I Am the Crown Prince in France

Chapter 3 Heading to Paris (please collect)

Before the queen could say anything this time, the tall, thin man with cold eyes suddenly coughed and walked half way forward:

"Your Majesty the Queen, you seem to have mentioned that you want Her Royal Highness the Crown Prince to participate in politics?"

Queen Mary tilted her head and said calmly:

“Yes, Duke of Orleans, I have made an agreement with the Dauphin that if he completes his university studies, he can participate in state affairs.

The Duke of Orleans' eyes narrowed and he thought to himself: The Crown Prince has always been mediocre, why did he suddenly become so powerful? Could it be that he was always pretending before? But why did he do this? Now that he suddenly shows his strength, what is his plan?

No matter what, under his years of manipulation, the prestige of the royal family has greatly declined, and its position has become increasingly unstable. If a "genius crown prince" suddenly appears, it will definitely enhance the confidence of the government and the public in the royal family.

This is very detrimental to your layout, you have to try to hold him down!

As soon as he had a thought, he immediately said loudly: "Your Majesty the Queen, the Crown Prince is still young and has no political experience. I think it is more appropriate to choose a senior minister and teach him several years of political knowledge before participating in government affairs. "

Queen Mary frowned slightly. The Duke of Orleans was right. Although the Crown Prince was incredibly talented, he was still only 13 years old. If he messed up in state affairs, it would have a bad impact on his reputation.

She looked at her son and said in a consultative tone: "Joseph, maybe you can study for a while longer."

Joseph glanced at the Duke of Orleans. As a time traveler, he knew the details of this person very well - Louis Philippe, the cousin of Louis XVI. At the moment, everyone thought he was loyal and patriotic, but in fact, he had always been a loyal and patriotic person since his father's generation. Committed to overthrowing the king's line and ascending to the throne himself.

Historically, after the success of the French Grand Order, when the Girondins voted to decide whether to execute the king, the Duke of Orleans voted in favor without hesitation, and finally sentenced Louis XVI to death by a vote of 301:300. It can be said that it was his crucial vote that sent Louis XVI to the guillotine!

Joseph did not expect that he would jump out in a hurry, and said without giving in:

"Your Majesty, Joan of Arc was the same age as me when she defeated the British army three hundred years ago. She proved herself with practical actions. Please believe in my ability and give me a chance to prove myself!"

Orleans said with "serious words and sincere heart": "Your Highness, the relationship between national affairs is very important, and it doesn't mean you have confidence..."

Joseph did not tolerate him, and waved his hand forcefully: "Duke Orleans, this is an agreement between Her Majesty and I, please don't interrupt."

He looked at the queen again: "Mother, as I am the assistant to the finance minister, can't I also learn from Bishop Briand?"

Several cabinet ministers were startled. They did not expect that the young crown prince would have the courage to confront the Duke of Orleans. You know, even the chief minister usually has to discuss things with the latter.

The Duke of Orleans didn't expect Joseph to be so disrespectful to him. He was stunned for a long time before he realized what he was doing, and said angrily:

"Finance is the lifeline of France, and inexperienced young people must not be allowed to interfere!"

Many ministers around nodded in agreement. Seeing this, Queen Mary looked at the resolute Crown Prince and finally compromised:

"Joseph, you first go to the city hall to serve. If you perform well, we will discuss letting you contact finance."

Joseph glanced at the seven or eight cabinet ministers in the room. Knowing that with them here, it would be difficult for the queen to give him the green light. It seemed that he could only go to the city hall to hang out for a while, so he nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty the Queen."

The Duke of Orleans wanted to stir things up again, and stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty the Queen, the Crown Prince should study first..."

"That's it." Queen Mary raised her hand to interrupt him and looked at Brian, "Please continue talking about tax law reform."

Joseph sat aside and listened to this cabinet meeting, and had a deeper understanding of France's poor financial situation - 90% of the meeting was about money, oh, to be precise, about the lack of money.

After the meeting, the queen insisted on rewarding him and took him to taste a lot of desserts. It was not until his throat hurt from the various well-made cakes, puddings and Macrons of various colors that he finally regained his freedom.

Joseph came out of the tea room with a heavy heart, and suddenly thought that he might be able to walk the route of Louis XVI.

When he arrived at the king's palace, he was told that Louis XVI was working on a "unparalleled masterpiece" and had been eating and sleeping in the lockmaking workshop for three consecutive days without coming out.

Josephton felt a little tired. With such a father on his side, why not worry about going to the guillotine?

Forget it, Shiliu, who was in high spirits, would probably send himself to find the Queen, Boomerang... He shook his head with a wry smile, turned around and told Eman: "Get the car ready, and go directly to the Paris City Hall."

"Yes, Your Highness."

When Joseph left the main entrance of the Palace of Versailles, he saw more than ten carriages parked in the marble courtyard in front of him, and more than sixty or seventy people were standing respectfully beside them.

He couldn't help but put his forehead on his head and shook his head. He generally recognized these people. They were all the Crown Prince's exclusive entourage, including beauticians, chefs, tailors, etc. They seemed to be planning to go with them. No wonder so many carriages were prepared.

Joseph hurriedly asked Eman to send them back and take this group of people to the city hall. Wouldn't it be a mess?

Then, he looked at the silver royal carriage parked in front of him. The carriage was elegant in shape, covered with exquisite reliefs, and the corners and corners were all decorated with gold wire. It was extremely luxurious.

He thought for a while, then turned around and got into an ordinary carriage used by the entourage - if he went out in a royal carriage, he would not be able to think about peace and quiet along the way.

Soon, three gray-black carriages drove out of the Palace of Versailles Square and sped eastward.

The Palace of Versailles is located in the western suburbs of Paris, more than three hours' drive from the city. In the carriage, Joseph yawned out of boredom. From the corner of his eye, he saw a stack of books on the wooden table in front of him. He picked it up and looked through it, and found that it was the information on the Paris City Hall.

He looked at Eman sitting opposite, who immediately smiled and touched his chest and saluted. It was obvious that he had prepared all this.

The ability to be a butler to the crown prince has an eye that no ordinary person can match. Joseph smiled and nodded at him, and then began to read the information in his hand. The content was very detailed, from the personnel structure and functions of the city hall to There are daily operations.

When Joseph turned to the third page, he saw that the police department was among the departments under the city hall.

He hurriedly looked down and confirmed that the Paris police were completely under the jurisdiction of the city hall, and his eyes lit up.

It seems that going to the city hall this time is not a waste of time. At least the Paris police can be rectified.

For the people at the bottom of France, law and order disorder is the second biggest nightmare after exorbitant taxes! Being stolen or robbed while walking on the street is a trivial matter. Home invasions, murders and kidnappings are not uncommon. As for gang members who exploit and oppress citizens all day long, they are a major cancer in Paris.

At present, the whole of Europe has not yet established a modern police system. Public security still relies on citizens to jointly protect themselves. Solving crimes is basically a no-brainer. Crime is extremely rampant and ordinary people are in danger.

Therefore, rectifying the police force is of great significance. Solving public security problems can greatly improve social stability, and social stability can greatly reduce the national impulse to kill the royal family.

Joseph finished flipping through the information in the city hall and carefully thought about the details of improving the police. The carriage had entered the city of Paris, and a suffocating rotten smell suddenly came from the window.

The new book has been signed through internal investment, and I beg you to invest in this book. With tears in my eyes, the young author is looking forward to the 100 investment recommendation, so I will give it to you first!

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