It is conceivable that Rossweisse used her status as a saint to line her own pockets and embezzled how much money she took in bribes. It was really corrupt.

The most embarrassing thing is that Zhou Mu Rossweisse often pesters Qin Chu to buy her clothes, and Qin Chu always pays for meals and dinners.

This woman has been pretending to be poor.

But then I thought about it, how many precious materials would Rossweisse need to resurrect Zero? All these have to be purchased with money, and she has even cultivated a group of forces of her own. Can she do this without money?

Once again, Qin Chu is not doing this for money, mainly because this is too depraved, and he really can't stand such shameless behavior. With great hatred, Qin Chu stuffed the storage ring into his pocket.

At some point, Qin Chu's eyes had turned into the shape of a crescent moon when he smiled.

He had almost forgotten his original purpose of coming here. With the thought of ransacking his home, Qin Chu snapped his fingers at Sha Ye:

"Shaye, next..."

Sha Ye was also very happy. She was less short of money than Qin Chu.

A dignified witch and the most powerful witch, Saya is definitely rich and powerful.


For some reason, Saya always likes those shiny things, crystals, gems, gold coins, and banknotes. These always bring her a different kind of pleasure, so much so that Saya even wonders if she has the blood of a dragon.

After time flows backwards, the physical body collapses.

She could only be parasitic on Qin Chu, and the wealth she had accumulated in her previous life had disappeared. Now that she could make a fortune, Sha Ye felt particularly happy.

Even before Qin Chu gave the order, Sha Ye had already floated to another place, which was a wall on the left. It was also a very clever and sophisticated magic restriction, and even Qin Chu couldn't feel any trace of it.

However, in the face of Saya's superb skills, Rossweisse's restriction was useless and was easily opened, revealing another storage ring inside.

The magic power was instilled, and the contents of the ring appeared completely in front of Qin Chu and Sha Ye.

This time it was no longer banknotes, but an entire storage ring filled with... saint crystals. Qin Chu's eyes were stung by the colorful light.

Saint crystal is an extremely precious mineral in Sky Continent. On earth, it is a combination of diamond and gold. It is as beautiful and precious as diamond, and can play a role in various important positions like gold.

For the humans in Sky Continent, Saint Quartz can carve out the most beautiful ornaments for royal princesses, noble ladies.

For magicians, Saint Quartz can be embedded in a wand, giving the wand a stronger magic transmission performance.

For warriors, saint crystals can be embedded in armor, and after special enchantment treatment, the armor can be made harder.

At the same time, a large amount of pure elemental power is stored in the Saint Quartz. For any practitioner, it can not only be used to assist practice, but can also be used to replenish magic power or fighting spirit when the body is exhausted.

All in all, Saint Quartz has a wide range of uses.

However, the quantity is rare and extremely precious, which also leads to the extremely exaggerated price of Saint Quartz.

It can be said without hesitation that the Saint Quartz in this storage ring is more valuable than the banknotes in this storage ring.

Qin Chu and Sha Ye completely turned into robbers. They swept the first floor and went straight to the upstairs. Qin Chu almost forgot his original purpose.

Inside each restriction, there is a storage ring.

"This time, we made a fortune..." Shaye rubbed her hands excitedly.

Qin Chu glanced at Shaye in surprise. It was the first time he knew that this most powerful witch was actually a money addict.

I always feel like the image of the strongest witch in my mind has collapsed a bit.

Shaye's eyes were shining: "There should be a lot of money in these three rings. Let's split it 30-70."

Qin Chu was a little dissatisfied: "Why am I only 70%?"

Shaye exhaled mockingly: "Seventy percent is mine."

"What do you need so much money for? You can't spend it now, right?"

"Then... deposit it with you first, and the interest will be calculated as six points..."

I have only heard of loan sharking, but not of loan sharking.

Is this guy really the Dark Witch? Are you sure you're not a money witch?

Qin Chu didn't take Sha Ye's words seriously and picked up a ring. When he saw what was in the ring, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed. The huge storage ring was not like the two before that were occupied by Mana and The Saint Quartz was stuffed to the brim, and there were only nine notebooks in it.

