I became immortal in Tianzong Sword

Chapter 629: Yuan Ling's Big Plan

There are always people in this world who are happy, just like everyone in Zhu Rongfeng was so happy that they almost cried after they got a large number of spiritual materials.

There are always people in this world who are miserable, just like Jiu Mako, who wanted to get drunk after coming back, but was forcibly dragged into a dreamland and ravaged by twelve strong men in turn.

It was definitely the most miserable night of his life.

Previously, he was fine against the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, or anything else. Only those twelve strong men really suppressed him to death from the level of melee combat that he is best at. of.

He's been beaten horribly, but there's no denying he's found himself improving.

Every time he was beaten to the ground, he would have different feelings, the more miserable he was beaten, the more he would feel.

Among them, he was beaten into a ball of rotten meat a few times, which made him feel particularly deeply.

Several times, Jiang Sibai behind the scenes showed a horrible expression.

But he never expected that in the middle of the night, Jiu Zhenzi would be beaten to a pulp while flirting with those ignorant 'ancestral witches' with a nervous smile.

Yuan Ling covered her eyes and asked, "Am I going too far, won't he be beaten stupidly?"

Jiang Sibai said: "No, I suspect that he may really think that the illusion entities in these dreams can communicate."

Yuan Ling was taken aback.

Jiang Sibai reminded: "Don't forget 'Tongtian Jiaozhu'."

Yuan Ling was stunned for a moment, and then asked speechlessly: "You mean, he thinks that these illusion entities can talk to each other like Master Tongtian?"

"Wait, doesn't he have divine eyes?"

"Can't he see that these people in front of him are just illusion entities instead of real existence?"

Jiang Sibai hesitated for a moment, looked around and said, "Perhaps it's because he believes in God's Eye too much."

"Did you forget where this is?"

Yuan Ling understood: "This is the dream world, but the illusion entity seems to exist in the dream world?"

Jiang Sibai nodded and said: "His divine eyes can't see the falsehood in Amu's dream world, which makes him believe that the illusion entity in front of him is real. It's just like the 'Tiantian Jiaozhu' he met earlier. "

Yuan Ling covered her forehead and sighed: "Is this problem serious?"

Jiang Sibai said: "It's not serious, we'll just pick out his eyeballs after he has almost started to touch the Realm of Immortals."

Yuan Ling suddenly felt sorry for Jiu Zhenzi, and always felt that this disciple was so pitiful.

So she rolled her eyeballs, and the mischievous thinking that belonged to Little Bell gained the upper hand.

She said, "Then let me be one of the ancestral witches."

Jiang Sibai asked: "Do you want to beat him yourself?"

Yuan Ling shook her head and said, "No, as an elder, I have to find an outlet for him."

"The ancestor witch of Houtu, it happens that this ancestor witch is also called Houtu, I will be the Houtu, and let him chat with me for a while every time he is beaten to death and reborn."

When Jiang Sibai heard this, he felt that this could be done, and then he diverged his thinking and said: "I can also make these twelve ancestral witches into the gatekeepers of the twelve levels. He not only needs to defeat the ancestral witches, but also faces against other opponents along the way."

"Well, there is no absolute power here, anytime he is not careful, he will die."

Yuan Ling couldn't help clicking her tongue when she heard this, and she said, "You are going to torture him to death."

"It sounds interesting though, it's hard to imagine what it would be like for him to stick with it in this situation."

Jiang Sibai said: "I suddenly felt that I could bring Gongsun Zhi over here."

Yuan Ling rolled his eyes at him and said, "You can be a human being, he already has a happy family and a successful career, why do you want to torment him?"

Jiang Sibai said: "Originally I just wanted to help him rule the Great Zhou, but later I found that I had gone too far in training him when he was young."

Yuan Ling said: "Speak human language well."

Jiang Sibai explained helplessly: "That is to say, I fed him too many good things when he was young, so that even if he didn't practice cultivation, he had a lifespan that could easily live to at least two hundred years old."

Yuan Ling blinked, then came to his senses and said, "That is to say, our nephew and grandson are all old and dead, so this kid can still be alive and kicking?"

Jiang Sibai said: "The point is, maybe when his grandson is about to die of old age, he can still be alive and kicking."

Yuan Ling blinked and said, "That's really pitiful, for his son, grandson and even great-grandson."

"Does he know it himself?"

Jiang Sibai said: "He knows. After I told him that his queen's lifespan would be much longer than the average person's because she reshaped her body, I also told him that my lifespan would also be longer than the average person's."

Yuan Ling blinked in surprise and asked, "Then what does he think about this?"

"Are you going to be the emperor for two hundred years?"

Jiang Sibai said: "No, he is actually worried that his son will have psychological problems if he becomes the prince for the rest of his life."

"That's why I told me at the time that when Adou grows up enough to handle the affairs of state, he will abdicate and become the Supreme Emperor."

Yuan Ling suddenly thought of something and said, "I have an idea."

Jiang Sibai asked: "What did you think of?"

Yuan Ling said: "Why don't our Zhi'er be the emperor of the whole world!"

Jiang Sibai: "??!"

He didn't quite know whether the woman in front of him was thinking about some indecent content, but why did this sound like he wanted to spoil his son and spread seeds all over the world?

At this moment, the glory around them changed.

Aunt Bai Sitong is here.

He was interested in what his daughter-in-law had to say.

The two greeted each other one after another, but they were not too surprised. After all, this is the dream world, and the chances of them meeting Bai Sitong are quite high.

Bai Sitong said: "Ling'er, hurry up and tell me what you think."

Yuan Ling said: "Didn't Zhi'er abdicate to his son when he was in his prime?"

"Although that's good for a dynasty's inheritance, it's too wasteful for Zhier himself."

"It's better to let him continue to lead the army to fight after he abdicates, to conquer a new country."

Jiang Sibai was stunned and said: "In this case, I am afraid that the territory of the Great Zhou is too large. There has never been any political system that can rule such a huge country."

"There is also a problem with the energy of the managers. With the current management system, I am afraid that no one has the energy to rule such a large territory leanly."

Bai Sitong said: "Indeed, if so many places are ruled under the same political system, it will also obliterate the original civilization of these many places. I don't like this."

Yuan Ling laughed and said, "Let Zhi'er have more sons, and when the time comes to build a big empire for each of these sons, wouldn't you be the emperor of the whole world?"

Good guy, Jiang Sibai was so shocked by Yuan Ling's big plan that he couldn't speak.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems really feasible?

The only troublesome thing is that so many sons have to be born by Yao alone, so she can survive.

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