The first thing Lin Ruoli said when he woke up was:

'Damn, it's too much, you didn't even let me finish my last words........!'

Where is this, what is the world like after death?

Lin Ruoli opened her eyes dimly, surrounded by white walls, and she seemed to be lying on something soft....... Oh, it's a bed.

White, about the size of a cradle, looks like a crib.

She couldn't help but think of the black figure in front of her eyes, so it seemed that she should have been saved.

Not far away, two people were talking softly, and she vaguely heard something like "Lily" and "poor child".

Curiosity drove her to look at the source of the sound.

One of them had waist-length silver-white hair, half-moon-shaped glasses that shimmered white and seemed to be able to see through, and had slender fingers, often putting ten fingertips together when talking to each other.

The first thing that attracted her to the other was the hooked nose, which was surprisingly harmonious with his pale face. The black straight hair pours down like a waterfall, and it should look good from the side.

His face didn't look good, as if he was about to get into an argument with the elder.

Lin Ruoli was constantly asking all kinds of questions in his mind, when the two suddenly stopped talking.

They set their sights on Lin Ruoli very tacitly.

Lin Ruoli: ??? you

look at me as you baa?

The elder's eyes were scrutinizing, and he looked at the baby on the bed quietly with a serious expression.

Another brunette man ....... I have to say that it is indeed very handsome.

His dark eyes matched the color of his hair, his eyes were cold and empty, but when he looked at her, he was full of worry, mixed with a hint of emotion that she couldn't understand.

Hmmm, it can't be Dumbledore and Snape, right? Hmm

........ Snape........ Snape!!

Lin Ruoli's heart erupted like a volcano, and she could clearly hear the sound of her own violent heartbeat, but on the surface it was still a natural and harmless appearance, and she turned her head away as if nothing had happened.

I can't calm my heart for a long time.

But then again, was the figure he saw before he died really Severus Snape? Aha, like that........ I'm so weird....... Well......... How not to make people shy.........

Thinking about it like this, she couldn't help but be a little curious about her identity.

Bella was ordered by Voldemort to take her away and told her that she could not hurt her, and then became endangered........ Phew, she was saved by Professor Snape when she hiccuped, and it seems that the Professor had an argument with Dumbledore because of her.

The staccato content she heard as the two spoke made her feel inextricably linked to Lily Evans.

And Severus looked into the eyes of himself.

So it seems like she probably should probably be a more important character

........? Could it be that she was actually the legendary savior, Harry Potter, right?

She was startled by her bizarre idea, and although she thought it was ridiculous, she subconsciously reached out to reach underneath.

Oh, that's good, there's nothing you shouldn't touch.

Well, in general, after going around in such a circle, she doesn't even know who she is.

........ So in this world, will she be able to go back before the end of the month? Her turntable hasn't turned.

She misses her good daughter in the Harry Potter Magic Awakening game immensely........ But I can only think about it.

The baby on the little white bed sighed helplessly, it was really a headache.

But under the appearance at this moment, her movements are not like the bitter feeling of an adult sighing, but more like a cute little baby sighing outside.

So, could it be that she was actually Harry Potter, but she was transgender for some other reason?

Without thinking, she reached out again and reached under her -

well, there was no trace of being ga, she was an authentic girl.

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