Taking it out and taking a look at it, Qin Chu immediately put away his contemptuous thoughts, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

"What's wrong with you? You're smiling so sinisterly."

"Nothing, these notes are interesting." Qin Chu put the book away with a smile.

In Qin Chu's opinion, the value of these notes is more precious than the Saint Crystal and Mana.

The nine notebooks record every moment of the relationship between the other nine members of the brave team and the first-generation hero Zero from Rossweisse's perspective.

Maybe Rossweisse wanted to treat this as a good memory?

However, when Qin Chu picked up the next storage ring, he immediately overturned this speculation. In the other storage ring, there was only a thick diary. In the diary, Rossweisse's strong strength could be clearly felt. An almost crazy desire for exclusivity.

She maintains a strong hostility towards anyone who comes close to the hero Zero.

Even if it's a man.

The entire diary can be said to be a collection of Rossweisse's dark side.

She recorded all the words that could not be said publicly and the thoughts that could not be exposed in a diary in an almost cathartic way.

When women like Athena, Ekaterina, and Sylve approached Jero, when Jero talked and laughed with other women, Rossweisse was almost crazy with jealousy, and the whole diary was filled with Words like slut, bitch, etc.

Rossweisse even designed dozens of different ways to die for each of her nine comrades in her diary, each more miserable than the last.

No wonder Rossweisse would use magic to seal this diary. This woman's surface elegance and holiness also accumulated too much negative pressure. She could only release the depression in her heart in this way, but This diary must not be exposed, otherwise, the image of the saint will be lost.

After putting away the storage ring, Qin Chu opened the last one.

Inside the last storage ring, there are seven scrolls.

The seven scrolls are made of unknown materials. They are slightly different from common sheepskin scrolls. The overall color is dark, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

The surface of the scroll was covered with dense chain-like traces, and there were countless ancient and mysterious words on it. Just looking at it made Qin Chu feel his eyes stinging, and he was almost on the verge of tears.

The chain-like traces on the surface of the scroll are still lingering with gloomy black mist.

The chains were tight, and just beneath the chains, it seemed like something was about to break through.

Inexplicably, Qin Chu felt a layer of fine pimples emerging on his body. In a daze, he seemed to be able to see countless evil figures squirming on the scroll.


In just a short moment, Qin Chu broke out in a cold sweat. As a brave warrior, Qin Chu could tear apart the Demon King with his hands, and no one in the Sky Continent could defeat him.

Although he is weak now, his courage and will are still there.

But now, Qin Chu felt like his scalp was numb, and his reason was constantly warning him that it was something that he must not touch, absolutely not.

"Open it..."

In my mind, a soft voice suddenly came.

There seemed to be endless temptation in the voice.

Trembling fingers stretched out towards one of the scrolls.

I obviously don't want to touch it...


Finally, Qin Chu's fingers touched a scroll.


In an instant, Qin Chu felt a storm surge in his brain, and the raging impact was raging in his mind.

What he saw in front of him was endless darkness and a void of unknown distance. A huge round sphere was engraved in the void, and the surface of the sphere was covered with dense vertical pupils.

On the round sphere, there are countless black python-like traces extending out, wild and gloomy.

The giant black python seemed to be dancing wildly and squirming without any rules, and finally became entangled together and turned into a huge chain, extending deeper into the void.

At the end of the chain that the python evolved into is a huge cage!

Thank you to Pixun, Youyouguiying, Snoozy and Love to play Qianmeng-chan for your monthly pass, thank you to Paimaon for the reward, and thank you for your support.

Chapter 48 Which bastard deserves to be killed a thousand times? (2)

Looking along the chain evolved from the giant python, it seems to have extended to the end of the void.

Qin Chu saw a huge cage.

Chains were wrapped around the cage, densely packed with thick black mist, squirming like a blazing flame.

Above the thick fog, there seemed to be countless twisted shadows swimming around. The pungent smell of blood could be smelled looming, and faint, but dizzying murmurs and screams could be heard in the ears.

