"Boss, do you have any ideas for the name of the company in the beautiful country?" asked Shen Nanpeng with a smile.

"Just call it...... Element Table Bar, referred to as PT Capital. Huo Qixuan thought for a while.

Element Table Company means that the investment object is all-encompassing, covering all aspects.

"Elemental ......" Zhang Lei and Shen Nanpeng glanced at each other, their expressions were surprised.

But soon, both of them laughed.

The boss is not small!

After chatting about some relevant details, Shen Nanpeng and Zhang Lei left the office.

"Xiao Xuan, the business is done, let's talk about private matters. Li Kan waited for Shen Nanpeng and them to leave, and then opened his mouth narrowly.

He doesn't know how much he earned from his 100 million now, and he has been waiting impatiently for a long time.

Huo Qixuan smiled and stretched out three fingers.

Hiss...... Li Kan gasped, and his saliva was about to flow out:

"Three, three hundred million ......"

"Not bad!"

"Beautiful knife?"


Li Kan's brain was dizzy, and he died happily.

"Ah......hh Xiao Xuan, I love you to death. Li Kan hugged Huo Qixuan and shouted again.

Huo Qixuan was still driven crazy by him, then patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly:

"Calm down, you are also worth more than a billion billionaires, don't be so frizzy all the time. "

When he heard that he was worth more than a billion, Li Kan was happy to die 437 again, and he trembled with excitement.

But soon, he became sad again: "I don't know how long I can hold this money." "

Although he earned 300 million US dollars, he had to hand over most of this money to the family.

It's good to keep a few million dollars on your own.

This is still the family's eyes on Huo Qixuan, and they don't want Li Kan to have too little money in his pocket, so they allocated millions of dollars to him, otherwise it would be heaven to give hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Not everyone is Huo Qixuan.

The monthly pocket money of the children of wealthy families is fixed, and the maximum will not exceed one million Hong Kong dollars.

"What's this, as long as I'm here, we'll have a steady stream of money. Huo Qixuan shrugged his shoulders and walked to the tea table to make tea.

Li Kan took the teapot and diligently helped Huo Qixuan make tea.

"Xiao Xuan, what are your plans next?" asked Li Kan.

"It's nothing more than telling Zhao Qi to pay more attention to the business district to be developed in 68, and the acquisition of Lei Hong's original security company or something. Huo Qixuan said.

"Gone?" Li Kan said stunned.

"Is there anything else?" Huo Qixuan thought about it, there is indeed no big matter, and Zhao Qi will solve other small things, and he doesn't need to come out (dafg) by himself.

"Your coming-of-age ceremony, you're going to be an adult soon. Li Kan said speechlessly.

Huo Qixuan was stunned.

A rite of passage?

After crossing over, he didn't treat himself as a child, and has always acted from the perspective and thinking of an adult.

Huo Qixuan laughed and said, "Yes, coming-of-age ceremony!"

After a pause, Huo Qixuan thought of something and said:

"The staff have worked hard to weather the storm this time, and I invite them to go to the coming-of-age ceremony to have a good treat and let everyone have fun and relax. "

"Okay, then I'll inform everyone?" Li Kan said excitedly.

"Hmm!" Huo Qixuan nodded.

Li Kan quickly rushed out, and soon came to the round front desk, and then under Li Ting's stunned gaze, he jumped to the service desk and shouted loudly:

"Stop, everyone, listen to me. "

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Li Kan.

Li Kan's status in the company is very special, although he does not have any position, no one will underestimate him, because he can almost be regarded as the spokesperson of the boss.

"This financial turmoil, everyone is very hard, it just so happens that the boss's coming-of-age ceremony is coming, so the boss decided to invite everyone to attend his coming-of-age ceremony, I will charter a luxury yacht, everyone goes, let's play him for three days and three nights!" Li Kan's excited voice resounded in the hall. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Ting's eyes lit up, and her heart became excited.

The boss's coming-of-age ceremony.

It's a big day, and she's definitely going to go.

The other employees looked at each other.

After a while, everyone cheered loudly.

Some people are even in a dream!

At this time, someone suddenly realized a terrible truth.

Boss...... Not yet an adult!

I'm grass, I'm the richest man on Hong Kong Island before I reach adulthood, if I give him more time, how far will I grow in the future?

Asia's richest man?

Or the richest man in the world?

There are savvy people who are aware of the terrible potential of their boss.


"In order for the economy to have a healthy and effective adjustment, it is important to have a stable interest rate. The Hong Kong Government has instructed the HKMA to use the Exchange Fund to take appropriate action in the equity and futures markets, which will increase the cost to speculators in the hope that they will be able to retreat. "

"I would like to point out here that the actions taken by the government are not intended to support the market, but are in response to the current market speculation. We are well aware that the economy of Hong Kong Island is in a long period of adjustment, and the adjustment period will be quite painful, but we are mentally prepared to accept the pain brought about by the adjustment period. "

"I would like to stress that the Government will, as in the past, adhere to its policy of non-interference in the activities of the stock and futures markets, but it has the responsibility to take decisive measures to reduce market disruption where necessary, i.e. when there is a clear correlation between the speculation of the Hong Kong dollar and the speculation of stocks and futures. "

"Our economy needs a healthy environment for us to adjust quickly, and we will continue to monitor market developments closely and take the necessary measures if necessary. "

"I believe that speculators should know whether they are making a profit or a loss, but our purpose is obvious, we hope that they will have to lose something before they leave the market. "

"As for whether it's just this time, I mentioned just now, under what conditions we will be active in the market. If these conditions still exist, we will continue to do it, but if these conditions do not exist, we will not do it. "

"I made it very clear that we would do this when the Hong Kong dollar was under pressure and there were people who were working in both the HSI futures market and our foreign exchange market. "

Li Chaoren watched the speech of the chief executive and the chief executive of the HKMA Chen Lin in front of reporters on TV, and fell into a long silence, with little Superman standing behind him, his fists clenched and his eyes red.

"Dad, we failed, and only 100 million were recovered from a billion. Superman's expression was a little painful, but more than that, he was unwilling.

Li Chaoren waved his hand and said indifferently:

"Failure is failure, learn the lesson well. Don't let failure destroy your self-confidence, or you'll never grow up. "

"Dad, the Hong Kong government must have done something we don't know, I don't know what kind of means it is, when we hit the stock market, we found a very strange phenomenon, as if there is a giant beast waiting for us with its mouth open, and we will accurately feed a large amount of money into that big mouth, this is the answer given to me by financial analysts, I couldn't believe it at the time. "

But the answer that the other families came up with is also this, Dad, there is a master in the Hong Kong government, and this master is very scary, as if he can predict the future. "

When Superman said this, his back was a little chilly!

This method is so terrifying, it is simply the nemesis of these big families.

Even Soros was swallowed up by the other side for billions, which is too scary.

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