How can I become an immortal just by playing a game?

Chapter 64 Let me help you! Gathering hearts

Makino gently tightened the belt on his waist and tightened the long knife on his waist.

He walked out of the city gate and looked into the distance.

His cold gaze shot through the tattered bamboo hat to the thick black shadow in the distance.

Under the real body feeling, there is also a faint fishy and pungent smell, which is caused by the accumulation of countless demon corpses these days.

"The difficulty of completing this level 100% is much higher than the previous ones."

Makino muttered.

This level is a survival battle. After the second day, you have the option to leave Taiping City directly and go somewhere else.

This is considered clearance, but the future of Taiping City is a question mark.

Of course, there is no 100% clearance. This level can be challenged repeatedly from the time of the attack. The level will not disappear until the level is 100% cleared.

As for rewards, for this kind of main level, there are only first-pass rewards and 100% pass rewards. If you pass 100% at once, the rewards will be added together. Rewards cannot be redeemed repeatedly.

As a limited-time survival battle, in fact, in terms of scale, it was quite shocking starting from the second day.

Although it is nothing compared to the hundreds and thousands of monster attacks in the world of immortality.

But the key is that in this kind of world, these monsters that are comparable to the monsters in the Qi Refining Stage are very intimidating.

In the realm of immortality, within the jurisdiction of the Jinshi Sect, there may be large-scale monster attacks every few years. At that time, the only two Jindan monks of the Jinshi Sect would take action. A battle of that level would cover a hundred miles in radius. Not to mention the dark sky and the lack of light from the sun and the moon, there would be mountains and rivers without even a blade of grass.

In comparison, in Makino's opinion, this amount of monsters attacking the city was still a small deal.

But the real feeling is different.

After all, the monsters in the world of immortality are attacking on a large scale, and the miscellaneous fish in the Qi training period are pure cannon fodder and cannot be put on the stage at all.

Knowledge is knowledge, but hands are actually different.

It's different here.

Makino had a great time chopping.

The level 2 demon-suppressing body has powerful suppression on demons. Coupled with more than 800 divine orifices, fourth-level strength, and many magical blessings, the fourth-level and below are crushing level battles.

It’s just that no matter how good you are at cutting, manpower is limited.

That's right, the Demon Sealer is not invincible.

It seems that the body to subjugate the demon will not last long, and the physical strength and internal energy in the divine orifice will be depleted very quickly.

Especially this kind of battle that lasts for many days, this level of consumption is very terrifying.

If your spiritual power can still be replenished by resting, exit the game and meditate to recover.

The internal strength and energy of the game characters are extremely difficult to sustain for such a long period of battle.

Especially on the third day, the difficulty increased a level, and the number of monsters reached three digits.

Today is the fourth day.

"This should be the last day."

Outside the city gate, the smelly breeze whistled by, picking up Makino's already tattered clothes.

Looking at the largest crocodile beast in the front, Makino said, this Feng family really caused trouble, but it was just a pawn being used.

That is a big demon equivalent to the fourth grade.

The Feng family would not be stupid enough to attract such a powerful demon.

Makino estimated that the demons on the third day should be the limit of the Feng family's plan.

Because of the number of demons on the third day, the Feng family should be able to turn the tide by relying on their Feng family's attacking army and the third-grade scoundrels.

But the demon on this day was different.

"There should be someone else designing it."

Makino glanced at the city wall lightly.

At this time, the city wall was crowded with people.

Rows and columns.

Makino saw many familiar figures, including street vendors, teahouse hangers-on, martial arts disciples, Shen's servants, and many unfamiliar faces.

Their expressions are complex, including fear, shame, anger, and struggle...

There is nothing fake about this expression that comes from the heart.

For example, some disciples of the Shenquan Martial Arts School want to go out of the city gate and fight for their lives, but they are afraid of death. He didn't have that kind of courage, and his eyes were filled with shame.

In fact, Makino felt that these people were still here because they might want to see a result.

Among them, some of them had already packed their bags, brought their families, and their carriages were ready at the gate of another city. Once these monsters invaded the city, they would immediately fly away.

