I became immortal in Tianzong Sword

Chapter 510 'Tiangong Economy'

In Jiang Sibai's understanding, there are two situations of Tiangong.

One is that the heaven and earth reward goodness, and the other is that the heaven and earth distribute it.

It goes without saying that heaven and earth reward goodness, it belongs to oneself, and what the heavens issue is a bit like a "heavenly bond" in Jiang Sibai's understanding.

That is, the heavenly court tells you that you have these celestial skills. In fact, you cannot see or take out the celestial skills wherever they are.

Just like this time, Jiang Sibai earned an unknown amount of incense for Heavenly Court. If he wants to use these incense, he can attribute it to himself in the form of incense, but if he chooses to change it to Tiangong...

Then these incense sticks are considered to have completely belonged to the Heavenly Court, and what he got was an extra sum of "800,000 Heavenly Skills" on the "Heavenly Court Account".

Of course, there are other ways to 'recharge' besides incense.

The easiest way is to use merit to directly hand over to the heavenly court, so as to get equivalent or more heavenly merit.

Of course, this 'recharge', for individuals, this merit goes to heaven, and what they get in exchange is a virtual asset called 'Tiangong'.

After Jiang Sibai thoroughly figured out what was going on with the Tiangong of the Heavenly Court, he only felt that Hei Tianzun was worthy of being Hei Tianzun, and he really understood it.

Before that, he really didn't know what was going on with Tianting Tiangong. After recharging with incense this time and figuring it out, he really regretted it.

What is the use of this 'virtual asset' for him?

With the power of incense and fire, is it not good to use it to water trees? Wouldn't it be better to push the cloud?

Anyway, in his mind, if these incense and vows were given to the Heavenly Court, it would be tantamount to losing them, and there would be no benefit at all.

The judicial angel knew what was going on from his disgusted expression. As a judicial angel who had given up on himself, he revealed a very shocking secret very simply:

"It is precisely because these heavenly merits are stored in the heavens and not attributed to oneself, that they can be transferred to others."

"Otherwise, where do you think the proverb 'one man attains the Tao and the chicken dog ascends to heaven' comes from?"

Jiang Sibai was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You mean, I can give these heavenly skills to my master?"

The judicial angel nodded and said, "Of course, but when it comes to your master, there will be only 600,000 of the 800,000 natural skills left. You have to think about it."

Black, it's really black!

Isn't this the 'transaction tax'?

And it's still a quarter of the transaction tax, which is really high.

But even so, Jiang Sibai said without hesitation: "Then transfer it, if I want this heavenly skill to be useless, I will give it to Master."

"After saving enough, he can become a teacher, right?"

The judicial angel said: "That's natural, but if he has 600,000 celestial skills, he must go to the heavenly court. Those who have 100,000 celestial skills can ascend to the upper realm. This is the rule of heaven."

Jiang Sibai was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said: "Then don't worry, after I save up some more, Master is not in a hurry to go to heaven this morning."

He realized that he had to study the laws and regulations in this area carefully, and then raised his head and said to the judicial angel: "Brother Justice, is there any laws and regulations in this area for me to look at?"

The judicial angel didn't hesitate at all, and directly threw him a piece of spiritual jade and said, "I have already recorded all the rules of heaven, you can figure it out yourself."

Jiang Sibai liked this completely lying down look.

But he felt a little unsafe, so he hesitated and asked: "Brother, could it be that you buried some kind of hole in the Tianru that you entered here, waiting for me to jump into it?"

The judicial angel was overjoyed, and he said directly, "Believe it or not."

"You can just take advantage of the loopholes in Tianru. Anyway, the more you discover now, the more loopholes you will fill in the future. This is a good thing."

This is really a look that has been completely thought out.

Jiang Sibai was quite happy about this, he said: "Since that's the case, go ahead, I'll study the rules here carefully."

The judicial angel didn't stay there either, and left right then.

He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, the mood that had finally calmed down would go berserk again.

On the other hand, Jiang Sibai pondered the rules of heaven curiously, mainly studying the parts related to Tiangong. He found that this system of Tiangong is simply too well-understood, so he has to study hard.

This is simply used by the Heavenly Court to recover merits from many sages in the world!

In Jiang Sibai's eyes, this Tiangong was originally a no-cost business, but it became the most important basis for maintaining the rule of heaven. This familiar feeling really filled him with interest.

Time passed while he was studying the sky rules.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but with the research on the rules of the sky, he found that there is also some affinity between himself and the world.

"That's right, the rules of heaven are the most obvious manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth. Maybe studying the rules of heaven is really a way to attain Taoism?"

Jiang Sibai was thinking wildly, but suddenly noticed some changes.

There is evil spirit invading the palace!

Without any hesitation, Jiang Sibai directly used the Sky Mirror to look for traces of the evil spirit.

Under the sky-gazing mirror, the invading monster was undoubtedly revealed.

This is an ape demon, and its cultivation base is also close to that of a celestial being. This should be the tacit understanding between the five heavenly realms.

Before the fall of the Five Realms, only those who were cultivated below the level of immortals could move on the ground.

It was only then that Jiang Sibai realized how reckless his immortal cultivation was at this time, and it could be said that he had taken the lead.

Of course, this may also be what Hei Tianzun wants to see, after all, no matter how much he himself denies or does not want to, behind him is Tianting and the two Tianzun.

And the purpose of this ape demon is also very clear, it is the fox demon Zhaobi!

It came to save Chi Yao.

Jiang Sibai hesitated a little, and then found Dabai with the mirror.

I saw that the tamper was sleeping cross-legged beside Taoist Moshang's couch, and the seven tails moved from time to time, directly occupying most of the room where Taoist Moshang was.

Seeing this, Jiang Sibai was quite amused, and stretched out his hand to flick Dabai's wet nose lightly.

Dabai immediately raised his head in bewilderment, rolled his tongue up and licked his nose, with a bewildered expression.

Then it realized something, and immediately shouted: "Xiaobai, you must be playing tricks on me again!"

This is a lot of teasing, skipping the reasoning process and finding the truth.

Taoist Moshang woke up with a smile, and said, "Xiaobai has business with you, why don't you go?"

Only then did Dabai nod his head, and then jumped out wagging his tail.

Sure enough, he heard Jiang Sibai's spiritual voice transmission halfway, and then ran directly to the front of the palace hall.

"Hey, monkey, what are you doing sneaking around here?"

Dabai walked over step by step, his crotch swayed with the increasingly elegant steps, and he actually had a charming feeling.

It didn't realize it by itself, but as it grew its seventh tail, its cultivation and strength increased rapidly, and along with it came some habits and demeanor that it didn't have before.

In short, it vaguely has the look of a 'mother fox'.

"Is the memory of the past life about to awaken?"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Sibai secretly guessed in his heart.

But he didn't mean to worry, anyway, to him, Dabai is Dabai, male and female foxes are the same.

He was such a well-informed man, even if there were any more extreme changes, he felt that he could bear it.

Of course, these are not the key points now, the ape monster in front of him is the key point.

Regarding the demon court, Jiang Sibai is not going to hold back.

Because according to what Xueqi said, this demon court has always wanted to compete with humans for the position of the protagonist of the world.

This is an existence that can only be an enemy!

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