I became immortal in Tianzong Sword

Chapter 773 Predict Your Mischievousness

"My stupid brother, according to what you mean, you actually rejected Venerable Piao Miao's request to accept disciples?"

Jiang Hua's voice was faint, as if Jiang Xiaofan had done something extraordinary.

Jiang Xiaofan was a little annoyed, why did he still call him 'stupid'?

He said, "Any questions?"

Jiang Hua still said quietly: "Do you still remember the 'Myth of the Great Desolation' you told me when I was young?"

Jiang Xiaofan's eyebrows twitched, this is his black history.

I thought that my family would appreciate my storytelling, but I didn't expect that this sudden story would directly expose my identity as a "time traveler".

Fortunately, neither my parents nor my younger sister really care about this.

To this day, his "traveler identity" has long since become a "secret" that everyone knows, and he has gradually let go of it and no longer struggles with it.

But why bring up old things now?

Seeing her brother's bewildered expression, "good sister" Jiang Wei sighed, "Brother idiot, you are also a practitioner, don't you know that the word 'Valentine' has a special meaning in the realm of practice?"

Jiang Xiaofan asked: "What's the meaning?"

Jiang Wei said: "The so-called venerable means supreme, that is to say, he is a big man who stands at the pinnacle of this world!"

Jiang Xiaofan was speechless when he heard this, but he still insisted in front of his sister: "So what, how is it compared to the Emperor of Heaven?"

He thought to himself that he was the son of the Emperor of Heaven, and now he was just living in this mortal world, and he couldn't have the same knowledge as this kind of sister from an 'ordinary family'.

However, his "sister from an ordinary family" gave him a blow to the head: "Using the description you made in "Mythology of the Wilderness", brother idiot, the Venerable is roughly equivalent to the "sage" in it. Thought you knew about it!"

Jiang Xiaofan felt struck by lightning at this moment.

Then he jumped up and rushed out.

But after rushing out of the door, he quickly turned back and said, "Father, mother, I will go back as soon as I go."

Jiang Sibai said unhurriedly: "If it's really a chance, you can go on your own, and you don't need to come back."

Jiang Xiaofan responded when he ran out: "I know father!"

When the sound disappeared, it was gone.

Jiang Hua sighed tiredly, then turned to look at Jiang Sibai and asked, "Father, did you arrange that Venerable Piao Miao?"

Although it was arranged by Bai Sitong, Jiang Sibai still responded noncommittally: "Forget it."

"Why, don't you like this decision?"

Jiang Hua shook her head and said, "No, this decision is too correct."

"Father really understands my brother's temperament."

"This guy has no external oppression, so I'm afraid it's hard for him to really work hard."

Speaking of which, this younger sister also knew his brother's temperament very well.

She knew very well that if her elder brother stayed at home all the time, he would definitely become lazy again after working hard for a long time. Only by being sent out to a strange environment could he be forced to grow continuously.

Just like when he was wandering in Luodu.

If he hadn't shown many excellent qualities at that time, no matter how "fate arranged" Aya, a princess of the gods, would not have fallen in love with this boy who was much weaker and younger than her so easily, right?

Jiang Sibai nodded his little sister's nose and said, "It's up to you."

"Okay, now your brother is also sent away, what are you going to do next?"

Jiang Wei pondered for a while, and then said joyfully, "I want to travel the world with Sister Qiuniang, and be that chivalrous woman who punishes evil and promotes good!"

Jiang Sibai covered his face for a while when he heard this, why do all the girls he brought up have this ambition?

Yuan Ling didn't think it was a big deal, she said, "That's fine, the two of you sisters together can be regarded as taking care of each other, and this kind of traveling is actually a practice, so it's good to have a little more understanding of the principles of the world."

Jiang Hua naturally readily agreed, at her age and cultivation level, and with Qiuniang accompanying her, she could indeed go out and make a fortune.

However, parents are always worried when their children travel far away, Jiang Sibai still couldn't help but think about his daughter, and then asked Yuan Ling to use their earth movement law to bless her defense.

Although it is not directly bestowed with a magic weapon, the defense that the two venerables bless at the same time is already difficult to break through in this world.

And Jiang Wei was also at the mercy of her parents with a look of lovelessness, and at the same time said helplessly: "Father, mother, although I have never really experienced battle, didn't I learn the five elements of body protection from my father since I was a child?"

"Now it's already the realm of invulnerability."

"I sneaked down the city wall on my way back to the fortress before, but those evil beasts couldn't even break through one layer of my protective energy, but I have five layers of protective energy!"

Yuan Ling didn't get used to it, she said directly and seriously: "Ha, I found out, you actually sneaked down the city wall!"

Jiang Hua knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, subconsciously covered her mouth, and then said confidently: "That's all in the past, let it pass."

"Anyway, all you need to know is that my current defense is definitely strong enough to face any situation."

Jiang Sibai said speechlessly: "At least you can't stop the power of the Venerable."

Jiang Wei's expression froze when she heard the words, and then she asked, "Why did Venerable Ren come to trouble me?"

Just as she was speaking, a golden armor had condensed on her body.

But the armor soon disappeared from gold and was replaced by silver, and then gold and silver alternated continuously. After reaching a balance, a peculiar pattern of alternating gold and silver was formed, which made Jiang Wei look very elegant and beautiful in this armor.

Then Jiang Sibai looked at the work with satisfaction and said: "In this way, you will be able to withstand the attack of the venerable level, and at least a quarter of an hour when two venerables attack at the same time."

"A quarter of an hour is enough for your mother and I to come and find you from the ends of the earth."

Jiang Hua was almost suffocated, this strong fatherly love made her heart melt.

And what really made her unbelievable was the meaning revealed from the words.

She said in astonishment: "I thought that my father and mother just went to take over the Heavenly Court, why did they even become the Venerable?"

Yuan Ling smiled and put her arms around her precious daughter 'rua~' and said, "Don't think that the Venerable is something special, it's just a trick to fool people."

"When you get tired of playing in the mortal world, hurry up and go to the heavenly court. It is serious to understand the void in the heavenly court."

Jiang Hua just woke up, wiped her face with a little disgust, and then looked at Jiang Sibai and Yuan Ling with complicated expressions, only then realized that the protagonists of this world have always been these two people.

Fortunately, these are her parents.

But then she groaned and said: "I am like this, in fact, I can go wherever there is danger, right?"

"Anyway, no matter how dangerous it is, it's not dangerous to me."

Seeing what she said, Jiang Sibai showed an expression of "I knew it a long time ago" and said: "It seems that we didn't prepare these things in vain."

Jiang Hua was at a loss for words for a moment, this is called "prejudging her prediction"?

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