"【Cu Chulainn]: Heroic Spirit Emiya, you guy......"

"【Holmes]: So, if the future is determined, the Servant Rin summons can only be the heroic spirit Emiya."

"【Aozaki Aoko]: No......Fujimaru Shiro"

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: Huh? Sister Qingzi?"

"【Aozaki Aoko]: Do you like Saber more or Rin more?"

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: Huh? ? ?"

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: Like?"

"【Irisviel]: Shirou is still a child, right?......"

"【Fujimaru Shirou]: Rin and Saber are both very good! /Simple, sister Aoko is also very good, Sakura is also very good, everyone is very good!"

"【Xiaogang]: Fujimaru Shirou, it has to be you!"

"【Blackbeard]: So, your goal now is not that bullshit righteous partner but a beautiful girl’s partner?!"

"【Yuju Kuonji]: Fujimaru Shirou, so, what exactly is Shirou thinking now?"

"【Fujimaru Shirou]: Maybe the justice of Emiya Kiritsugu or Emiya Shirou is really wrong, but justice itself is definitely not wrong."

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: I learned that a fire in Fuyuki is very likely, and that the fire will change my entire future life. In fact, my most fundamental idea is just to survive, so that my family and I can avoid this disaster."

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: I don’t know what my future will be like. Maybe in a sense, I may really have magic talents, but I feel that being powerful does not mean whether you can shoulder certain responsibilities."

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: Human beings have limits. I agree with this sentence. When human beings take on responsibilities beyond their own capabilities, it is an irresponsible behavior in itself. The grander the ideal, the more help is needed from partners. Bar"

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: To achieve justice with the partners around you, rather than to be a partner of justice"

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: Therefore, I don’t want to be a partner of justice"

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: I just want to protect my family, friends, teachers, and partners around me.......Do all this well, and when I still have some strength left, I may be able to do justice to the best of my ability."

"【Aoko Aozaki]: Fujimaru Shirou, what if you have the same ability to save the world as the heroic spirit Emiya in the future?"

"【Fujimaru 23 Shirou]: If one day in the future the world will really face a crisis, and I can really prevent some disasters, I will do it. Just like King Arthur said when he pulled out the Chosen Sword, there are many If someone smiles, it must be right...."

"【Fujimaru Shiro]: I know my own limits, and I can’t be wrong at all. Then I will do my best to the best of my ability, and then continue to improve my limits."

"【Yuonji Temple】:/like!"

"【Da Vinci]: That’s great!"


"【Aozaki Aoko]: Aozaki Aoko, please let this child go."

"【Aozaki Aoko]: Aozaki Orange,? ? ?"

"【Aozaki Aoko]: Aozaki Aoko, what can you teach him? What can you do for him? magic? Your own magic foundation is in a mess, right? Growth? This kid is much more transparent than you"

"【Aozaki Aoko]: Me....../anger! Why are you here to dictate? I can protect him on his growth path, and provide him with direction when he is confused. I can also make tea, cook, and wash clothes for him!"

"【Xiaogang]: I can still have children! /laughing out loud!"

"【Tristan]: Shirou belongs to my king! The king in the video finally begins to understand people’s hearts! It must belong to my king! /crazy"

"【Lancelot]: Ahem, Shirou Fujimaru, are you interested in being the husband of my King of Knights of Britain? We, the Knights of the Round Table, are all talented people. It doesn’t matter if you say yes, it doesn’t matter if you don’t answer for the time being. You can This is the person we, the Knights of the Round Table, are covering!"

"【Ageguiwen]: Nod.jpg"

"【Illya]: Brother Shirou is mine! mine!! mine!!!"

"【Rin Tosaka: Fujimaru Shirou, I will always be by your side as your partner!!!"

"【Tohsaka Sakura]: Me too!! Brother Shirou!"

