Kill him, kill him, kill him...

Only when Gerald was still alive could he restrain Karsus. After Gerald died, no one could control Karsus once he went berserk. Just as Rossweisse thought, all the words she said were gone in the blink of an eye. He was left behind by the furious Karsus.

Feeling the aura coming from beside her, Rossweisse's expression suddenly changed. She wanted to stop it but it was too late.

There was only a bang, and Karsus' body instantly turned into a dark meteor. The sharp spear head was wrapped in the black airflow and pierced Qin Chu's chest.

As long as Qin Chu is killed, all problems will be solved.

His speed is extremely fast.

Yekaterina's face changed slightly, and she was about to take action, but Qin Chu stopped her with his eyes.

Violet on the other side took a step forward, her tall body completely blocking Qin Chu behind her. She saw that the target had been changed, but Karsus still did not hesitate in his actions.

Except for Jero and his teammates, the lives of others no longer count in Karthus's heart.

Not only did he not stop, his speed even became faster.

With a buzzing sound, the gun head instantly appeared in front of Violet, and was about to pierce Violet's abdomen. At this moment, Violet suddenly stretched out her right hand and grabbed the gun head. In the palm of your hand.


Violent airflow spreads.

Karsus' body instantly stayed in place, while Violet's body didn't even sway.

Violet suddenly smiled at Karsus, then grabbed the spear with one hand and swung Karsus at the other end of the spear into the air with a roar, and then her arm suddenly sank.

With a bang, Karsus' body hit the ground in front of him, creating a deep pit and sending up a large amount of smoke and dust. It was so embarrassing.

In fact, Karsus wouldn't be in such a mess.

On the one hand, it's because Violet is really strong. Antia's spear was caught by Violet before, and Karsus may not be stronger than Antia.

On the other hand, it was also because of Karsus' carelessness.

This time he made a fool of himself made Karsus extremely angry. His strong body was squirming on the ground with heavy armor. He couldn't bear such humiliation. Just as he was about to get up, Violet's figure appeared in front of him. He raised his kick and kicked Karsus directly in the face. His body rotated 720 degrees in mid-air, and then he fell to the ground again with a chirp like a toad.

He even wanted to raise his head, but Violet stepped on the back of his head again, and Karsus' face kissed the ground.

Half of my brain was submerged in the mud.

Violet was about to step on her again, but was stopped by Qin Chu. After all, this was a member of the Brave Team. Wouldn’t it be too pitiful for Violet to seize the opportunity and hit her without the ability to fight back? A little? And he couldn't kill this guy directly in front of Rossweisse.

Seeing Violet returning to his side triumphantly, Qin Chu was a little curious: "Are you very powerful?"

"Of course, after all, I was also a saint a thousand years ago." Violet replied with a smile.

I always feel that she has become more lively.

But, Saint?

Was that what you just said was the way of a saint? Shouldn't a saint be able to pray, use magic or the like? You are purely a martial artist.

Also, didn’t you inherit the authority of the Storm Lord? Does this person's authority mean to make you more violent when fighting?

Rossweisse was also shocked by this scene. She did not expect that the woman following Qin Chu was so powerful. Karsus had almost no power to fight back. What is the origin of this woman?

Karsus struggled to get up from the ground, staring at Qin Chu and Violet with a pair of wide-open scarlet eyes full of hatred. His helmet fell down, revealing a handsome face. He was worthy of being the former young master, if not Out of his mind, this guy should be very popular with women.

Seeing that Karsus was still eager to try, Rossweisse quickly stepped forward and pressed Karsus' shoulders, signaling Karsus to calm down.

Now is not the time to take action. Rossweisse believes that if she, Karsus and Ekaterina join forces, this mysterious tall woman will definitely lose even if she is very powerful. She Both Qin Chu and Qin Chu will die here.


Qin Chu cannot die.

It was she and Ekaterina who brought Qin Chu out. If Qin Chu died, they would also be severely punished, and they would not be able to bear the consequences.

"I'm very sorry..." Rossweisse twisted up her skirt and saluted Qin Chu. Now she could only pray for Qin Chu's forgiveness, hoping to use her charm to keep Qin Chu secret about this matter.

"Master Brave, I'm really sorry. This is Death Knight Karthus, a member of our Brave Team. He didn't intend to attack you. It's just because the news of Benson's death hit him too hard. As a result, He's kind of out of control, and he and Benson are best friends."

"Is Benson dead already?" Qin Chu sighed sadly: "After all, we arrived too late."

"This is not your responsibility, Lord Brave. It was all done by that guy Romon." Rossweisse said as she stepped forward and the distance between her and Qin Chu became closer and closer.

Ignoring Violet next to him, he held Qin Chu's palm in his hands and placed it on his heart.

He stared at Qin Chu from bottom to top: "Please, Lord Brave, can you pretend that you didn't see what happened today?"

"If this matter is exposed, Karthus will be severely punished. We have already lost Benson and cannot lose Karthus again."