"Great Commander!"

Behind him, Han Qi limped out, his voice hoarse, "Today, let's live and die together with Kuo Yujun."

There are only more than 2,000 Kuo Yu's troops left.

And these two thousand people have no fighting power.

Even if he had to harvest demon heads and fight for three days, it would be too much of a load for his new army.

Makino didn't look back, but just made a gesture to let him go back and rest.

He still walked forward step by step.

Han Qi opened his mouth.

He could feel that even if the commander was the God of War, he would be powerless today.

Yesterday, the commander's blade was all curled up, and he should be almost dead by then. Whether it was due to excessive use of strength, his arms were covered in blood.

Even a fourth-grade expert would not be able to withstand four days of fierce battle!

If you go out like this, you will die...

At this time.

A figure suddenly jumped down from the tower:

"Demon Sealing Master Mu Xinghe, I, Yan Zhennan, from the Divine Fist Martial Arts School, are here to help you!"

Everyone was stunned.

Makino paused and saw the master of the hall, Nayan, falling down with his bare arms. Two deep footprints were sunken into the ground, as if they were going to be embedded in the Taiping City.

"I have been watching these past few days, and I feel extremely ashamed." Yan Zhennan said as he walked, "In the Taiping City of Nuo Da, I, a martial artist who has been practicing for more than ten years, seem to have trained like a dog."

"As a person from Taiping City..." Yan Zhennan said in a loud voice, "Although I only have the weak strength of the third level, I dare not step forward... I really have no words to face the master's teachings back then. If I go out to fight in the city today, if I die, Well, then I, Shen Fist Yan Zhennan, will die a worthy death, and I will be able to face my master when I go down."

Makino looked at this master with another character and was a little stunned for a moment.

"I'll come too!" Shen Qingchan shouted and stood down. As early as the second day, she couldn't help but want to take action.

I just saw that the other person was too brave and it seemed that it was useless if I couldn't go down, so I held back.

On the third day, I felt numb after watching it. I felt complicated and confused for a while.

To this day, when I saw only one person walking out of the city alone, I felt like I was awakened by a sudden enlightenment.

"There are millions of people in Taiping City...hundreds of warriors..." Shen Qingchan shouted coldly and glanced at the city wall, "I didn't expect that they are all a group of cowards. What are you looking at? Why don't you quickly pack up your bags and run away?"

"Little girl, be careful what you say, who is the coward?" A cold snort came, a steel knife fell, and a tall man in military uniform fell down.

Yue Hanshan, the master of the Nanyue Dao Sect, once fought against the Demon Sealer in the Feng Family.

"My Chen family has lived in Taiping City for generations, so I can't bear the infamy of yours." The elegant middle-aged man holding a spear fell down while chatting and laughing.

These two are the two major forces in the Taiping Martial Arts Association.

On the tower, warriors one after another were swaying and leaping down.

"Master Feng..." Chi Haolong's eyes were slightly red, "That's not what you said at the beginning... Taiping City is the root of my Chishui Gang, do you want to see the city destroyed?"

Feng Wuque remained silent, frowned, and said in a deep voice:

"No, someone else is causing trouble! The amount I give can only attract the demon on the third day at most."

"Then what should we do now?"

Feng Wuque said nothing, just watched quietly.

"Master Feng, this is not what I want." Chi Haolong's voice turned cold, "If you want to become a big deal, Taiping City cannot be lost. It's time for you to take action."

Feng Wuque's eyes did not move.

Take action?

If they take action at this time, the fate of the Attacking Wind Army may be worse than that of the newly established Kuo Yu Army, and they may not even survive.

How could he take action?

That was a team led by a fourth-grade great demon. Among them, demons who were equivalent to third-grade warriors like Dragon Demon Fish were in double digits.

If these warriors go down, they will only die.

"Feng Wuque, if Taiping City is gone, your Feng family will have no choice but to live in another country." Chi Haolong sneered, looked at the city in front of him, and jumped down.

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