I built an armada

Chapter 231 The new shield ship is taking shape, and the 10,000-ton destroyer is in sight

There are even many people who are experts and professors specializing in this field.

In this era, the military fan circle is very magical. They have different identities, but many of them are real senior people. They are naturally more rational.

"To be honest, this sudden expansion of the air defense identification zone must have been planned by the Donghuang tribe for a long time, and the Self-Defense Forces are gearing up, just waiting for us to take the initiative to provoke a war so that they can fight back. "

"Currently, except for the strongest aircraft carrier "Only for Love" in the Eastern Barren Sea, the remaining ones are the three eight-eighth fleets that traverse the Dongzhou waters."

"The Eighth-Eighth Fleet has currently killed four warships, leaving only two and a half, which totals about 14 destroyers. Even if all the elites are deployed, the pressure on our side is still very high."

"The current equipment of our navy is still a bit inferior. Although a few 052Bs and 051Cs are modernized, they are still lagging behind compared with the little devils."

"Except for destroyers, compared to frigates, we are still far behind. There don't seem to be many modern ones."

"As for small and medium-sized ships, we can't count them for the time being. Hey, I'm so pessimistic."

"But there is good news. The Eighth-Eighth Fleet is not at full strength, so tactically, we should have choices."

"Based on this, are we about half as powerful as Donghuang Hai?"

"Am I right to analyze this way?"

The Chief, a hardcore military fan, directly posted a series of comments, making a comprehensive and effective comparison of the maritime power of the two sides, but he still felt vaguely lacking in confidence.

"We only need to deal with the Eighth Eighth Fleet, and the only thing left is to deal with the aircraft carrier."

"At present, I don't know if our navy has hidden more advanced guided missile destroyers, such as ones more advanced than 052B? Is there a shield ship?"

"If there are, how many are there? Can we really fight against the aircraft carriers in the East Desert Sea?"

"The current problem arises here. Let's discuss it and make suggestions together."

These questions raised by the great chief caused countless military fans to ponder for a while. Without insiders of the navy to reveal the information, they could naturally only conduct research based on the warships currently disclosed.

But being born as Longxia people, they naturally understand the consistent urine behavior of the Longxia tribe.

If there is something good, it is natural to hide it, and never leak it to outsiders easily, just like themselves.

However, they still very much hope that the Long Xia Navy has been equipped with more advanced guided missile destroyers, preferably advanced warships that can rival the Eagle Tribe's Aegis destroyers.

Without the shield ship, they always felt empty in their hearts and lacked confidence, let alone the ability to stand upright.

Military fans have always hoped that their navy could be equipped with aircraft carriers. Many enthusiastic people even donated money to the competent authorities, directly stating that it would be used to build aircraft carriers and advanced warships.

Shield ships have almost become the obsession of most military fans!

051C spread its power overseas, forcing the Turkish tribe to open the strait and release the Varyag.

From that day on, the majority of military fans hoped that this giant ship could be reborn in the Longxia tribe and help the Longxia Navy achieve zero breakthrough in aircraft carriers.

Soon, some military fans would respond.

"Donghuanghai's self-equipped aircraft carrier is a light aircraft carrier and can carry between 22 and 33 carrier-based aircraft. It adopts vertical take-off and landing to take off."

"Then what we have to consider now is how to break through the aircraft carrier's outer defense circle, which is a protective formation composed of destroyers, frigates, and underwater submarines."

"If there is a breakthrough, then we need to face the aircraft carrier directly."

"Before the carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier are released, I have calculated that at least 3 to 6 guided missile destroyers, like the 052B, are needed to directly release anti-ship missiles to attack, forming a saturation barrage."

"If all the aircraft carrier-based aircraft have taken off, then the number of guided missile destroyers required will be even greater, no less than eight. Calculated based on the number of anti-ship missiles on the 052B, 128 anti-ship missiles will be released at one time."

"This firepower is quite fierce. If all the Haizi Eighth-Eighth Fleet is deployed, then this conclusion will change."

Xiong Da's Bald Qiang then replied later. He was more intuitive. There was a pile-up of ships. Obviously, the help of other auxiliary ships was not included. Surface ships faced surface ships directly.

Compared with the majority of military fans, what they see most are surface ships. As for underwater submarines and more advanced warships, they are the top secrets of the Longxia tribe.

Looking at the whole country, I’m afraid not many people really know about it!

That is Long Xia Navy’s trump card, and he will never show it to others easily!

