can't even control their emotions, can they be called gods?

The true God is a Trinity, immortal and immortal. "

Seemingly aware that there were too many words, Joseba said: "Just do as Jogel said, and you must find the original weapon within three months.

Compared with the super-order Warcraft, human beings are extremely vulnerable. We must use primitive weapons to unify the Morn Continent at the least cost, so that we can counterattack the Warcraft Continent and realize the great cause of human independence!

As for Ning Shi who killed Alesia, you can investigate his background, Cassie, and kill him if necessary. "

The name Ning Shi seemed to arouse Joseba's memory, he thought for a while and continued.

"If we can't find the original weapon, we can only take the last resort and cooperate with the gods to fight against the super-order monsters. Only in this way, the faith of mankind will be infiltrated by the gods."

The sturdy old man who just explained the original treasure said: "Brother, don't you still have your research? When your research is successful, ordinary people can also have extremely high combat capabilities.

At that time, we will definitely be able to defeat all the enemies who delusionally enslave mankind! "

Joseba didn't speak, he seemed a little tired and waved his hand.

Everyone in the hall withdrew.

He walked to the corner, opened a secret passage, and walked in.

At the end of the secret passage, there is an underground palace with a huge area.

In the palace, there are hundreds of rooms densely packed.

Numerous dwarves, goblins, and human artisans work here.

Some of them held a small piece of iron and kept grinding, and some wielded heavy hammers to hammer different metals into solid alloys.

Others gathered, arguing with a drawing in their hands.

Joseba walked into a warehouse.

The warehouse is filled with various industrial parts, including the barrels of cannons, the wings of aircraft, and the propellers assembled together.

If there are thick Saturnians walking into this place, there will definitely be a sense of familiarity, which is the unique breath of industrial civilization.

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