Honkai Biography

Chapter 37 Ability analysis, do good deeds every day

"Say something, don't do this, I'm afraid of you."

Wutong doesn't dare to touch Ying's ears now, who knows what the consequences will be, Wutong thinks that the more gentle and patient Ying is, the bigger the matter will be.

If after licking Ying's ears, Ying makes Wutong do things that he can't do at all, such as making him a woman, and he remains the same, then he will become a scumbag who puts on his pants and refuses to admit it!

It's not that serious, but that's what it means.

"It's nothing." Sakura sat beside Wutong's bed with a gentle face, and tilted her ears in the direction of Wutong, "Want to touch it?"

"I don't want to." Wutong shrank into the bed, "What's the matter with you? If you don't say it, don't say it."

"Hmm...how is your body recovering?" Sakura asked softly.


"It's okay...you are my boyfriend, that is, Ling's brother-in-law. Ling has..."

"Wait a minute, when did I become your boyfriend? You are quite good at ranking seniority." Wutong interrupted her.

"Just now, because you pursued my subordinate a year ago, I now agree."

"Sister, do you agree to what happened a year ago now? Is it a bit far-fetched, I am not going to pursue you now." Wutong is very cautious.

"Alright then...but, even if you're not my boyfriend, we have a good relationship, right?!"

"It's so-so, it's just like that, don't think too much about it." Indus is not fooled.

"Hehe, he is really a man who doesn't understand style, but, I like you for that, not to be seduced by beauty, that's good." Sakura's eyes fluttered a little, it seemed that this sentence was not what she had in mind.

"You haven't teased anyone before, have you? Please be normal, your provocative skills will embarrass that person." Wu Tong stared at her eyes and said, "You don't have to do this, the Sakura I know won't be so humble, yes Because of the bell?

"How about this, I will give you one last chance, what to say directly? If you talk nonsense, I will agree or not."

Ling Ying was very embarrassed when Wu Tong said it so bluntly: "I want...to let you cure Ling, and use your ability like 'speaking and following'."

"It's good to have spoken so early, it scared me."

Indus pondered and said: "That kind of ability is actually very limited."

After hearing this, Sakura was disappointed and said: "Is it no longer needed?"

"It can still be used, but I have to bear the price of being pierced in the chest, do you understand?"

Sakura was stunned after hearing this: "The price? There is still a price? But the Herrscher of Corrosion..."

Wu Tong explained: "That's because the Herrscher at that time was disturbed by me and couldn't control the use of the power of erosion. The power of erosion. Moreover, the consciousness of the Herrscher is the other side of the bell, and the bell itself has the power of the Herrscher, so I can deprive the power of the Herrscher's consciousness at a very small price and give it to Ling. Otherwise, I will forcibly deprive her of it The power of the Lawrence will cause me to lose an ability corresponding to the power of the Herrscher. But even so, I have paid the price."

"Weak for two weeks?" Sakura guessed.

"No, just like a bell, half of the Honkai energy in my body is given to the other half."

"Haven't you been weak for two weeks?"

"Well, it's just that I can't control the Houkai energy or power."

Sakura thought for a while and guessed: "Then you sealed Herrscher's consciousness into Jizo Yuhun because she couldn't resist at the time, just like putting an item in a box, so you didn't pay the price?"

"No, I paid the price too."

"What price?"

"Half of my consciousness was also sealed in Jizo Yuhun, but I got it back afterwards."

"So that's it, I understand a little bit." Sakura roughly understood, "For example, you can bring people back from the dead, but the price is your own death?"

"That's right, if you want to get something, you have to pay something, isn't it fair? Now, do you still want me to use my ability to cure Ling?"

"Think." Sakura looked ruthless.


You'll lose friends like this.

"But forget it, I don't want to owe this kind of favor, and I don't want Ling to owe it. We already owe you a lot, and we may not pay it in this life." Sakura's mood is not high.

Sakura is still very humane. If it were a shameless person with questionable morals, he might choose to be in debt rather than burden himself.

"Then let me touch my ears." Indus tentatively said.

"You better stop dreaming." Sakura got up and said, "I didn't expect your ability to be so useless, goodbye."

"You really are a snobby woman."

Sakura narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Of course, and you'd better be careful what you say now, or you will bear the consequences."


so real?

Sakura who walked to the door suddenly stopped, and asked without looking back: "Have you ever used that ability to deprive others of their feelings?"