"As for hiding, I think we must have hidden more than 10 modern guided missile destroyers."

"Maybe there are more hidden. Last time we counterattacked, didn't the Donghuang tribe keep saying that a mysterious battleship appeared?"

"I feel that is our hidden destroyer. Otherwise, how could it appear there by such a coincidence and sink four warships in Haizi?"

"Having said that, we are also facing a problem now. Haizi has two aircraft carriers."

"Recently, we have strengthened our cooperation with the Eagle Tribe, and we expect to be able to obtain their technical support. Don't forget that the Self-Defense Forces and the Air Force have dozens of advanced fighters like the F15J."

"Yes, it seems we are not so advanced yet."

After extrapolation, after extrapolation, there is no chance of winning at all. The military fan circle is full of sadness and the mood is extremely heavy. They are all worried about Long Xia Navy.

Frustrated and uncomfortable!

For most military fans, this is the darkest moment.

I was extremely irritable and felt that this was a war with no hope of victory.

Long Xia's navy is too weak!

Even if he is hiding, he doesn't have a hard body as a shield!

After all, since the beginning of conventional war, the navy has been the first force to bear the brunt.

If the navy can rely on its own strength to withstand it, then there will be no need for other branches to intervene.

Many netizens and military fans have recently been paying attention to the official stance, especially the naval department.

However, several hours have passed, and there is still no official attitude. Even the Navy has not issued any announcement to the outside world.

The latest issue of "Military Intelligence One Plus One" has no new content disclosed.

Everything seemed to be silent.

However, they know very well that the officials are probably very angry now, and they will naturally become thunderous when they make their attitude clear!

They are all looking forward to this moment very much!

at the same time.

Integrated military factory, inside the scientific research institute.

In addition to leading Sun Yongguo and others in the final core technical research of 052D, Su Dingping has recently been conducting research in this holographic interactive projection laboratory.

Since the 052D hull part was officially put on the slipway, the 0550,000-ton large-scale propeller appeared on and off in the military industrial illustration.

It can be seen that so far, he has not analyzed the relevant core technologies.

Standing in front of the 'Warship Illustrated Book' wall in the forging space of the Military Industrial Illustrated Book, Su Dingping frowned and fell into deep thought.

In his memory, the 0.55 million-ton cruiser of the Longxia Tribe in his previous life was a new-era Dreadnought-class battleship. After it was launched on June 28, 2017, it would lead the development trend of Blue Star surface ships in the next few decades. .

It is the first Blue Star to truly use integrated mast technology and a dual-band radar system. It can be said to be a collection of thousands of advanced technologies, which not only creates its fierce combat effectiveness, but also has excellent stealth performance.

The 0.55 million ton large drive is unmatched by the 052D in terms of performance and combat effectiveness.

Although technically they are inherited, their combat prowess is not on the same level at all.

It once pushed forward with a single ship and forced the Eagle Tribe aircraft carrier back.

What a powerful battleship is this?

After rebirth in this life, he naturally hopes to launch this large surface ship as soon as possible.

But so far, Su Dingping can still touch the core technology of 055.

This means that the entry time of the 0.55 million-ton large-scale drive may be 10 years ahead of schedule!

With this in mind, Su Dingping gently touched the illustration representing 055.

Immediately, a new virtual panel appeared in his mind.

[055 guided missile destroyer - dual-band shield ship, displacement: more than 9,000~12,300 tons, 183 meters long, 22 meters wide, an advanced 'third generation' destroyer. The maximum range speed is 32 knots and the cruising range is 7,000 nautical miles. 】

[055 guided missile destroyer main power system (analysis time 485 days, analysis progress 20%); H/PJ-45A 130mm naval gun (analysis time 675 days, analysis progress 9%), 346B active phased array radar ( Analysis time is 1916 days, analysis progress is 9%), front 64 unit + rear 48 unit vertical launch system (analysis time is 657 days, analysis progress is 48%), 'Interstellar' combat command system...]

Immediately afterwards, another virtual panel appeared.

[Trigger the core technology of the ‘Eagle Strike Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile System’! Trigger the core technology of the ‘24-mounted Haihongqi air defense missile system’! (Note: After analyzing the core technology of the main body of the warship, you can continue to analyze the core technology of the ship-based missile system.)]

Looking at this information, Su Dingping felt that his breathing had become much heavier.