Qin Chu was stunned as his brain felt stabbing. He felt as if his heart was about to stop beating.

He knew more clearly that he had seen something extraordinary, and it was definitely not a scene that humans should peep into.

What on earth is this?

At the other end of the chain, the huge round sphere imprinted in the void seemed to feel the stranger's sight. The countless vertical pupils on the entire surface of the sphere slowly rotated a few times, all adjusted their direction, and cast their gaze.

In an instant, Qin Chu's body was stared at by thousands of eyes. His body reacted instantly. Crazy and chaotic screams tore his eardrums, weird and twisted figures filled his eyes, and mysterious fluctuations occurred in his mind. Echoing, he felt like his soul was about to explode.

There was tearing pain on the skin.

Countless eyes were growing rapidly on Qin Chu's skin like parasites.

Qin Chu just glanced at it, and despair, madness, and evil strong emotions, mixed with countless shattering picture fragments, poured into his soul crazily.

It seemed as if something sinister was about to take over his body and wake up in his body.


At this moment, Qin Chu's body suddenly trembled violently, and the horrific scenes in front of him faded away like a tide.

It was as if everything he had just seen was just an illusion.

But Qin Chu knew very well that it couldn't be explained by an illusion. He covered his eyes with both hands, and there were blood and tears between his fingers. The clothes all over his body were soaked with cold sweat, sticking to his skin, and his muscles were like Tight as a spasm, his consciousness was still confused.

There was a knife stuck in Qin Chu's arm, and blood gurgled out from the wound.

Saya did it.

The time just now was short. Shaye only saw Qin Chu suddenly stunned on the spot, shaking violently. She didn't know what Qin Chu saw. She tried to wake Qin Chu up, but failed. Qin Chu couldn't hear her voice at all.

Sha Ye could even feel that the power of forcing calmness had been released dozens of times in a very short period of time, but it still failed to wake Qin Chu from the hallucination.

Sha Ye keenly felt that something was not good about the situation. At this critical moment, Sha Ye chose a simple and crude but very effective method, which was to directly give Qin Chu a knife and use the severe pain to calm down Qin Chu.

Now it looks like the effect is pretty good.

Sha Ye could feel that there were some traces of mental contamination on Qin Chu's body.

She didn't say much, she just floated next to Qin Chu with a solemn expression. She looked at Qin Chu and then at the scrolls. Who would have thought that such weird and evil things were stored in the boudoir of a saint in the Holy See? thing.

After a long time passed, Qin Chu took a deep breath and finally stood up. His trembling body gradually returned to calm. He reached out and pulled out the knife. With a hydrotherapy technique, the wound gradually healed.

He glanced at the seven scrolls with some fear. The woman Rossweisse was hidden deeper than Qin Chu imagined.

Each of these scrolls almost killed Qin Chu, and there are seven of them here.

He didn't know what was hidden in these scrolls, but Qin Chu had a hunch that if these scrolls were allowed to stay here and allowed to be studied by Rossweisse, sooner or later this woman would become his most terrifying enemy.

When Qin Chu regained consciousness, he didn't mention anything about the scroll and just silently put the storage ring away.

But the scene he just saw left an impression in Qin Chu's heart that he will never forget. What is that huge round sphere with eyes?

What kind of existence is imprisoned in the cage at the end of the void?

What do the remaining six scrolls mean?

I always feel like I accidentally got into some serious trouble.

Although doubtful in his heart, Qin Chu knew very well that it was not an existence that he could peep into now. At least, Qin Chu would never touch these strange scrolls rashly again until his strength reached the level of one eye.

After cleaning up, Qin Chu quickly retreated downstairs. He had not yet found the real target of this operation, Rossweisse's remaining six bottles of Alluring Love.

I thought it would be hidden behind these magic restrictions, but who would have thought that there was something even more terrifying hidden inside.

The remaining places that I haven't found yet are the desk, wardrobe, and under the bed...

However, Rossweisse is a very cautious woman. Such an important thing should not be placed in such a conspicuous position so carelessly. That is something that only Ekaterina would do...

Rossweisse probably carries the magic potion of Alluring Love with her?

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