Qin Chu seemed a little embarrassed. He tried to take his hand out but failed. He hesitated: "But if he is not punished, these people will die in vain. I am a brave man and a partner of justice. I I cannot tolerate this evil happening in front of me.”

Rossweisse saw Qin Chu's hesitation and said quickly: "However, if the matter is exposed, it is very likely to cause a civil war among humans. We will be even less able to fight against the monsters. More people will be killed and injured, and you will not Are you willing to see the Sky Continent become a river of blood?"

Rossweisse has even used spiritual magic to guide.

Qin Chu has not learned magic, and next to him is a strange and powerful woman who doesn't know any magic. No one should notice it.

"I know that this is contrary to the justice you insist on in your heart, but this is not a lie. This is to save more lives. This is for the entire Sky Continent."

Rossweisse gently shook Qin Chu's hand and rubbed it on her chest. Her voice was charming and moving: "Master Brave, please."

Under Rossweisse's offensive and spiritual guidance, Qin Chu seemed to be convinced: "Okay, Your Highness the Saint, for your sake, I promise you, I, Qin Chu, will never turn this thing into a Tell the truth..."

After getting Qin Chu's affirmative answer, Rossweisse felt a little relieved. She could not completely guarantee that Qin Chu would not speak. This feeling of being on tenterhooks and placing her hopes on others made Rossweisse uncomfortable.

But this is already the best situation for now, and even Rossweisse can't do more.

She let go of Qin Chu's hand, took two steps back, and wiped her little hand where Qin Chu couldn't see it.

Rossweisse cast a solemn look at Ekaterina. The meaning was very clear, asking Ekaterina to monitor Qin Chu. If Qin Chu tried to expose this matter, it must be stopped.

Ekaterina just nodded silently.

Rossweisse felt a little more at ease. With Ekaterina watching over her, it shouldn't be a big problem.

At this moment, Qin Chu's voice suddenly came from in front of him:

"By the way, Miss Rossweisse, can you go on a date with me after we return to the Imperial City?"

Qin Chu made a request.

Rossweisse's face was filled with a gentle smile: "Of course you can, Lord Brave, it's my honor."

Her pretty face was flushed, and she seemed to be very excited, but also seemed to be shy about publicly mentioning the request for a date in front of so many people.

But he was constantly cursing in his heart. This hateful bastard thought he had a handle on Karsus and was going to blackmail him into dating him?

What a filthy thing.

However, he is still greedy for his own body!

Chapter 1 Three thousand five hundred and fifty is presented. Please recommend me and ask for monthly votes.

Chapter 109 The plan against Athena (5,000 words, please vote for recommendations)

Asking for a monthly ticket)

As long as Qin Chu still desires him, it will be easier to control him.

Although having to date Qin Chu made Rossweisse want to vomit, Rossweisse also knew that this was a good opportunity to get closer to Qin Chu. The most important thing was that if she didn't agree to Qin Chu's , this man is very likely to spread the news about Karsus.

Damn it, I have to suffer this kind of injustice because of that idiot Karsus.

Although it was not stable, it finally calmed down. Of course, if there was an accident and this matter was exposed, Rossweisse would definitely distance herself immediately. It was Karsus who did everything, and she was a saint. It had nothing to do with being a woman, she just didn't want to cause a civil war among humans when monsters were around, so she hid the matter.

Rossweisse ordered Karsus to dispose of the head. Although Karsus was very unhappy with Qin Chu, he could only obey the order. After all, he really caused big trouble this time.

Rossweisse also took the opportunity to ask about Violet.

Qin Chu casually told a lie, saying that Violet was just a warrior who practiced alone. Because she went astray, she grew taller and taller, hiding Violet's identity as a saint from the Temple of Storms thousands of years ago.

As for the ghost, Violet's forged body is more sophisticated than Saya and Antia. The body made purely of elements is almost indistinguishable from the real person. As long as she does not directly encounter Qin Chu's holy light blooming, there is almost no difference. One can discover.

Rossweisse noticed that Qin Chu seemed to want to keep Violet by his side. This was definitely not good news for her. After all, Violet was very powerful and could easily suppress Karsus. This would have serious consequences for her actions.

Rossweisse pulled Qin Chu aside and lowered her voice as much as possible: "Master Brave, do you really want to keep Miss Violet by your side? Her origin is unknown. What if...I mean what if, She's actually a witch or something..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stir up trouble. I just think this is a huge threat to your safety, Lord Brave."

"I'm just worried about your safety and I'd be sad if you got hurt."

Rossweisse widened her watery eyes and said, "If you are worried about your safety, Rossweisse is willing to stay by your side to protect you..."

Qin Chu answered truthfully: "However, I feel that Mr. Karsus, a member of the Brave Team, is more dangerous than Violet."

Rossweisse was speechless for a moment. It was Ekaterina before, and now it's Karthus... The Brave's impression of the former Brave Team members is getting worse and worse.

They are all a bunch of idiots, and I am the only one here trying my best to wipe their butts, damn it.