"Really? Let me believe you."

Sakura left.

"What a tasteless woman, she doesn't know how to knock when she comes, doesn't know how to close the door when she leaves, and she doesn't know which unlucky guy will marry her in the future." Wu Tong complained.

Wutong seems to be talking to herself, but she is actually talking to Sakura. Although she has gone far, her ears are very good.

Sure enough, Sakura heard it, but she didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Take a day off and the next day will dawn.

After Wutong and Hua had finished practicing duel, he suddenly remembered that there was still a little Honkai beast locked in the little black room.

I don't know how Wuwu is doing these days, I must be very happy after staying in the small black room for so long.

The kind Wutong decided to rescue it after lunch. After all, it has been locked up for so long, so it should be used to it, and it is not too bad this morning.

Indus took out the Ksitigarbha Yuhun from Judah, and decided to bully the Corrosion Herrscher this morning, since he was idle anyway.

Since rescuing Ling, Wutong and the others have relaxed a lot.

The Ksitigarbha Yuhun has not been completed yet. After all, the consciousness of the Herrscher has lost the power of the Herrscher. To complete this God's Key, Bell's help is needed.

Indus immersed his consciousness in Jizo Yuhun, he poked Herrscher's consciousness with his finger: "Are you there?"

Herrscher consciousness doesn't want to talk to him, she is often bullied by Wutong these days.

"Look, I'm here to play with you again, I treat you very well! Are you happy?"

Wutong came to bully her again, and Herrscher was very unhappy.

Erode Herrscher now feels that if she is quietly sealed, no one will disturb her in the future, it will be fine, just like yesterday, no one will bully her, and she feels the rare peace. She even imagined how wonderful it would be if someone could put her to sleep one day.

It can be seen that Wutong has been very successful in training her, and the Herrscher of Corrosion has been able to accept being sealed quietly.

"I didn't come to harass you today, I'm sorry for my behavior before, sorry."

Herrscher's expression was dull, and he still didn't want to talk to him.

"To make up for my mistake, let me ask, do you want fried tofu?"

Erosion Herrscher moved his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, "I want to."

"Oh, I don't want to give it to you, I just want to tell you, what I ate today is fried tofu, which is delicious, but unfortunately, you can't eat it, so pitiful, hahahaha..."



Just as the Herrscher of Corrosion was about to yell, Wutong's consciousness withdrew from the space of Jizo Yuhun, and the Herrscher suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

"Ah! I feel so happy! A good day must start with caring for Herrscher." Wu Tong felt satisfied.

Wu Tong thought that if she cared for Herrscher a few more times, she should be able to feel the beauty of human nature. She will definitely feel the love, and then "consciously" accept the title of Feiyuwan.

Wutong felt that she was too kind, even if she was Herrscher, he never forced her to accept the name Feiyuwan, Wutong wanted her to accept it ecstatically and consciously.

"I'm just too democratic."

Hua was meditating with his eyes closed, and after hearing the words, he quietly opened one eye, then closed it again, thinking: "You are really inhuman."

It was approaching evening.

Wutong opened the door of the small black house, and the sun shone into the house. Wutong felt a little uncomfortable, he was used to the darkness.

The sluggish Honkai Beast looked at Wutong in front of him, and it took a long while before he realized: "Che Che~Che Che~"

Little 梼杌 looked very excited, it finally saw its owner, it thought that it was abandoned and could only live in a small black house from now on.

It turns out the owner didn't abandon it!

Xiaozhuwu didn't know that he was locked by Wutong. When Wutong locked it, he first gave it Honkai energy, which made it fall into a sluggish state.

Wutong untied its chains, and Wutong rubbed his head against Wutong's trouser legs: "Che Che~Che Che~"

Since he hasn't taken the Houkai Neng for a long time, Xiao Zhuwu's thinking has overcome the instinct of the Houkai Beast, and now he has become very close.

"Che Che~Che Che~"

"Huh? You have become such a relative?" Wutong thought for a while, and then fed it a big mouthful of Honkai Energy.

Xiaozhuwu "crashed" again.

"Well...it's still a funny expression."

"Not only the Herrscher, but even the Honkai Beast can feel my kindness. I really look forward to the future Herrschers. They must also feel my kindness, right? They will definitely be grateful to me."

Gratitude is not necessarily, there must be tears.

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