While the battle for Shirou started again in the chat room,

【The screen lit up again, and Shirou Emiya, Rin Tohsaka, and Artoria were running in the dense forest.】

【"From here, it takes three hours to reach the national highway. You have to keep running!"Tohsaka Rin ran at the front, leading the way and looking back.】

【Emiya Shirou nodded to express that he understood, then turned to look at Artoria next to him worriedly.】

【In the dense forest, the moonlight could only shine through the gaps in the leaves. Arturia's expression could not be seen clearly. She could only notice that her breathing was very messy.】


【After a while, Artoria lost her balance. Emiya Shirou hurriedly pulled her up from the side.】

【"That's it, we can't go on like this, Saber!"】

【"Shirou, I have experienced this level of difficulty many times in the past, and I can still run!"Artoria's cheeks were a little flushed, and she looked at Shirou who came over.】

【"No matter how many times you have experienced it, the pain is still painful. Well, relax a little!"】

【Emiya Shirou said, pulling Artoria over. It seemed extremely easy. He directly wrapped his arms around Artoria's legs and picked up Saber.】

【"you! What are you doing, Shirou!"】

【"Whatever you do, just take a rest. If you keep running with that expression, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it for a while."】

【"You're rude, let me go, do you think I'll fall down at this level?!】

【"Artoria started to move in Shirou Emiya's arms, but the movement was so small that it couldn't be called resistance at all. Especially the slender arms pushing Shirou's chest seemed to have no strength at all.】

【Shirou's expression turned pitiful again.】

【Inexplicably, Arturia's eyes met with Shirou's, and Arturia's eyes were a little dodgey:"What are you thinking about, Shirou? This kind of thing......Even if you are the Master, I won’t allow it."】

【Under the bright moonlight, Artoria's face slowly became stained with red clouds.】

【"You're lying. You're so weak that you can't even push me away. How can it be okay? Come on, be good. This is Master's order. If you don't obey it, I'll have to use the Command Seal."】

【"You, Shirou......you...Despicable, despicable, how could I let you use the Command Seal for such a thing!"】

【"Then be good, otherwise you will be left behind by Tohsaka."】

【Arturia huddled in Shirou's arms and stopped talking. She just held onto Shirou's front with her right hand and buried her head under Shirou's chin.】

【Shirou quickly ran again, hugging Artoria】

【After running for a long time, Shirou's breathing became more and more erratic. When he just broke free from the rope that tied him, his body was also injured.】

【"Shirou, please put me down so I can keep running."Artoria didn't know when she raised her head and looked at Shirou's face.】

【"Huh, don't underestimate me. Saber is nothing by herself. Compared with a broken heater, a girl is as light as air."】


【"Okay, stop talking. Do you know what equivalent exchange is? I have been helped by you before, and it is uneconomical not to do this. If I don’t pay you back here, I won’t be able to let you protect me tomorrow, right?"】

【During his lifetime, he killed everyone as a king, and after his death, he continued to fight as a Servant without stopping for a moment. When had Artoria ever been treated like this? She lowered her head and said,"No, that's not the case, but like this...I would be uneconomical"】

【"That's great, then I'll bear with it this time. I'm suddenly full of energy again."Shirou let out a big breath and took action again, constantly shuttling through the dense forest.】

【Artoria raised her head and wanted to say something more, but Shirou had already spoken in advance:"Hey, you'll bite your tongue if you talk. It's also good for me not to talk, so just be good."】

【"Really......Then, follow the Master’s instructions"】

【Now that this was the case, there was no need to be coy anymore. Artoria slowly opened her arms and leaned up, allowing Shirou to relax more and use less effort when holding her. At the same time,...He gently placed his chin on Shirou's front and closed his eyes.】

【It was still a dense forest. In the past, it could have been half an hour or an hour. The camera moved back and the Einzbern castle could not be seen vaguely. Shirou suddenly stopped and staggered.】

【Fortunately, after stopping suddenly, Shirou quickly leaned against the tree trunk to rest, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.】

【"Okay, let’s stop here, Shirou."】

【Miya Shirou gasped loudly:"Saber? Didn't you sleep?......What's wrong? What's the end of it?"】

【Artoria looked at Shirou Emiya with pity:"That is to say, Shirou should escape alone. Your body cannot escape with me."......"】

【"How can it be! I just tripped and fell, which was nothing at all."Emiya Shirou said bravely】

【At this time, Tohsaka Rin, who was running in front, also discovered Shirou who was lagging behind. He quickly turned back and stared at Shirou Emiya:"Hmph, you can be brave as long as you want, but even in the forest at night, please keep the blood from the corner of your mouth." Just wipe it off, of course this will make Saber worried!"】

【"Great, it will be easy if Rin is here."Artoria raised her head weakly, looked at Tohsaka Rin and whispered】

【Tohsaka Rin looked at Artoria and counted her breaths in silence:"I know what Saber wants to say, and there's not much time, so I'll just say it so that the big idiot can understand it."】

【Artoria's eyes darkened:"Yes, Rin, please put me here. You can't escape with me, and.......I can't hold on any longer"】

