Tsk, hard stubble.

If Chang Xiaohua was not in red, if she was just an ordinary ghost, He Yuxin had countless ways to kill these two toy girls.

But now, she raised her hand holding the steel bar and pointed it at Chang Xiaohua at the door.

"How about we make a deal."

Chang Xiaohua was a little scared by He Yuxin, so she didn't take action immediately.

This also gave He Yuxin time to speak eloquently.

He Yuxin usually doesn't like to talk much, and she is even more silent when she is alone, but this does not mean that she cannot speak.

He Yuxin has learned negotiation skills.

Chang Xiaohua, a ghost who had never seen the world, ran out from that small place in Xunxiang Town. Although she didn't know what she had gone through, she was really no match for He Yuxin in terms of experience alone.

It only took He Yuxin less than five minutes to convince Chang Xiaohua that she could help her.

Chang Xiaohua also believed her evil deeds, now she let down some of her guard, and there was even a hint of fear on her face when facing He Yuxin.

"Then, what do you want?"

what do you want? There is nothing you want.

How could she join if there was no chance of winning at all.

But to say that nothing is needed would appear to be unfounded and untenable for her to join.

So He Yuxin said with a smile.

"Me? Of course I want money."

After hearing this, Chang Xiaohua's expression became more natural.

It’s good to ask for wealth. Asking for wealth is better than anything else!

Chang Xiaohua and He Yuxin reached an agreement here. Chang Xiaohua asked her to wait for a while, and then left through the wall.

When she came back, she had a mobile phone in her hand.

He Yuxin took the phone.

This phone is an old one, and it is unlocked by fingerprint.

He Yuxin subconsciously touched the interrogation sensing area with her middle finger, and she was really released!

This is actually her mobile phone!

Come to think of it, everyone else has a mobile phone, it's unusual for her not to have one.

It's just that her player is not an NPC. She didn't think much about it at the time, and she only discovered this now.

At the same time, He Yuxin also thought that there must be secrets in her mobile phone.

Otherwise, why is my phone ‘lost’ when everyone else’s phones are there?

He Yuxin naturally scrolled through the interface of her mobile phone. After scrolling through it, she didn't see anything special. It wasn't until a text message notification popped up on the top of her phone that He Yuxin was shocked to realize that her phone actually had a signal!

He Yuxin subconsciously weighed the mobile phone in her hand. The style was very ordinary, but the body was slightly thicker and heavier. He Yuxin thought it was a bargain before, but now she understood that it should be a satellite mobile phone, which can have signals even in deep mountains and forests. kind.

No wonder, no wonder my phone was ‘lost’.

Turning off her phone, He Yuxin looked at Chang Xiaohua, who was staring at her, and suddenly smiled.

"If you give me my phone back, aren't you afraid that I'll call the police?"

Chang Xiaohua didn't speak, just stared at her.

He Yuxin noticed that Chang Xiaohua really didn't react when she said this, without any worry, as if... confident.

This isn't right.

If he was really confident, he wouldn't have stolen her phone in the first place.

But if she really had concerns, Chang Xiaohua would not return the phone to her.

This is more like a test.

Even though she had convinced Chang Xiaohua, it was obvious that the man with glasses understood her tricks. He did not trust her, so the phone was sent as a clear test.

If there is a signal, you can call the police. Should she call the police?

Will He Yuxin call the police?

of course not!

Until now, she has not triggered the plot point. What should I do if the police are called at this time, and the plot point cannot be triggered in the end?

Will she stay in this associated copy forever?

She has almost guessed what the plot points are, and now she only needs to complete the plot step by step, without any extraneous details.

So this temptation was useless to her, but it provided her with important information.

That is, there must be something fishy about the manor she is staying in now.

This message seemed like a useless repetition, because of the never-ending rainstorm outside the manor, and that thing didn't look normal at first glance.

But in reality this is not the same.

Her previous understanding of the abnormality in the manor was to trap everyone in the manor and prevent people in the manor from escaping.

But now He Yuxin's understanding is that people outside will most likely not be able to discover the current state of the manor. They can't get in, at least they can't get into the manor where they are.

In other words, this manor exists independently and has no supplies.

This is a very important point, which means that the timeline of this copy will not be too long.

And if she really sets the fire, it is really possible to kill everyone.

He Yuxin put the phone in her pocket, and then smiled at Chang Xiaohua comfortingly.

"Don't worry, I won't do that. Now we are grasshoppers on the same rope."

Maybe the man with glasses said something to her, for example, that he couldn't believe her words. Chang Xiaohua didn't answer He Yuxin's words, turned around and ran away through the wall.

He Yuxin also knew that it was impossible to gain their trust with just a few words, and if she didn't do something, the man with glasses would most likely not contact her again.

But how could that work? He Yuxin really had murderous intentions towards Chang Xiaohua and the man with glasses.

He Yuxin left the men's room, returned to her room as if nothing was wrong, and then took out her mobile phone to study.

Her mobile phone sounds very high-end, but in fact it only has the alarm function.

Her mobile phone was in arrears, and the message she received before was the arrears message, reminding her to pay.

There was no money in the card, so she couldn't do things like surfing the Internet. She could only look for the information left by this identity.

After rummaging around and searching, He Yuxin was surprised to find that there was something to dig out of her identity!

The information in the phone was processed very cleanly, but He Yuxin still found clues among tens of thousands of messages.

It's not that she is bored, she can open the messages one by one and check them.

I just accidentally saw a text message from 10086 at two o'clock in the middle of the night while I was browsing.

This point is very underworld.

When I clicked it and took a look, there was indeed something fishy about it.

The text messages in this mobile phone are classified, and messages sent from the same number are grouped together, so He Yuxin saw more messages when he scrolled up.

It turns out that a metaphysical organization had its eye on the man with glasses very early on. Chang Xiaohua's anomaly was too obvious to anyone who was interested, not to mention that this metaphysical organization seemed to have other ways to identify ghosts.

Her identity is that of that organization. She sneaked into Chang Xiaohua's company just to get close to Chang Xiaohua, and then find an opportunity to help the organization catch Chang Xiaohua.

Before losing his phone, this identity sent a message to the organization: It's time to recruit people.

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