I built an armada

Chapter 19 We are the sparks that build China!

Seeing that it was getting late, the two of them discussed with Su Dingping and decided to start the next work at the research institute in two days.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Gongnong said again.

"By the way, Dingping, the first reward for Bi She that I promised before?"

At the beginning, Zhang Gongnong promised that whoever would finish first would take him aboard 956E to see what a modern warship looks like.

Now that there are so many design drawings here and the 956E model has been produced, this reward is suddenly in vain.

Although 956E is now on display in the military forging illustrated book, Su Dingping still wants to see if the two ships that arrived have really reduced some technologies.

Thinking of this, he said: "Let's go take a look if we have time."

"Okay, I will arrange this matter." Sun Yongguo said immediately.

When Su Dingping walked out of the laboratory, his stomach suddenly growled.

Then he remembered that he hadn't eaten lunch yet. He was about to go to the cafeteria when someone shouted from behind.

"Junior Brother Su!"

Turning around, he saw Guo Xueyun waving to him.

"Senior Brother Zhao came to see Senior Sister for dinner just now. I knew you would be able to come out, so I came to see you. Didn't you eat? Let's go together."

Seeing that Su Dingping was hesitant, Guo Xueyun added.

"I encountered some difficulties while doing the experiment. Senior sister can't solve it, and my tutor is not here, so I may need to ask you for help."

"That's okay. Go to the canteen, I have something to do later."

The two chatted all the way. Guo Xueyun was very knowledgeable and knew what to ask and what not to ask. He did not mention anything about the laboratory at all.

Su Dingping also felt relaxed.

The two of them came to the canteen to have a meal while talking and laughing.

After just a few bites, I heard someone shouting from the side.

"Guo Xueyun! Su Dingping?"

The two turned to look, and Guo Xueyun recognized each other at a glance. Su Dingping felt a little familiar but couldn't remember it for a while.

"It's Chen Kai."

Su Dingping remembered that he had met each other two months ago when he went to borrow equipment from various laboratories.

This person's grades are very good, much better than Zhao Haikuo and Wang Xin.

"Senior Brother Chen." As he said that, Su Dingping moved his position.

He felt that he had nothing to do with Chen Kai, who must have come here to see Guo Xueyun.

Guo Xueyun is so beautiful, I don't believe that no one is chasing him.

Unexpectedly, Guo Xueyun also moved aside and continued to sit face to face with Su Dingping.

Chen Kai didn't care and sat in the middle with a dinner plate.

He and Guo Xueyun nodded, Chen Kai looked at Su Dingping and said.

"Junior Brother Su, I haven't been able to contact you since the last time we said goodbye. I didn't expect that we met in the dining hall today. It's fate!"

"To be honest, I was definitely not convinced before I met you! I have never been convinced by anyone in the same class in our school! But after a detailed chat with my junior brother two months ago, my senior brother was so embarrassed! Only then did I know what it means to have someone outside the circle. There is a sky outside the sky!”

After all the sugar-coated bullets came down, Su Dingping remained calm.

"Professor Zhang teaches well."

"I heard that junior brother has only been with Professor Zhang for more than a year?"

"That further shows that Professor Zhang teaches well."

Guo Xueyun, who was sitting aside, was confused: Do boys chat like this?

After chatting for a long time, seeing that the atmosphere was almost up, Chen Kai suddenly changed the subject.

"The list of direct bloggers this year is down, and I am included."

"That's a good thing, congratulations, senior brother."

"But I haven't decided yet whether I want to study for a Ph.D. in this school or go to another school."

"Sister Xueyun, our Harbin Institute of Technology is not bad, right?"

Guo Xueyun said: "Further up, there are only a few such as Qingbei."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chen Kai shook his head: "I want to change places."

Just change it. Why are you telling me? This is the second time we meet! are you crazy!

Su Dingping thought this in his heart, his expression unchanged.

"for example?"

"I plan to apply to several prestigious universities in this beautiful country. I heard that those schools have the world's top scientific research equipment and cutting-edge scientific research teams..."

Chen Kai's eyes gradually brightened.

"I know a senior who studies there and gets tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships every year! He told me that it is a beautiful country, free, open and beautiful, where everyone's value can be reflected to the greatest extent!"

"I wish you all your wishes in advance."

"What about you? With your grades, if you apply to study abroad, those famous foreign schools will definitely not reject you."


Su Dingping shook his head.

"I have no plans yet."

"What happens next?"

Staring at Chen Kai, Su Dingping suddenly smiled.

"Chen Kai, we have only met twice. Do you really want to continue being alumni with me?"

Chen Kai also smiled.

"Excellent people always appreciate each other! If you and I apply to the same university, maybe we can actually continue to be alumni by then."

At this time, Su Dingping finally understood what the other party meant.

He shrugged and didn't answer.

"Actually, it's not bad to be able to continue to be alumni with you! After all, we are both from the same school, and our studies overlap, and we can also take care of each other."

Chen Kai said minding his own business.

"If I were you, I would definitely try it instead of wasting time here."

"I wish you success in your studies! I'm full, you eat slowly."

Su Dingping knew that there was no point in continuing the conversation, so he stood up and left.

"Junior Brother Su, wait for me." Guo Xueyun quickly chased after him.

The two of them were walking on campus, Guo Xueyun smiling like a flower.

"You didn't see that after you said that sentence just now, Chen Kai's face turned green."

She used to admire Su Dingping's knowledge far beyond his peers, but today she discovered that he was quite interesting.

"As soon as I heard something was wrong, I just left if I wanted to, and you still want to drag me along? Give him what he can!"

"There is no way. In recent years, the trend of studying abroad and the dream of a beautiful country have become more and more popular. Many people dream of going out to see it."

Hearing this, Su Dingping was silent.

From the 1990s to the beginning of the 21st century, it was the time when the trend of studying abroad and the beautiful national dream were at their peak. Many people are proud of "so and so of me is studying abroad" and "so and so of me is working abroad."

"Have you really never thought about going out? Many people say how wonderful foreign countries are."

Su Dingping didn't answer, but said to himself.

"Sister Xueyun, if one day, the popular dream in the world is no longer the dream of a beautiful country but the dream of China, what will it be like?"

Guo Xueyun was stunned immediately.

She really hadn't thought about this.

"Chinese Dream?"

"Yes, Chinese Dream!"

"This road must be difficult."

Su Dingping looked into the distance, as if he saw the future.

"Every generation has its own Long March, and each generation has its own mission. When the baton of the times is passed to our hands, we are the sparks for the construction of China!"

Guo Xueyun stood on the spot, her hair swaying in the wind, and her heart was filled with ups and downs.

Su Dingping's words kept echoing in her mind, and she looked at Su Dingping, who was staring into the distance, in a daze.

At this moment, Su Dingping's image in her heart was infinitely higher.

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