Horizontal Push Starts From the Demon World

Chapter 30: : County Chronicle

On the second day, after Ning Ke had a night's rest, he only felt that his mental state was much better.

He hit the wall with his upper body naked for half an hour, and found that his proficiency in the iron jade body had not increased, so he temporarily decided to give up cultivation and concentrate on adding more.

After practicing the sword technique several times, he set his sights on the wooden stakes in the courtyard.

With the strength of his arms, the momentum of his whole body changed, he shouted angrily, and slapped it firmly on the wooden stake.

Big smasher!


With one palm down, the stake was immediately covered with cracks, leaving a deep handprint.

Seeing this scene, he frowned slightly, then thought of something, and cut it out.

The original hard and sturdy solid wood stake was cut down by this knife to reveal its original shape.

Inside, a considerable part has been turned into sawdust.

Such power....

Ning Ke casually twisted the sawdust, and when he thought that such a move would fall on a person, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This big tablet smasher is really ruthless!

I just don't know where Guo Lao got this martial art from. If it's about rank, I'm afraid it's not as simple as the ordinary Bone Qi Realm exercises.


After Ning Ke had breakfast after his morning exercise, he took two jars of wine and ran straight to the county office.

He showed Sun Qiang's head-catching token to the clerk at the door, but the clerk didn't ask much, and brought him in from the small door.

After passing through the slightly narrow alley, Ning Ke arrived at a courtyard in the yamen.

Here, many officers are struggling.

Ning Ke didn't look at it too much, just one glance, and he could see it clearly: These people have at most some background in martial arts, and they are not much better than ordinary men.

He looked around, and immediately saw Sun Qiang who was eating at the table not far away, and beside him, there was a middle-aged man who looked like a scholar.

"My nephew came early. Come over and eat with me."

Sun Qiang smiled, took the drink and put it aside, looked up, and all the officers who were looking at him curiously lowered their heads.

Seeing this, Ning Ke responded casually, saying:

"Uncle Sun, are things ready?"

"Of course there's no problem. The person beside me is Liu Hao, the eighth-rank official of Hongyin County. All the county annals files are handled by him."

"From the eighth grade, from the eighth grade."

After hearing this, Liu Hao quickly opened his mouth to explain, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

He looked at Ning Ke, looked up and down, and suddenly his eyes brightened:

"Brother Sun has already told me about it. Brother Ke'er has nothing to do if he wants to see those weird county records, but there are a few points that I have to tell you in detail, otherwise, you will risk your life if you go in rashly."


After a cup of tea, Ning Ke, under the order of the official Liu, took the other party's official card and turned into a secret door.

As soon as he entered it, he only felt that he suddenly sensed a dangerous energy, and his whole body suddenly became tense.

His talent Omen of Death was triggered!

This means that if you forcibly enter it, you may die!

Sure enough, the county government is still dangerous. Fortunately, I have some means here.

Ning Ke put the official card in a corner of the secret door according to Liu Liguan's words before, but in a blink of an eye, the sound of the organ opening and closing came, and the sense of crisis gradually dissipated.

He took out the official badge again, and after passing through two secret doors in this way, did he really arrive at the place where the county government kept the county annals.

There are dozens of bookshelves here and there, each of which is full.

He followed the order and began to search bit by bit.

In the third and fourth columns of the C-character bookshelf, those with unsolved cases are written...

In the fifth and sixth columns of the Shenzi bookshelf, those who have been clicked with cinnabar...

These county annals were moved out by Ning Ke and piled together, and in a blink of an eye, there was a pile.

He took the oil lamp and began to read it one by one.

This kind of thing recorded in the county annals is quite novel to Ning Ke. After adding oil for the lamps and lanterns three times, Ning Ke finally sighed, slowly rubbed his brows and began to organize himself.

This world is even more exaggerated and outrageous than he thought!

The area where he is now is in the south-central part of the Dayin Dynasty, under the jurisdiction of Huainan Road, Hengyue House, a county seat under Mianjiang County, Hongyin County.

The Dayin Dynasty has only been around for a hundred and twenty years. According to the history on the Blue Star, under this time, the world must be stable, the national power will prosper, and the demons will disappear.

However, after Ning Ke sorted out everything that could be used in the surviving county annals of Hongyin County for more than 200 years, he only had one thought left.

Great Yin, is it the Great Yin of Humans, or the Great Yin of Demons and Weird?

On the entire desk, a book of the county annals was opened to a certain page. The traces of the red cinnabar pen hinted at the extraordinaryness of it. Against the background, the bright and extinguished oil lamps all seemed to be showing their teeth and claws.

"In the last years of Da Kuang, Emperor Li died, the territory was covered with dark clouds, and the heavy rain continued for three days. The rain turned strange and annihilated Da Kuang."

"In the same year, the Northern Daoist proclaimed himself emperor and ascended the throne. The sky ascended to the double moon, and the nine realms were swept across. The Great Yin Dynasty was established for the first time, and the strangeness disappeared."

"In the twenty-ninth year of Dayin, there was a natural red tide, and the demons in Longxi Road were in chaos. The red land was thousands of miles away, and there were bones everywhere, and the casualties were not counted."

"In the 30th year of Dayin, there were evil flood dragons playing in the water, causing water from the Mianjiang River to pour into Xiahe and Bailang counties, destroying more than 1,000 houses and causing 9,000 casualties. Hongyin County was affected by flooding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thousands of acres of rice fields, hundreds of casualties.

Later, the head of the Hengyue Palace entered the water and locked it under the river. "

"In the same year, in Mengyu Village, Hongyin County, one person in the village was hanged by water plants every day, and all the people in the county who were investigating the case died violently.

The gold medal Tianchawei of the Tiancha Division went to the fishing village, but could not return, so they were abandoned, and one hundred and thirty people were recorded. "

"In the 32nd year of Dayin, there was a heavy fog on the river in Hongyin County, and the boats could not get out of it. The fog dissipated in two days, the boats were all there, and the people were only bones. Fruit, record fifty-eight people."

"In the thirty-five years of the Great Yin, there were strange snakes that appeared, compared with people, and they would die if they were entangled, and there must be a layer of snakes on their bodies.

In the same year, the headmaster of the Demon Slayer came in person, but the search was fruitless, so he returned, and forty-three people were recorded. "


Ning Ke looked at it again, and the more ugly his expression became. This kind of fruitless incident and large-scale casualty incidents did not seem to be many in the county annals.

If you count it, more than 20 villages and towns have disappeared around Hongyin County. Originally, there were more than 50 villages in four towns under his subordinates. Now, it has almost halved.

The only thing that can make him feel a little relieved is that the last time such a large-scale incident occurred was fifteen years ago.

Among them, there are still a lot of monster cannibals and weird village annihilation events, but it's been a long time.

After reading these, Ning Ke put them back where they were, and then picked up another county annals.

In this regard, it is different from the previous records of some suspicious cases, strange and demon incidents around Hongyin County, and there are also some abandoned dangerous places in Hongyin County.

Ning Ke wanted to kill Weird and get energy points, maybe this is a key information point.

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