"It's so awesome. It's indeed an ability related to the brain." Jiang He stared at the name. At first glance, he thought it was the extraordinary power provided to him by upgrading his ability to sense the five senses. But judging from the effect, it was indeed It should be related to extraordinary resistance.

There are still 7 upgrade points left, and Jiang He's allocation criteria are still the same, adding 2 points each for physical strength, physical strength, and blood recovery. The remaining 1 upgrade point is added to action speed.

He raised his butt, then grabbed the table under him with one hand, and easily lifted it a few centimeters, but not completely.

This half-lifted height and posture is obviously more uncomfortable than the fully raised posture, but for Jiang He now, it is still very easy to lift a table weighing more than ten kilograms with one hand.

The table seemed to be shaking a little, and some metal collision sounds came from below. Jiang He felt a little strange, lowered his head and glanced at the table legs.

This table was originally fixed on the ground, but now it had been uprooted by Jiang He. The parts used to fix it contained glue and soil for fixing and were shaking in the air.

Damn it! After working on it for a long time, it is not placed here, but fixed here!

Jiang He quickly put the table down. He said that he felt some resistance when he lifted the table, but after lifting it, he felt nothing.

Isn't this another act of destruction?

Jiang He hurriedly finished his dinner, then put away the plate and walked back to his detention room with his head buried in his chest.

By chance, Uncle Ji, who had just returned from the infirmary, stretched out, picked up his own plate, and after finishing his dinner, he happened to walk to the seat where Jiang He had been sitting just now.

As soon as he put down the dinner plate and before he could sit down happily, the dining table in front of him tipped forward strangely.


With a muffled sound, the dining table fell to the ground, and the dinner plate on it slid down at any time, scattering today's dishes all over the floor.

Everyone looked in the direction of Uncle Ji. The latter was shocked, and then immediately raised his hands, "I didn't do it! The table fell over on its own!"

A guard ran over and checked the base of the dining table and found that the fixed parts were basically intact. They had clearly been pulled out of the ground!

"The table was pulled out," the guard looked at Uncle Ji next to him, "Did you do it?"

Uncle Ji shook his head like a rattle and said, "Look at my age and body, can I do such an explosive thing? You think too highly of me, an old man, right?"

Just in time, Wang Qigou, the last batch of people who had finished the 40-kilometer long run, was holding a dinner plate and witnessed all this happening.

But Wang Qigou was not surprised by this. After all, Jiang He said that the wall between him and Uncle Ji's detention room was punched through by Uncle Ji.

Since they all have the strength to punch through walls with one punch, it is naturally expected that they want to uproot a dining table.

He took the plate, enjoyed his dinner today, and left the cafeteria.

But Wang Qigou did not go directly to his detention room.

Instead, he disappeared halfway to the detention room.


The director is sitting in his office, with a cup of brewed instant coffee in front of him. The steam is rising, carrying a strong smell of coffee.

It was also a rare opportunity for him to have some free time. Today he managed to finish a lot of work at once and squeezed out half a day's rest for himself.

"I hope nothing goes wrong again today."

He picked up the coffee cup and exhaled, blowing away the heat from the top of the cup.

Just when the director was about to take a sip of the instant coffee in the cup, he heard a "pop-" sound, and the vision in front of him suddenly fell into darkness. At this moment, it had even reached the point where he could not see his fingers!

power cut?

The director immediately put the coffee cup down with a serious look in his eyes. This kind of thing is not common at the security station, and there is probably something wrong.

Soon, a civilian police officer held a flashlight in his hand and rushed into the director's office. "Director! It's not good! There is a power outage in both the security center and the detention center!"

"I know, I'm not blind yet," the director asked him to calm down, "There is a backup power supply in the institute, but the backup power supply has also failed?"

The police officer nodded quickly and shone the flashlight on his face, making his panic quite obvious. "That's right! The backup power supply has also failed. Director, what should I do?"

"Where are the generators? The first thing I did when I came to the institute was to apply to the General Administration for the purchase of several generators. Where are the things?"

The police officer looked a little embarrassed and wiped the cold sweat on his head, "Uh... this... that..."

The director had already anticipated that the answer might not be very good, "Speak in human terms!"

"Well...the generators purchased were purchased through private channels and were introduced by the office director. By coincidence, they were broken...the director didn't let them be tested when they were bought back..."

Exhaling a filthy breath, the director had expected that this kind of situation would happen in the security station. As long as the procurement process was concerned, someone would definitely take advantage of the loopholes and try to make money from it, but he did not expect to directly purchase a few broken machines for himself. The generator fell down!

He suddenly felt a little emotional. This group of police officers in the station had an iron rice bowl every day, but they did basically no work. Even so far, the value they created for themselves was not even as much as Jiang He created as a prisoner.

That’s outrageous!

Who is the culprit!

The director's punishment is a matter for later. The most pressing issue at the moment is definitely the emergency we are facing.

"The police officers gathered together first and asked the captains of each team to search the detention center for any suspicious activities. Especially the prisoner who was captured before. Although he has confessed a lot of things, he might also be able to catch fish. .”

The captains of each team are basically first- or second-level extraordinary beings. When arresting regular prisoners before, the director did not let them take action, but this time, most likely like last time, it was an attack on extraordinary beings in the detention center. It is necessary for the captains of the extraordinary team to take action.

"Ming, I understand!" The civilian police officer immediately expressed receipt, and then ran in the direction he came from in a hurry.

The director sat on the chair and let out a long sigh.

"You just left the flashlight for me..."

He lay on the chair and suddenly felt a little emotional in his heart.

It would be great if Jiang He was his subordinate. At least compared to this group of unreliable police officers, he would definitely have a powerful help in his hands.

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