I built an armada

Chapter 92 This pie is too big! The chief is anxious!

"Chief, the plan for the integrated military factory is ready!"

After receiving Su Dingping's affirmative answer, Xu Dongguo's heart suddenly dropped.

"Chief, I have brought all the plans!"

While talking, Su Dingping took out the document and handed it over.

Xu Dongguo took the document solemnly.

Xu Dongguo's brows jumped sharply when he saw the words 'Integrated Arms Factory Plan'.

Three days!

It only took Su Dingping three days to complete the plan for such a huge project. It is incredible to think about it.

If this was done by those who specialize in planning, it would be impossible within a month or two! Just hold meetings, you have to hold them N times, and there may not be a result.

Suppressing the turmoil in his heart, Xu Dongguo looked through it carefully.

The details of the layout of the small modern military factory, the details of the layout of the modern high-precision shipyard, the structure of the research institute and the deployment of personnel...are listed in great detail.

Su Dingping had already made plans for this and requested information from several professors, just to make the distribution more reasonable.

There are not many changes before and after.

Xu Dongguo flipped through page after page, and gradually, his expression fluctuated.

Su Dingping was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

Time flew by, and when Xu Dongguo put down the document in his hand, he realized that he had been reading it for an hour.

"An integrated military factory with such complex functions only covers an area of ​​900 acres! Dingping, is this too small?"

Xu Dongguo asked in surprise.

A national-level research institute, covering an area of ​​about 20-30 acres! This place is inconspicuous in an integrated military factory.

But Xu Dongguo knew that a medium-sized shipyard covers an area of ​​about 1,000 acres! If it is a large one, let alone it!

As for the military factory, the 523 military factory not far from here covers an area of ​​1,200 acres! The total area of ​​these three, even if it is a reduced version, is 1,500 acres.

But now, the estimated total acres submitted by Su Dingping is only 900 acres, which in his opinion is too small!

How can such a large place support the navy's foundation for the next hundred years?

He couldn't figure it out.


Su Dingping explained.

"I have learned about the detailed layout of current shipyards and military factories, as well as all the processes that operate inside them."

"According to my understanding, every shipyard, including military factories, undertakes many construction tasks."

Xu Dongguo nodded.

That's for sure.

A military shipyard cannot build only one type of warship, and a military factory cannot build only one type of ammunition, which involves many categories.

"In addition, the internal equipment is quite old. Many of them are old equipment from several years ago, or even more than ten years ago!"

Hearing this, Xu Dongguo nodded again.

Judging from the current situation, the shipyard can still shoulder the task of forging! The same goes for military factories.

After all, before the 051C came out, the warships in the navy were all non-modern warships. Relevant shipyards and military factories can definitely take over.

Su Dingping continued.

"Chief, in fact, according to my original vision, 96% of the equipment in these shipyards and military factories will be eliminated!"

Ninety-six percent eliminated?

Xu Dongguo's pupils shrank suddenly.

This is a big project! And the military budget involved completely exceeds the navy's military budget.

Xu Dongguo said after taking a sip of tea to calm down his ups and downs.

"Dingping, you continue."

"But considering the current situation and the next step of our navy, it is expected that 83% of the old equipment will be phased out!"


Xu Dongguo's heart trembled suddenly.

This is all money.

He clearly remembered that Su Dingping listed the names of many equipment in the planning book.

Among them, Xu Dongguo has only heard of most of them but has never seen them!

At least, he hadn't seen it in the navy's shipyards and military factories.

Obviously, these are very advanced and sophisticated machine tools.

"It's okay, just keep talking."

"I position the integrated military factory as a 'pioneer', and it is the most advanced in our navy and even in the country! At least, it cannot lag too far behind the West. Otherwise, it will not be able to undertake productization projects of advanced technologies."

After a pause, Su Dingping continued.

"Since you are a pioneer, it means that the integrated military factory must not be large in size, and everything must be refined! If the equipment can be advanced, be as advanced as possible!"

"This also means that a lot of large and old equipment must be eliminated!"

"This is why I didn't use experienced workers at that time! That old experience doesn't have much advantage over more advanced equipment!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Dingping added.

"Furthermore, the main strategy of the integrated military factory is one word - fast! Warships iterate quickly. Once the technology is mature, it will be put into forging immediately! Once there are no problems in the test, small batch production will be carried out immediately! Because it is single, the shipyard only needs small-scale Can."

"At the same time, we will explore and tackle more advanced technologies! For this, a research institute is enough. When the next generation of technology matures, the previous generation of warships will stop mass production and rush to secondary forging and testing..."

