Honkai Biography

Chapter 62 Staying up all night, doing their own schemes

For everyone, the current Sakura is like a bomb that will explode at any time, bringing them an extraordinary sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression stimulated their nerves, especially Mebius's nerves, making them nervous.

If this goes on like this, Sakura will be fine, and everyone will probably become mentally ill.

Sakura's mental state is actually very stable, but almost everyone thinks she is abnormal, and they don't know who is sick.

The reason is actually very simple. The difference between Sakura and them is that Sakura has gained "love", and she fell in love with a opposite sex. Different from others.

A woman who is "in love" will stand out among a group of old singles, because she is different from them in every way.

Especially the woman in "love", who doesn't know how to fall in love, will make people feel that Sakura is abnormal.

After Hua left, Mebius slapped Wutong's hand off, and said in a seemingly self-defeating manner: "What do you think we should do now? We've already scared the snake, and he will definitely be gone tonight. Even if he survives tonight, tomorrow It must be gone too, don't implement your stigmata plan."

Indus was confused and said: "Don't worry, calm down, everything is up to me."

"With you? With you, I would be gone! You are unreliable, what kind of broken plan are you doing? What about your ability? What about your ability to kill people at that time? You will bully me!" Little Mebius He poked Wutong's chest with his little finger.

"I'll go out in person tomorrow, don't worry." Indus comforted.

"That's right~ Let's sleep with you tonight, Father Wutong~ If Sakura comes to kill him at night, you will definitely stand up for him!" Little Mebius grabbed the hem of Wutong's clothes.

"I'm afraid you haven't died... You go to Hua, no, you sleep by yourself... put away your little tricks, Mebius."

"Oh, Dad Wutong, what are you talking about? What kind of trick? Why can't people understand?"

"I don't believe that you still haven't understood why Sakura hit you. If you want to sow discord, it will only bring disaster to yourself, so please do it yourself." Wu Tong waved his hand and left upset.

"Hehehe~ It's really interesting! Things are getting more and more interesting." Mebius watched the back of Wutong leaving, thinking about how to make things more interesting.

Mebius won't risk her life, she can't end up seducing Wutong, she doesn't want to bear Sakura's anger anymore, but if she doesn't end up, it doesn't mean others can't, there are a lot of girls here.

"Who should let me do it? Hehe~ The sisters turned against each other because of a man. It must be a very interesting drama, giggling~"

Under the shadow of the night, little Mebius smiled crazily.

In Sakura's bedroom.

Ling knelt on the bed, weeping "嘤嘤嘤", Ling was very spineless, and under Sakura's teaching, she twitched and intermittently told the whole story, and sold Wutong and the others.

After hearing this, Sakura was thoughtful, and she began to wonder if something was wrong with her mental state. After all, both Wutong and Mebius thought she was sick, so she must be sick!

Sakura thinks that she thinks she is normal, and it is likely that she did not realize it herself.

"Then... Do you want to take the initiative to receive treatment? It must be..." Sakura thought.

"Get up, don't kneel down, this is the big sister wronged you, I'm sorry." Sakura said to the bell.

"Really?" Ling Jin asked cautiously.


"I'm not sleepy tonight, can I go and play with Hua?" In Ling's thoughts, her eldest sister is very dangerous now, after all, Sakura hasn't received treatment yet.

"Of course not, sleep well." Ying smiled.

Seeing the big sister's smile, Ling felt her scalp go numb. She lay obediently on the bed, closed her eyes, and looked very peaceful, as if she was dead.

Bell's sleeping position has never been so honest.

Sakura sighed, turned off the wall lamp, and lay down too.

A sigh, full of melancholy, the fox was lost.

Ying felt that she was very unlucky. First, she found out that her sweetheart was cheating, and then she heard that her mental state was in trouble. She didn't know where she was going. Should she leave Wutong? After all, he already had a green fur by his side.

However, if Sakura left, what would Suzu do? Seeing her younger sister's "sleeping face", Sakura thought silently: "Do you want to take her with you? It's safer for Ling to be by Wutong's side than by her own."

"Sure enough, Lumao doesn't have a single good thing!"