Seeing that it had not been fully analyzed, Su Dingping could only withdraw from the military industrial illustration and immersed himself in drawing a sketch of the 0.55 million ton drive.

at the same time.

After receiving the relevant news, Sun Yongguo couldn't sit still for a moment. He quickly walked out of his office and asked Su Tianci to discuss countermeasures.

As soon as he opened the door and walked in, he saw a huge hand-drawn sketch of a warship in Su Tianci's room.

He walked over in a few steps and looked at the sketch carefully.

A completely enclosed guided missile destroyer that had never been seen before appeared in front of us, with an integrated mast, an inward tilting bridge, and double-sided shields. It was obviously a different wave band.

Moreover, the number of hair hanging systems is so frightening that people with trypophobia will feel their scalp numb after seeing it.

It's a completely new battleship.

According to this scale, the displacement will probably soar to 10,000 tons, right?

"This, is this a new generation of shield ship? The fleet's diamond shield?"

"More than 10,000 tons?"

"Is it dual band?"

"Holy shit, this is a 10,000-ton giant ship. It's really science fiction. Dingping, who does this belong to?"

"The aircraft carrier of the Eastern Wilderness Tribe is only over 40,000 tons, right?"

"Dingping, are you okay?"

Sun Yongguo was completely confused, and he forgot about the air defense identification zone for a while.

"Our own."

"This is the next direction of research, our new generation of 10,000-ton large-scale drive."

Su Dingping raised his head and looked at Sun Yongguo, and responded with a smile, "By the way, Dean Sun, you came just in time."

"Come on, let's go see something together, honey."

Under the leadership of Su Dingping, Sun Yongguo walked into the holographic interactive projection laboratory.

The confidentiality level of this laboratory is very high. Without Su Dingping's permission, no one has the authority to come in, let alone touch the things here.

When I walked in, I saw a giant ship suspended in mid-air. It was completely different from the previous 052D. It was one size larger in both shape and length.

The hull is fully enclosed, and even the mast is integrated.

The top of the bridge is extremely clean. Apart from a few radar domes, the mast is the most eye-catching. There is no anti-stealth radar such as a fly swatter at the rear of the hull.

It's obvious that everything is integrated into the dual-band radar system.

This is completely a new generation of ship!

"This, this is our third-generation guided missile destroyer?"

"That's right."

"Holy shit, is it really our third-generation guided missile destroyer? Is it so big all of a sudden?"

"It has 10,000 tons, I call it a 0.55 million tons drive."

Faced with Sun Yongguo's shock, Su Dingping responded seriously, "It adopts a dual-band design, or three-band integration. It has 112 units of vertical launchers and can launch sea-based anti-ship missiles with a range of up to two meters. Thousands of kilometers.”

"As long as such an aircraft is used properly and with system support, it can challenge an aircraft carrier battle group alone."

"This is our true third-generation guided missile destroyer."

Sun Yongguo's scalp exploded when he heard this, and his eyes widened several times.

It's really too advanced.

It was so shocking that it was undeniable.

How terrifying is it that a single ship can challenge the Eagle Tribe's aircraft carrier battle group?

"Are we working on the third generation of 10,000-ton large-scale drive? Dingping, we are still collectively working on the core technologies related to the 052D, and you have developed the third-generation large-scale drive?"

"Do you want to be so scary?"

Looking at the epoch-making third-generation guided missile destroyer in front of him, Sun Yongguo said tremblingly, and his eyes changed when he looked at Su Dingping.

I originally thought that he, Lu Guangjun and others had fought hard enough. In order to conquer the core technology related to 052D, they worked day and night and worked very hard.

Finally, I have mastered more than half of it.

Unexpectedly, he found that the gap between himself and Su Dingping not only did not narrow, but continued to widen, which was really uncomfortable.

"Dean Sun, don't be so shocked."

"This is just a goal, and there are still quite a few core technologies that have not yet been broken through."

Su Dingping turned around and looked at Sun Yongguo, who was stunned on the spot, and said with a smile, "Next, we still have to speed up the research on the 052D. By the way, there are also ten-ton anti-submarine helicopters."

Ten-ton anti-submarine helicopter So far, the helicopter institute has not made any big progress.

The main reason is that high-horsepower engine technology has not yet achieved a breakthrough, which is a constraint, so they also need to work hard in this area.

"Looking at this ship makes your blood boil."

"Dingping, you are simply the lucky star of our navy."

Sun Yongguo came back to his senses and said with great emotion that his admiration for Su Dingping could not be increased.

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