After listening, Xu Dongguo's heart was filled with ups and downs.

Just hearing Su Dingping say this, he could already feel the 'quickness'.

The generation of service, the generation of development, and the generation of exploration are vividly demonstrated here in Su Dingping.

If this pattern continues, he can foresee that it may take a lot of time to catch up with the West, but it will not take too long to catch up with the East in the field of warship technology.

"What about the military factory?"

"The strategic policies of the military factory and the shipyard are the same, and they are also fast! The production of the military factory only serves the warships produced by the shipyard!"

One-on-one mode?

Xu Dongguo's eyes lit up.

All three take a refined route and provide one-on-one services, and 900 acres is barely enough.

He seemed to have thought of something, and he quickly said in surprise.

"What technological breakthroughs will the next generation of warships have that actually require a separate military factory to serve them?"

"Yes! There are many!" Su Dingping explained: "Nearly all the ammunition for the new generation of close-in defense guns must be re-forged!"

"Whether it is 051C or 052B, they all follow the close-in defense artillery ammunition system of previous warships. Even though 052B has made certain upgrades to the close-in defense artillery, the ammunition is still the same, and the increase is very limited!"

With that said, Su Dingping took out another piece of information and handed it over.

"Chief, this is the new generation 1130 close-in defense gun suitable for future improvements of the 052B. The requirements for ammunition are very strict."

Xu Dongguo took it and glanced at it.

The number of gun barrels increased from 7 to 11, but he didn't have much intuitive feeling.

However, when he saw the estimated data of 11,000 rounds per minute, he couldn't help but twitch.

This has high technical requirements for the gun mount and even higher requirements for the technology and advancement of the ammunition.

Various types of ammunition for close-range anti-guns need to be redesigned and developed.

He was really not sure whether other military factories could handle such high-demand ammunition. Even if it can be received, it is probably only a few types of ammunition.

Moreover, those military factories and shipyards have a large number of personnel on the one hand, and more or less foreign experts on the other hand, so it is difficult to guarantee that secrets will not be leaked.

These must be kept highly confidential.

After reading it, Xu Dongguo handed the information back.

After taking the information, Su Dingping continued.

"This is only a small part. The follow-up will also include upgrades to torpedoes, YJ-901 anti-ship missiles, Haihongqi-901 anti-aircraft missiles, etc., so that they can adapt to more advanced warships! It is unreasonable for a strong ship not to be equipped with powerful guns. , right Chief?"

Xu Dongguo nodded repeatedly.

According to what Su Dingping said before, small military factories, like shipyards, also serve one generation, develop one generation, and explore one generation.

When the shipyard begins to undertake the forging of the next generation of warships, the military factory will also forge new ammunition for the next generation of warships.

As a result, a small military factory is indeed needed to serve it.

After thinking about it clearly, Xu Dongguo said with a smile.

"It seems that it is really necessary to combine the three. If one link is missing, the huge project will be like missing a leg."

"But with such a large task volume, you only need 4,500 people here. Isn't that too few?"

Su Dingping shook his head repeatedly.

"Chief, if we calculate based on ordinary workers, we need at least 8,000 people! But you forgot, I need different people."

"Also, high-precision machine tools require fewer operators. The main focus is on quality rather than quantity."

Xu Dongguo suddenly realized.

He remembered that what Su Dingping needed were naval officers and soldiers with uncompromising execution ability.

He didn't dare to say anything else, but when it came to execution, the People's Soldiers would definitely say it.

Then he added: "But the technical work types of naval officers and soldiers are relatively single. This..."

"Chief, you underestimate them."

Su Dingping said seriously.

"I don't need everyone to know how to do it! I just need their efficiency in executing orders! Ordinary workers are driven by making money, but their execution ability is far behind. But our navy soldiers are different, they do it for their faith!"

"Researchers from the institute are responsible for guiding technical work types and cultivating suitable technical work types. These technical types of work will then be directed, and those with insufficient foundation will be responsible for execution!"

"Once there is a problem, report it to the researcher immediately. If the researcher can't solve it, I will solve it!"

"In short, I have never doubted that naval officers and soldiers can complete their missions with quality and quantity!"

Xu Dongguo suddenly understood.

Once these naval officers and soldiers can skillfully use those equipment, they will definitely be able to match the two in terms of execution efficiency!

There is an essential difference between belief and making money.

Su Dingping said again.

"Chief, it will indeed be difficult at the beginning, but as long as you overcome the initial difficulties, you will get faster and faster in the future!"

"After the first batch of talents are trained, as our overall industrial system is upgraded in the future, this batch of talents will be particularly valuable! They can definitely bring in new people, so that they can expand and improve the overall tone of the industrial system!"