Sakura decided to turn into a warrior of pure love in the future, with one sword and one green-haired monster.

Looking at the mountains under the moon, there are many nights, but the moon is bright and helpless.

Wutong did not return to the bedroom, under the moonlight, he sat alone on the stone bench in the yard, looking alone.

He was afraid that Sakura would leave without saying a word, so he stayed here.

Wutong felt that it would be fine to say that it was a misunderstanding, but what he was most afraid of was that neither of them would say anything, holding it in their hearts, and then choosing to leave alone, wouldn't that be two fools?

Indus will not let that bloody plot happen.

Wutong believes that it is impossible for a person to have a smooth road in life, and it is impossible for a person's love life to be free from crises, but he has already sensed the crisis, and he has not pinched the signs, but instead drifted with the tide and allowed the crisis to expand. How is that different from a coward? How is it different from two hundred and five?

Sakura's evaluation of Wutong was right, Wutong

Although this man has a poisonous mouth and looks frivolous and dangerous, he is essentially a very reliable partner.

Indus had suffered a lot in the pre-civilization period, and also suffered a lot of stumbles, which led to him being very prudent in doing things.

The character of "planning before deciding, and acting with perseverance" also makes Wutong seem to have everything going smoothly in this era of civilization.

Is Wutong really not suffered twists and turns? No, it was because he was too steady and resolved all the troubles.

The matter of Sakura made Wutong very confused, and this kind of confusion made Wutong faintly excited.

Wutong hadn't tasted this kind of depressed taste for a long time, so he felt excited again, and Wutong, who was aware of his excitement, was even happier.

Every time something about Sakura is involved, Wutong's calm state of mind can always be slightly changed.

Indus thought a lot, he asked himself, do you like Sakura? It should be liking, but this kind of liking is more like the feeling of comrades-in-arms.

If Wutong is asked to do a question: killing Sakura can defeat Honkai, then, will he do it?

When Wutong feels that he is desperate, he may do it. He should kill Sakura, and then commit suicide after defeating Honkai.

But this kind of suicide is more like atonement, guilt, retribution, killing innocent people should pay with their lives, rather than love for Sakura.

In fact, Wutong is not sure if he can do this kind of problem. He thinks that defeating Honkai should not be sacrificed personally. If he relies on sacrifice to defeat Honkai, it can only show his incompetence.

A person like Wutong will probably choose to have both, that is, not to sacrifice the individual, but also to defeat the collapse.

But, does Wutong really not like Sakura at all? Wu Tong didn't think so, at least, he didn't want Sakura to leave his side.

When Wutong thinks that there will be no Sakura in his future life, he will be very irritable.

Indus feels selfish, so, is love selfish?

Wutong had never thought about this kind of question before, and he didn't know how to answer it.

Some people can give everything for love. This kind of love seems to be selfless, but it is not all right. Even this kind of selfless love satisfies one's own liking, because loving someone will satisfy one's heart.

So love is selfish? It seems even more wrong.

Wutong thought for a long time, and felt that labeling love with selflessness and selfishness was a bit narrow.

Love is love, and selfishness and selflessness cannot summarize the essence of love.

Thinking of this, Wu Tong felt that he was stupid. With his IQ, he would waste time thinking about such stupid questions. Is it for selfless or selfish love? Don't just give love a label that can't sum it up!

No sleep tonight.

Hua was worried about Ling's safety and felt ashamed.

Mebius wants to do something big.

Bell is afraid of the elder sister beside her.

Sakura was wronged.

Indus upset.

Several people did not sleep.

Rigao can slightly distinguish the shadows of the buildings and terraces, and people can hear the sound of forest birds in the distance.

The morning light is faint.

Wu Tong got up and was going to find Ying, he wanted to negotiate with Ying face to face, Wu Tong thought a lot tonight, thinking about things he had never considered before.

Sakura did not choose to leave in the end.

She promised that she would always be by Wutong's side, and that being the case, she would not leave.

Sakura thought about it all night, and finally decided to snatch Wutong back. A mebius, how can she be green?

A green-haired little fart snake can seduce, but Sakura can't? Is she worse than Mebius?

Sakura is full of fighting spirit at this moment.

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