on the dining table.

Lin Ruoli didn't know what was going on with her at that time, and pulled Delia around the zoo like a headless fly, absent-minded.

However, this did not affect her appetite, this meal she still let go of her appetite, and thinking about other things while cooking is absolutely damn for the rice cooker.

The couple looked at the two children with a lot of appetite, and their hearts were happy.


The moon dotted the dark night sky, emitting a faint soft light. It's not as dazzling as the sun, it's gentle enough to be able to look at directly.

The moonlight poured down the window into the desk, and the otherwise dim desktop glowed white.

The girl on the bed was lying on her side, her long maroon hair extending to her collarbone, the candle flame reflecting her little face, and her slender hands were turning the pages of the book at the moment.

The door was gently pushed open, and a girl in a light green nightgown walked in with a plate of fruit.

"Delia, have some apples!"

the girl on the bed slowly looked up and smiled at her, "I almost recognized you as the vicious old witch in Snow White."

Lin Ruoli sneered, sat on the bed, and handed the plate to Delia.

"So, would you like some apples? my dear....... Dee

Snow White Leah?" Dee Snow White Leah held her chin back and pondered for a while, then looked up at Isha with an innocent face and said,

"You eat first."

Lin Ruoli took a fork and forked a piece of apple and handed it to Delia's mouth.

"Now you can eat it, my dear Snow White. The

girl who was innocent one second burst into a heart-warming smile the next, grabbed the apple on her fork with a smile, lowered her head and continued to read.

Lin Ruoli also went to bed, the two of them lay on their sides facing each other, the candlelight cast her shadow on Delia's body, Delia's mouth bulged, chewing apples and smashing them like a cute little rabbit.

"Delia, you're really beautiful, just like Snow White.

Lin Ruoli said as she picked up another fork and put a small piece of apple into her mouth.

"Isha, you're really good at complimenting.

Delia looked down and continued reading.

"Delia, speaking of Snow White, I suddenly thought of a story, do you want to hear it

?" "What story?"

seemed to arouse her interest, Delia put down the book in her hand and stared at Lily's face seriously.

Lin Ruoli slowly spoke under the gaze of Delia:

"In the harsh winter season, the goose-feather-like snowflakes are flying everywhere in the sky, and there is a queen sitting by a window in the palace, doing needlework for her daughter, the cold wind blows the snowflakes into the window, and a lot of snowflakes fall on the ebony windowsill. She looked up at the window and .........

, "I remember hearing my father tell me many times when we were kids.

Although Lin Ruoli was going to talk about the first sentence she already knew the next plot, Delia still listened to her quietly finish the story.

"Well, that's just the original story, I'm going to tell another story today.

Lin Ruoli pretended to mysteriously step forward and whispered in Delia's ear:

"The story of the adapted version of "Snow White". "


Delia looked at Lin Ruoli in confusion, and Lin Ruoli saw a small doubt in her big eyes.

Lin Ruoli nodded heavily and spoke slowly:

"Once upon a time, there was a kingdom where the queen passed away due to dystocia on the day she gave birth to her child. "

Soon after, the king married another wife and became queen.......... "

Snow White grew up in a garbage heap and became a little beggar. He

was then brought into the palace as the queen's servant.

The queen did not recognize Snow White and made her her her personal servant.

Speaking of this, Lin Ruoli suddenly paused, and then asked Delia with a mysterious face

: "Guess, what happened after that?"

Delia deftly rolled her eyes and blurted out: "Then when the queen found out that her personal servant was Snow White....... Snow White was unfortunately killed?"

Later, the queen and Snow White got along day and night and had a relationship, the queen was infertile, Snow White was kind and simple, and the queen treated her as a daughter without knowing it. "

Eventually, Snow White's identity was known to the Queen, but what she cared about most now was not her appearance. In the

end, the queen accepted Snow White, and Snow White resumed her status as a princess, and later fell in love with the prince of the neighboring country at first sight, and finally the two countries were married, and they lived happily together.

"It's a beautiful fairy tale!" said

Delia, with a hint of longing in her eyes.


Lin Ruoli blinked.

"But then again......... This new 'queen' is a wizard, and wizards know magic.

Lin Ruoli lay down, turned his head and looked at the dark sky, the stars were hidden in the night, and the moon was high in the sky, which was very beautiful.

"Delia, you say........ Is there really magic in this world?"

"As long as you believe in it, it exists.

Delia's gaze was unusually determined.

Lin Ruoli's pupils shrank suddenly.

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