"Miss Rossweisse, I didn't mean to lose face to you... I promised you that I would never tell anyone about what Karsus did, but Mr. Karsus and I would work together to fight the monsters. , I absolutely can’t do it.”

"After returning to the Imperial City, I will ask Augustus, Santa Monica and Wadsworth to strip Karsus of his status as a member of the Brave Squad."

"I'm very sorry, Your Majesty the beautiful Saint, but becoming a teammate with him would really make me feel very dangerous."

Rossweisse wasn't angry at all. Rather, she even felt that this was the most normal reaction, and she would do the same thing in her place. If Qin Chu readily accepted Karsus, Rossweisse would even wonder if Qin Chu was planning some conspiracy.

She felt that her headache was getting worse, and she had to find a way to let Karsus repair his impression on the brave man.

But Yekaterina can still use her body to make up for it. What can Karsus use to make up for it? Body? Qin Chu probably has no interest in that aspect.

After Karthus collected all the heads, he carried Benson's body and the group embarked on the return journey.

The atmosphere was very depressing. As a spy placed by the Brave Team next to Qin Chu, Ekaterina was bound to stay with Qin Chu, and she also had to show her dissatisfaction with Karsus appropriately.

Therefore, Rossweisse had no doubts about Ekaterina's actions, let alone blame. She even felt that Ekaterina's measures were just right.

Qin Chu and Violet had never had any communication with Karsus.

In a place where Rossweisse couldn't see, Saya and Antia had been planning on where to start when killing this idiot in the future... This made the death knight often feel cold and a little hairy on the back of his neck.

Karsus himself was a dull man, unable to hold back a word for a long time.

Rossweisse could only let Rossweisse walk back and forth on both sides, trying to liven up the atmosphere and prevent the two parties from being too embarrassed. There was obviously no battle, but Rossweisse felt even more exhausted than fighting a hundred thousand monsters.

On the second day of their return, they met Nadiya, who had hurried over after killing the tauren army. When she saw that Qin Chu was safe and sound, Nadiya breathed a sigh of relief. Sen's death expresses deep regret, he was an excellent warrior.

It was already night after five days when we returned to Orville Imperial Capital.

The brave, the saint, the members of the brave team, the great sage, naturally no one dared to check these people when they entered the imperial city, and even Violet easily sneaked into the city.

After arriving at the noble area, Rossweisse stopped and intertwined her hands elegantly on her chest: "May the Holy Light protect you..."

"Master Brave, please don't forget the agreement between us. I will arrange the date carefully." Rossweisse blinked at Qin Chu, and immediately took Benson's body with Karsus. leave.

"Your Majesty the Brave, I'm leaving too." Nadiya also said goodbye: "I need to find my friends to find out some things."

She had to go to Louisa to discuss it again. She was in a very confused mood now. It was clear that there was another tall Violet beside Qin Chu, but she didn't feel jealous at all.

Until now, she still couldn't figure out what her feelings were for Qin Chu and whether she really fell in love with this man.

They all left, leaving only Ekaterina and Violet beside Qin Chu, as well as Shaye and Antia who had been nestled in Qin Chu's body for a long time.

These two ghosts have shrunk their souls a little. Antia prefers the position inside Qin Chu's belly, while Shaye prefers the position on the chest. To be honest, when he lowered his head and saw two people stuffed inside his body, that kind of scene was actually A bit scary.

Glancing at the backs of Rossweisse and Karsus, Qin Chu raised the corners of his mouth.

He has prepared a grand banquet, and the scene that once happened to him will happen again to Karsus! Of course, before that, you can get rid of that woman Athena first.

"Then, Ekaterina, and Miss Violet, let's go home..." Qin Chu took out a top hat from the storage ring and put it on his head.

When walking in an aristocratic area, you must have the dignity of an upper class person.

A slender and cute girl who seemed to be a little thinner than before, dressed in a red and white maid uniform, was waiting quietly at the entrance of the palace.

The small body huddled at the door of the palace, sitting on the stone slab next to the threshold. A pair of white and tender arms hugged her knees, and her fair and pretty face was pressed above her knees. She could clearly feel the haggardness and fatigue on her face, and... the worry that still tormented her even in her sleep.

It's Angelica.

Since Qin Chu left, Angelica would wait at the door every day, hoping that her master would suddenly appear in front of her.

She only used message magic to contact her master once, because she was worried about being eavesdropped by Athena. Even though she missed her so much, she did not dare to continue to contact her master. She could only bear the suffering in her heart silently, looking forward to her master's return. .

However, Angelica will also get tired. When she is tired, she will curl up in the corner to take a rest. After waking up, she will continue to wait. She hopes to see her master as soon as he comes back. Of course, even so, Angelica has not forgotten the mission assigned by Qin Chu. During this period, she collected a lot of important information and wanted to tell her master.

Angelica's behavior was seen in the eyes of the guards at the door, and they sneered. They didn't think it was Angelica's sincerity. This scheming woman just wanted to use this method to improve her evaluation in the hearts of the brave.

Maybe, deep down in her heart, this humble maid is still planning the position of the main wife.

What a greedy woman.

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