【SCP-1762-1 will automatically shut down after all SCP-1762-2 return; there is no time pattern or precursor to entering the above state again.】

【Occasionally, after SCP-1762-1 has recovered all SCP-1762-2, a message written or engraved in various materials will appear on the lid of the box.】

【Attempts to use SCP-1762-2 to transmit messages or deploy various instruments have been fruitless.】

【The content and date of occurrence of the message have been archived】


Live broadcast room comment area

"Is it really just an origami toy?"

"If my little origami toy could reach a speed of 15km/h, I would wake up laughing in my dreams."

"So is there any special little world inside that box? We humans can't see it, but those origami toys can go in and see"

"The current content is quite childish"

"Anyway, my stereotype of Contestant No. 100’s writing style has changed.……"


There was a harmonious atmosphere in the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room, and Yang Feng also wrote the appendix.

【Appendix: At▇▇▇▇On March ▇▇, SCP-1762-1 began a series of abnormal events that lasted for 331 days.】

【These events, as well as the accident that led to them, are listed in the classified document"The Incident of the Explosive Neck"】

【The following contents are related documents about the"Explosive Neck Dragon Incident"】

【Document 1762-1: SCP-1762-1 in containment at Site-██A piece of information sent during the period, obtained at [data deleted]】

【Text: You have found us. thank you all. We can finally meet again after so long, my friend】

【We will all rejoice in the fact that peace has persisted. Since you brought order, the giants and behemoths have not only been silent but also caused no more trouble.】

【To be honest, we miss you very much. How are your people doing? Do you remember how to run your room? Finally, you are welcome to visit again】

【File 1762-4, acquired at [DATA EXPUNGED]】

【Text: A bit confusing. Your world has changed beyond our imagination, but even stranger is the way we show up here】

【Are you making yourselves bigger? After all, we were much older than you in the fantasy world. Speaking of the fantasy world, it's pretty much the same.】

【But we still hope you can visit us as before. Although the room is still spacious, it seems that you are...not smaller?】

【We don't understand the situation here. But it should be stable between rooms, please keep the promise between us】


Live broadcast room comment area

"Is Acrosaurus a dragon with an exploding neck?"

"Upstairs, make good use of Internet search tools……"

"Judging from the content of this text, it seems that SCP-1762-2 has known humans before?"

"I speculate that humans entered the so-called illusion world and then established order and peace."

"giant? Behemoth? The painting style becomes more and more childlike"

"The same goes for this speech. I think it can be expanded into a fairy tale world view"

"But it looks like these origami dragons didn't realize what they really looked like when they came out of the box."

"keep the words?"

"I think these origami dragons have encountered some difficulties in their world, otherwise they would not have repeated their request to visit us so many times."

"Now I am gradually falling in love with these cute origami toys!"


【File 1762-6, acquired at [DATA EXPUNGED]. Only 20 SCP-1762-2 appeared during the acquisition. These individuals did not fly, but walked on the ground until they returned to SCP-1762-1】

【Text: Good friends, I’m sorry that we have so few members here. Because we have to stay in the fantasy world for a while. Other forces are stirring and growing... We want peace to continue】

【So please, for our happiness, fix the room as soon as possible. We see your efforts, and your people are also recognized by us as the most imaginative.】

【Document 1762-14, obtained at [DATA EXPUNGED], along with SCP-1762-2, appeared from SCP-1762-1 along with three yellow paper balls that were crumpled into a ball.】

【The wads of paper shook very violently for 5 seconds and then stopped moving. The paper ball was then picked up by SCP-1762-2 and brought back to SCP-1762-1】

【Text: Giants are stupid, and your room isn't ready for them. I'm sorry, good friend, I hope we can meet again in the future, because there is less and less time left for us to maintain happiness and peace.】

【Document 1762-15, acquired during [DATA EXPUNGED], when five instances of SCP-1762-2 appeared carrying the document, dropped it to the ground and immediately returned to SCP-1762-1】

【Text: The situation has become tense. The fantasy world is getting darker and darker】

【We, the serpents and hybrids are trying to prevent their return, but the giants and elves hope to launch a full-scale attack and open a large breach. They also say you have become stupid and ignorant

【Although we hope this isn't true. But if you really forget that, we will be very sad】


Following what Yang Feng wrote, the comment area of ​​the live broadcast room has now fallen into a constant wave of discussion.

"The information currently available is that the world of Origami Dragons has fallen into a state of chaos and confrontation, and they urgently hope that humans will repair that room and come in to provide support."

"Haha, I didn’t hold back during the giant part. I could already imagine several little people jumping around in the paper.……"

"Damn, I feel like humans have let down these origami dragons... They are so friendly and trust us."

"I really want to keep a few of them……"

"Who knows if they are telling lies or deceiving people!"

"Don’t be too extreme. The main focus of this SCP project should be innocence, and the story will be beautiful."

"Support upstairs, it should end with a happy ending"

"Based on my understanding of player No. 100, I won’t believe it unless there is a reversal in the end. For example, what was originally thought to be a peaceful outcome suddenly turned around."

"M, time is all about data deletion, right?"

"The stereotype of the SCP Foundation has deepened again!"


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly votes! Ask for all the data! This is the greatest support for my writing!

Thank you all for your monthly support during this period, so there is one more chapter!

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