"It is not only the beginning of our navy's century-old foundation, but also the beginning of our navy's new generation of modern industrial system. Every step must be perfected as much as possible!"

Su Dingping's words were so resounding that Xu Dongguo's heart was filled with excitement.

Starting from the integrated military factory, it radiates to the entire industrial system of the navy, and the pattern can be said to be quite large.

Xu Dongguo looked at Su Dingping with a shocked expression.

At the research institute, Su Dingping led a group of military industry experts and strode forward. Then, these military industry experts directed the naval technical work to move forward, and these technical work radiated more...

Until the end, it drives the progress and iteration of the entire naval industrial system. Even, it is not impossible to radiate to all walks of life in the country.

As the saying goes, the achievements of predecessors in opening up new territories make the country strong and the family rich and prosperous.

With a genius leading the way, everything can be done with half the effort! Xu Dongguo sighed in his heart.

After laying the groundwork for so long, Su Dingping hit the nail on the head.

"Chief, as for military expenditures..."

Xu Dongguo's heart suddenly tightened when he mentioned military expenditures.

He knew that unnecessary expenses had been reduced as much as possible in the planning book, but the huge number still made him feel distressed.

Not to mention the research and development costs of new technologies, the cost of building an integrated military factory alone exceeds 15 billion Chinese coins! This is just the initial investment, and the subsequent costs will certainly be considerable.

Facing the way Su Dingping looked at him, Xu Dongguo wanted to say:

Dingping, do you know what the military budget of our navy is this year? More than 8 billion! Nearly four months have passed now, and there are still construction costs for the 051C production line, and the military expenditure is now only half of it.

This is what we have been able to save by adopting the policy of saving when we can. If the tight belt is just a little looser, the 8 billion will suddenly disappear.

He was thinking this in his heart, but he said: "15 billion is not a big problem. As for money, you don't have to worry."

"By the way, you have listed a number of lithography machines with different divisions of labor. I think the total purchase price is as high as more than 3 billion."

After a pause, Xu Dongguo added.

"You also know that in the early years, we made our own lithography machines, and the technical requirements were not high at that time. Later, with the liberalization, we all felt that it was better to buy than to make. After all, they sold them cheaply at that time. …”

Su Dingping suddenly said: "Quickly occupy the market with low prices, thereby achieving a monopoly on products and technology."

Xu Dongguo nodded and agreed.

"Yes! This has caused our technology to lag far behind theirs, and the price of our products has suddenly skyrocketed."

"So you see, can our current lithography machines be able to undertake such a project?"

Su Dingping shook his head firmly.

"Chief, you can't!"

"Lithography machines are needed by shipyards, military factories, and research institutes! And chips are needed by warship power systems, naval gun systems, 1130 close-in anti-gun systems, electronic countermeasures systems... including tactical command systems!"

"Especially the next generation radar system has stricter requirements for chips!"

Active phased array radar has higher chip requirements than passive phased array radar. If the chip cannot even satisfy the basic version of active phased array control radar, the subsequent 346A active phased array control radar will become a castle in the air.

“Since the technology we will develop in the future has very high requirements for chips, it also has high requirements for photolithography machines!”

Su Dingping said a lot, which made Xu Dongguo's head spin.

The cake is big and delicious, but the cost is a bit excessive.

Seeing that Xu Dongguo didn't say anything, Su Dingping thought that the other party had not yet made up his mind, so he immediately said.

"Chief, the world is changing too fast right now, and new technologies are emerging one after another. If we don't lay a solid foundation now! Without the support of a modern industrial system, the navy's century-old plan will be nothing more than a castle in the air!"

"It is true that we can come back and do it again in the future! But, one step at a time, one step at a time!"

Xu Dongguo immediately waved his hand and spoke straightforwardly.

"I understand! I will take care of the military expenses here, and I will definitely prepare all the equipment needed in your plan as soon as possible!"

Xu Dongguo tried his best to put on a smile on his face: "Is there anything else? It just so happened that you came here once in a while, so I told you everything."

"Reporting to the chief, that's basically it for now."

Nodding, Xu Dongguo walked to the desk, took out a document and walked over.

"Dingping, I have discussed the location with the other two chiefs, and six locations have been selected so far! Take a look, which one is more suitable."

Su Dingping didn't pick it up, but said.

"Chief, you just have to choose the location. It won't be a problem."

"That won't work!" Xu Dongguo said, "You have to choose!"

Su Dingping felt surprised in his heart. I had never visited the location on site. How could I know which one was better and which one was worse?