【Like a bolt from the blue, Emiya Shirou's expression instantly became dull, and he stared at Artoria blankly, while hugging Artoria tighter.】

【"Really......What about Shirou? Are you going to die in love with Saber like this?"Tohsaka Rin looked at Emiya Shirou】

【"How is it possible? I won't do that, but I won't let Saber disappear. If Saber wants to disappear, I will do it no matter if it is a command spell or anything else.——"】

【"ok, that’s no problem, let’s solve it together......The next policy was to help Saber, and then the three of them left the forest."】

【"ah?"Shirou looked at Tohsaka Rin in disbelief.】

【"Wait a minute, I really want to do that, but just because I can't......"】

【"Okay, come over here, let's talk first. I don't intend to let Saber disappear easily. Well, I can't let this opportunity escape, so I'll let you fulfill this obligation."Halfway through the words, Tohsaka Rin stopped and looked at Artoria with a meaningful look in his eyes:"Shirou has already agreed, so it doesn't matter to you, right, Saber?"】

【Arturia didn't answer, her cheeks heated up rapidly, and she lowered her eyes in embarrassment, neither saying yes nor no.】

【Emiya Shirou didn't know why, so he continued to follow Tohsaka Rin while holding Artoria in his arms.】

【The three of them passed through some particularly tall trees and saw an abandoned building in front of them.】


【"We should be able to hide here for a while. Archer found it when we came here and said it could be used as a hiding place in an emergency."Tohsaka Rin was talking and had already walked into the building.】

【Shirou held Artoria in his arms and walked in through the rubble.】

【"Shirou, come here, it won't be good if you don't let Saber sleep for a while. Being held by someone is actually quite tiring."】

【"Here we go, go right away"】

【Shirou carefully walked to the old bed with Artoria in his arms, and slowly put down Saber.】

【"How is it? Is it painful? Saber? Can you move your body?"】

【"Well, he was moved here by Shirou, so his body should still be able to hold on 247"】

【"Well, then there is only one question left. After all, an hour has passed since then. Even if Illyasviel comes after me, it will take more time. No, it will be quite troublesome to find. We should be able to Hide until tomorrow"】

【Shirou turned around suddenly:"Tohsaka, that guy..."】

【Tohsaka Rin did not answer, but pressed his right hand to his chest as if he were protecting something important.】

【"almost already......He was obviously just asked to buy time, but that guy was going to make people angry in the end."Tohsaka Rin turned around and whispered.】

【The three of them became somewhat silent.】

【"But I won't let his death be in vain. Since I have lost Archer, I must defeat Berserker here!"Tohsaka Rin turned back sharply and said sternly】

【"Knocked down? Berserker?!"】

【"It must be defeated! But the situation is not that desperate. Even Berserker will be injured after fighting Archer.

I've also brought all the gems I've collected, and if Saber replies, we'll be able to do something about it!

On the other hand, it is precisely because Berserker is injured now that he has the best chance to defeat Illyasviel, don't you think?"Tohsaka Rin looked at Shirou in front of him, more determined than ever.】

【"But is there a way to restore critical Saber? Even decent treatment is not available in a place like this." Shirou said worriedly】

【"No, Saber's treatment has nothing to do with the location. Saber is simply weak due to depletion of magic power. As long as a certain amount of magic power is replenished, she will be able to recover as before!"】

【"Let me tell you, Tohsaka, it’s because I can’t replenish my magic power that I’m troubled. Have you forgotten?"】

【"There is a way. Yesterday was already the day before yesterday. I explained it at that time, right?......In addition to sharing magic, there is another way to distribute magic power to servants, because at that time, well......I didn't expect that the situation would turn out like this, so I didn't say anything."Tohsaka Rin said with some slight hesitation.】

【"Well......"Shirou still looked confused】

【"Well, how should I explain it? The contract between you and Saber is normal, so naturally you and Saber not only have a contract in soul, but are also connected to each other in body, so you don't need to use difficult magic to supply magic power. Just give it to her"】

【"Wait a minute, you said you want to separate the magic power from the Master, but how to do that?"】

【Tohsaka Rin turned his head and looked over. After a while,......】

【"Very simple......She, luckily Saber is a girl, it’s easy, right?"】

"【Tristan]: Ahahahaha!"

"【Lancelot]: I knew the Master would not lie to me!!!"


"【Aozaki Aoko】:!!!"

"【Xiaogang]: Mend the magic!!!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"【Weber]: Huh? this......"

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