I asked you to go to jail, how come you are invincible?

Chapter 20 Is the immortal dance okay?

After breakfast, it is the scheduled study time.

In the study room, Jiang He sat next to the local snake.

"Brother," Jiang He whispered to the guard next to him, "I'll talk to him about something."

The guard next to him glanced at Jiang He and then nodded, "Keep your voice down. If you make too much noise, you both will be forced to stand."

The local snake sitting next to Jiang He listened to the conversation between Jiang He and the guard and did not dare to move at all.

Now he could see that Jiang He's status in the detention center was much higher than his own. Whispering was not allowed during study time. Even if the guards saw his mouth moving, he would be punished.

The guard actually agreed to Jiang He's request. This was the first time.

Yesterday's news broadcast began to play on the screen in front of the study room, and Jiang He lowered his voice, "Come on, talk to me, what do you know about the Liuzihui?"

A drop of sweat ran down the local snake's forehead, "Brother, I'm just a non-staff member. What do I know... To put it bluntly, I'm just a piece of shit. I'm just using the name of the Willow Seed Society to dominate others. "

"How do you know that you are a non-staff member? Will Liu Zihui admit it?"

"That's right..." The local snakehead swayed slightly from left to right, observing the guard's position, then lowered his voice and answered, "We non-staff members just do some work for the staff members. It's just something that's not very convenient for them to do.

"You also know that if an incident involves extraordinary people, then the investigators sent by the guards will definitely include extraordinary people. Just disputes between ordinary people can reduce the probability of extraordinary people taking action."

Jiang He also learned this from the director. As long as there are no extraordinary persons involved in the case, the security station will basically not allow extraordinary persons to be dispatched.

As soon as the extraordinary person takes action, they have to approve notes, follow procedures, and wait for instructions. They also have to write a lot of reports later. No matter how diligent the people at the security station are, they definitely want to reduce their workload.

The local snake continued: "We are equivalent to the tools of the Willow Seed Society, doing some dirty work for them, but in fact the benefits we can get are just using their titles to act arrogantly outside. No."

"It can be seen that you are really useless in their eyes," Jiang He said sincerely. After all, what Liu Zihui really values ​​​​is, he has already begun to plan to kill people and silence them, and the local snake can still Hanging on for dear life is enough to prove that Liu Zihui doesn't care about his existence at all, "Then how did you get included as a non-staff member?"

After recalling his past, the local snake showed a shy smile, "You may not believe it, but I found a chicken and was jumped by an immortal...

"Forget it about the Immortal Dance. They didn't ask for my money. They said they needed an errand boy as a non-staff member, so they pulled me in."

Jiang He didn't expect that his opportunity to become a non-staff member would be so abstract, "Who is the boss of your non-staff members? Who usually assigns you tasks?"

This actually made the local snake think about it for twenty or thirty seconds, "This... I really can't say. Anyway, there is a boss among our non-staff members. I don't know his name, but you can't ask from his mouth. Something has come out, because Liu Zihui has always relied on secret codes to communicate with our group of non-staff members."

After hearing what the local snake said, Jiang He nodded.

Then he came to a conclusion.

Asking him would be better than asking the wanted criminal who was captured by him before.

After all, he is a non-staff member, and he knows very little information. Even if he catches the boss of the non-staff member, it will be difficult to interrogate anything.

"Wait a minute," Jiang He suddenly recalled something, "I heard that Liu Zi would kill someone and abandon the body to blame others. Isn't it a common method? Will you non-staff members participate in this matter?"

"Yes!" The local snake immediately answered, "I have an idea about this. There is indeed a person in Liuzihui who likes to do this, and he is also a staff member. Every time he kills someone, he has non-staff members help him deal with the aftermath. Dealing with it, everyone doesn’t like him very much.”

Jiang He's eyes suddenly became sharp, "Who is he?"

Regarding this question, the local snake shook his head, "I don't know the name, but I know what other people call him. It should be a nickname."

"What's your nickname?"

The local snake looked at the guards around him again, and after confirming that the guards were not approaching, he lowered his head slightly, tilted his head, and said a code name to Jiang He.

"snow leopard."

Jiang He:......

Okay, this is also a clue.

After finishing his study and work in the morning, having lunch, and doing physical exercise in the afternoon, Jiang He returned to his detention room.

Another day in prison was over. Jiang He stretched and returned his attention to his information flow.

【Jiang He】

[Physical Strength: 10]

[Physical strength: 12]

[Super Resistance: 4]

[Five senses perception: 10]

[Action speed: 10]

[Qi and blood recovery: 10]

[Mental calculation: 10]

[Upgrade Points: 10]

[Extraordinary powers acquired: concentrated burst, echolocation, photographic memory, shadow walking, blood coagulation]

"Huh? 10 o'clock?" Jiang He looked at the upgrade points he currently had. This was after he had clearly used the upgrade points he had accumulated in half a day.

Can I still have so many upgrade points today?

Without too much hesitation, Jiang He first added two points to the three abilities of physical strength, physical strength, and extraordinary resistance.

These three items will directly determine whether Jiang He can resist or fight back when faced with some kind of direct attack. Although Jiang He is currently in the detention center, judging from Liu Zihui's attack on the detention center, he is still in the detention center. It's not completely safe here.

Therefore, the priority of these three abilities was naturally raised.

His physical strength had been increased again. Jiang He was a little curious about how strong his defense was now, so he asked the guard on duty not far away to ask for something, "Brother, can you lend me the utility knife on your table?"

The guard on duty glanced at him, "What do you want to do?"

"Lend it to me for a moment and return it to you within three minutes."

Sighing, the guard on duty threw the utility knife to Jiang He and muttered: "You are starting to think of yourself less and less as a prisoner."

After getting the utility knife, Jiang He turned his back to the guard on duty, lifted up his sleeves, and then slashed his arm.

The mark was very shallow. The sharp utility knife only left a very light white mark on Jiang He's arm, but it did not scratch Jiang He's own skin at all.

His current strength is much greater than that of Dr. Xu. Even so, the utility knife did not scratch the surface of Jiang He's skin.

Jiang He's current physical strength is stronger than before.

Nowadays, it is basically difficult for ordinary physical attacks to cause harm to Jiang He's body. If the wanted criminal who was caught before comes back to Jiang He, he will not even need to use a steel plate for protection and can directly crush the wanted criminal with his bare hands. That arm wrapped in metal!

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