I became immortal in Tianzong Sword

Chapter 599 Seems to rule the world

Jiang Sibai wandered around in Peishui City where everything seemed to be fine, but the more he walked around, the more he felt a strange discomfort.

All the people in this city are polite and courteous, and no one is in a state of distress when passing by. The inns and restaurants are all talking about world affairs, just like the governance of the world that the ancient sages yearned for.

But what Jiang Sibai felt was a heavy depression.

Because this 'governing the world' does not include the common people of Shuli!

In other words, the so-called common people here are such wealthy families with rich clothes and fine food, while those Shuli who are poorly clothed and hungry are just the tools and property of the powerful families, and they cannot even be regarded as human beings.

In this 'government of the world', it seems that everyone is a gentleman of morality, who can talk about state affairs all day long or whether the romance is good or not.

It's just that in this "governing the world", who is going to do those "indecent" things?

Jiang Sibai had already walked out of the city, and saw the dilapidated shanty town separated by a wall.

It's just a wall, the inside of the wall is bright and beautiful, but the outside of the wall is full of ragged clothes and stench.

What he saw in his spiritual sense happened to be that a dung truck drove out of this city gate, came outside the city, and then dumped it directly into the stinky ditch next to it.

As a result, the shanty town is stinking to the sky, and even the disease is rampant.

All of them looked numb, as if they were no different from dead people, but to Jiang Sibai's horror, in this dirty shack area, countless monsters cheered and gathered, they jumped at the feet of the crowd, and carnivaled in the invisible shadows.

Even showing his teeth and claws in front of some children...

Only, they were ignored.

Because the people here don't even have the qualifications to live a good life, so how can they have the right to fear these things?

Looking at such a city, Jiang Sibai suddenly remembered the story of Noah's Ark in the Bible in his previous life.

It wasn't that he thought about Noah's Ark itself, but that he suddenly understood the will of the 'God' who wanted to cause a flood to wash the world.

Here, the surface is bright, but the interior is already full of violence, oppression and crime.

Even such a crime has formed a terrible system, which secures the interests of the few and makes the vast majority suffer for it.

Speaking of which, it reminded him of the Huangling Army and Dayan back then.

Back then, the Huangling Army revolted when the people had nowhere to stand.

However, looking at the behavior of the Huangling Army, in the place where it started, there is no doubt that its backbone should all come from the big clan.

At least he is also an unsatisfactory person in the big clan.

Otherwise, how could an insurgent army composed purely of Shu Li who had never read a book continue to make the Huangling Army bigger and stronger?

Therefore, Jiang Sibai knew that the Huangling Army must have been supported by a large family at the beginning, and even it itself was the product of the union of some large families with more interests, and it was a tool for demonstrating and bargaining with the Dayan royal family.

However, these big clans ignored the power of these Shu Lis encouraged by the Huangling Army. The fanatical power finally made this team completely out of control and became a terrifying existence that destroyed all order.

As for the arrogance of the Huangling Army, it can be said that Jiang Sibai personally suppressed it.

Because the Huangling Army at that time had completely deteriorated and turned into a brutal army through and through, and the people where it passed were in dire straits.

But now, Jiang Sibai suddenly had a premonition: the 'Huangling Army' that once swept the world might be coming back again.

Jiang Sibai looked away, and saw that as the Bu family's big ship docked, dozens of people rushed out of the shack area, and they rushed to the port to see if there was any work to load and unload cargo.

That's it.

The functioning of this city is inseparable from them, but they have been driven to the dirtiest corners to linger.

He felt the anger that once belonged to the Huangling Army gathered in this dilapidated shack area, faintly reaching an extremely dangerous situation.

Jiang Sibai stretched out his hand, but suddenly froze.

He wanted to help these poor people, but suddenly realized that this was not good, he was just helping those people in the city to suppress their crimes.

Just when he was so hesitant, he suddenly heard someone calling him.

"Hero White!"

Jiang Sibai was a little stunned, but he didn't expect to be distracted.

He turned his head to look at the leader of the Bu family guards, but nodded slightly and didn't say much.

The guard leader hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and cupped his fists and said: "Bai Xia, I didn't expect to meet you here, it was my Bu family who neglected me earlier."

"The master has already reprimanded the young master severely, and the young master has been ashamed of himself for a long time. Please don't worry about the young master's bewilderment."

Jiang Sibai nodded lightly and still did not speak.

The Bu family is still his object of observation, but now he is even more hesitant about how to deal with the situation in Peishui City.

Is it to save the poor people in front of me, but it is tantamount to helping the wealthy family in this city eliminate hidden dangers?

Or let the situation develop and let another real "Huangling Army Uprising" break out?

Jiang Sibai hesitated for a moment.

Suddenly, I felt that I had to think so much.

Of course, when evil becomes dominant and even orthodox, goodness can only be deceived and there is no way to seek retribution.

At this time, there will naturally be strong forces to break all this.

So where is this strength?

Jiang Sibai looked to the north, and the Gongsun Zhi he had cultivated was such a force.

Since there is already this force of punishing evil that will come here sooner or later, why should he just sit back and watch the misery in front of him and not rescue it?

Jiang Sibai figured it out.

In fact, he doesn't need to care about the general trend and the overall situation at all, because he is the general trend and he is the overall situation.

There is no such thing as 'no breaking, no building', anyway, let him watch the monster carnival in front of him, and he feels uncomfortable in his heart!

So he raised his head to look at the sky, the primordial spirit had already begun to communicate with the clouds in the sky, and then a heavy rain was brewing.

At this time, seeing that he was silent, the leader of the Bu family guard took another step forward and bowed respectfully, "Bai Daxia, I know the young master is too aggressive this time, I just hope the hero can give him a chance."

Jiang Sibai responded casually: "Well, I forgive you."

Then he stopped talking.

The leader of the Bu family's guards was taken aback when he saw this, and felt that this person was really difficult to talk to.

Fortunately, the guards he sent back earlier came back at this time.

The guard whispered to him for a while, and then he clasped his fists at Jiang Sibai again and said, "Bai Xia, the master has already booked a banquet at the Xiangmanlou in this city, please move forward, the master wants to guard the hero's previous journey face to face." thank."

This is very good at talking, don't talk about the previous grievances, just mention the gratitude.

After hearing this, Jiang Sibai nodded and said, "Yes, then let's go."

Then he walked to the city.

It looks a little wooden, like a walking dead.

This is because his primordial spirit has already left his body at this time, and this is just a body controlled by some spiritual thoughts.

Seeing this, the guards of the Bu family quickly followed.

They all witnessed with their own eyes that Jiang Sibai crossed the Lu and crossed the river before, and they really dare not neglect at all.

As for Jiang Sibai's primordial spirit, it has already arrived at the sky above Peishui City, and began to push the cloud and inject pure yang.

He will send down a rain that purifies all evil, and will bring some good news to the suffering people living outside this city.

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