But Xu Dongguo said so, and he knew that there must be something in his words.

So I took the file and started looking through it.

The information on the six locations is very detailed, and you can get a rough idea of ​​the surrounding situation from this information alone.

After looking at it, Su Dingping realized the reason.

Three of the six locations are closer to the military bases where the three chiefs are located.

This is a hot job.

Su Dingping quickly handed it over and said: "Chief, I feel that these six locations are almost the same! Otherwise, let Chief Liu make the decision."

A smile appeared on Xu Dongguo's face: "Dingping, that's exactly what I meant."

He didn't want to embarrass Su Dingping, but he still had to go through the process to avoid the other two chiefs having objections to him.

People's hearts are fleshy, and it is not too much to seek more benefits for your own fleet. After all, the three major fleets bear great responsibilities and resist great pressures.

After everything was settled, Xu Dongguo carefully put away the "Integrated Military Factory Plan" and shouted outside.

"Guard, look for Comrade Yongguo."

"Yes, Chief!"

Within two minutes, Sun Yongguo came.

Just now, he had a premonition that Su Dingping must have something important to talk to Xu Dongguo, so he wisely found an excuse to leave. But he didn't go far, so he arrived in a while.

"Comrade Yongguo, there is one thing I want to criticize you for!" Xu Dongguo said with a straight face, "You were asked to supervise Dingping's rest. Look at how busy Dingping has been in the past three days!"

"Chief, I..."

Sun Yongguo was helpless. Xu Dongguo had indeed warned him, but he had been busy and forgotten in the past few days.

"Dingping, have a good rest and be energetic, so that you can devote yourself to work better! So, take a good rest this time when you go back!"

Xu Dongguo said in a serious tone.

"Leave the rest to me! If there is news from my side, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

Su Dingping was helpless, how could he force people to rest.

"Comrade Yongguo, this arduous task will be left to you!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Until the two left, Xu Dongguo's mood gradually became heavy.

He picked up the 'Integrated Military Factory Planning Book' and read it again and again, with a look of helplessness on his face.

15 billion construction and equipment costs!

This is still based on the 83% plan. If it is calculated based on 96%, it will definitely be more expensive!

New quenching process equipment, new warship large-tonnage forging system equipment, new...

Of course Xu Dongguo is jealous of the new ones, but they are all real money.

He feels that in addition to the 15 billion basic investment, an additional 3 billion R\u0026D starting funds must be provided.

Calculated this way, at least 18 billion is needed!

That’s 18 billion!

The total military budget for the two years combined is still short of 3 billion!

money! Money!

I really want to deduct some from the Army's military budget.

With a long sigh, Xu Dongguo said helplessly: "That's all! Let the chief worry about this matter, I can't solve it."

"Guard, prepare your machine!"

For such an important matter, he would definitely go there personally.

A few hours later, Xu Dongguo came in a hurry to Liu Huaming's office at the Navy Headquarters in Beijing.

After hearing that Su Dingping had produced a detailed "Integrated Military Factory Plan", Liu Huaming could not hide his joy.

But after reading the "Integrated Military Factory Plan" and understanding the entire situation from Xu Dongguo, Liu Huaming was overjoyed but also felt a lot heavier.

"Chief, these are beyond the scope of my ability. I can only rely on you now." Xu Dongguo explained everything and quickly stood up and said: "I have some urgent matters to deal with over there, so I won't stay any longer."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Looking at the other person's back as he hurriedly left, Liu Huaming gave a wry smile.

Money is the key right now. If you have enough money, you can arrange for people to purchase new equipment as soon as possible. As for whether all these new equipment can be purchased, that will be considered later.

"Money! Where can I get money?"

The Navy will certainly not be able to raise this much money unilaterally, even if it does not take more than the next nine months.

We can only find solutions elsewhere.

Liu Huaming stood up, put his hands behind his back, and paced back and forth.

Ask the boss for everything?

At present, all parts of the country are engaged in construction and vigorously developing the economy. It is unrealistic to spend so much money at once! Right now, priority is given to economic development, and this is the overall situation.

This is two different things from purchasing the 956E. The 956E is visible, and you can use the warship soon after paying the money!

But spending nearly 20 billion yuan to build a future that is still in the mirror, everyone must be cautious.

Besides, now that I have started this, I am afraid that the Army and Air Force will not be far behind!

Selling 051C?

This is a way, but the first newly built 051C has not yet been officially launched, and there is still some time before mass production, which cannot alleviate the immediate urgency.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind and he stopped walking.

"It seems like this old bone of mine should go out and walk around."

Sorry for being late, the plot is too complicated

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