Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 91 Quidditch Match

The next morning, before the Quidditch match, Kyle met Cedric in front of the Hufflepuff dressing room.

Compared with a week ago, he had lost weight and looked particularly tired, but his eyes were brighter.

"We will definitely win!"

Cedric took his Nimbus 1700, turned around and walked firmly into the locker room.

But Kyle could tell that he was still a little nervous. After all, Cedric usually didn't walk smoothly.

By the time Kyle came to the stands, the place was already packed with people. As one of the most popular activities at Hogwarts, the stands at the Quidditch stadium are always full of people.

Especially in a very crucial game like today.

Kyle squeezed through the crowd, and in the first row of the stands, Mikel and Ryan had already occupied a good position for him in advance.

Connor next to him handed him a banner embroidered with a little badger and "Hufflepuff must win". This was made by the little witch herself, and she also used a developing potion. The little badger on it was waving constantly. holding his front paws.

After Kyle took it, he directly used the floating spell to place it in the most conspicuous position nearby.

"We will definitely win!" Mikel said excitedly: "I have a hunch that Hufflepuff will definitely win the Quidditch Cup this year!"

"Of course. New 𝑐𝑜𝑚" Kyle said with great approval: "Mikel, I'm sure you have the talent to be a prophet."

"Haha, I think so too." Mikel grinned.

Just then, the players entered.

"Look, they're coming!"

In the stands, a seventh-grade student with long blond hair held a microphone and shouted loudly: "The first to enter is the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Although they lost a lot of points due to accidents in previous games, they did not give up. Instead, under the leadership of captain Rozier, they caught up and defeated Ravenclaw and the first-ranked Gryffindor. many. "

"In today's game, can they create a miracle and complete three consecutive championships... Let's wait and see!"

"Oh! The Hufflepuff team showed up too!"

The commentator raised his voice again, "The first person to appear is Captain Harris, a very good chaser. The goal record set by him has never been broken by anyone. Hufflepuff can achieve today's results, Harris Indispensable contribution.

"Following him is the batsman..."

"The last one is Cedric Diggory, the Seeker. He also makes up for the only shortcoming of the Hufflepuff team!"

"The two teams are equally matched in strength. This is definitely a game worth looking forward to."

The commentator became more and more excited as he talked, and his whole body was almost leaning out of the stands. New 𝗰𝗼𝗺

Under his leadership, the cheers in the stands never stopped, and the yellow and green flags billowed like waves.

However, the number of people supporting Hufflepuff is relatively larger, accounting for about three-quarters of the total number of people.

Gryffindor will definitely not support Slytherin.

Although Ravenclaw's position is not as firm as theirs, because the little badgers are usually very popular, and Harris will also put some slack in the usual games, the Ravenclaw team will not lose so ugly.

So at this time, more than half of the eaglets also chose to support Hufflepuff.

"Both sides have stood in their respective positions, and the game is about to begin!"

Mrs. Hooch took her broomstick and came to the middle of the court as referee.

New 𝗑.𝖼𝗈𝗆

"Listen, I want everyone to play fair and honestly and now, captain shakes hands."

Harris and Rozier each took a step forward, shook each other's hand very hard, then quickly let go and returned to their previous positions.

After everyone got on the broomstick, Mrs. Hooch blew her silver whistle hard.

Fifteen broomsticks soared into the air, rising high into the sky.

The game begins.

"The Quaffle was first grabbed by Hufflepuff's Harris, and his performance was still so stable...

Marcus Flint went down, he wanted to stop Harris' attack... a beautiful fake move, Harris dodged it, and in front of him was Slytherin's goal post.

Goalkeeper Blake dives in...can he hold on...misses, the Quaffle is in, Harris scores!

Ten to zero, Hufflepuff leads! "


The cheers of Hufflepuff supporters echoed in the cold air, mixed with the roars and groans of Slytherins.

Connor excitedly grabbed Kyle's arm and shook it.

Originally, this was just a normal movement, but the little witch's strength was a bit ridiculous.

Kyle felt as if his arm was clamped by two vices, and he grimaced in pain.

He couldn't understand why Kangna was so energetic when she looked thin and weak and didn't eat much.

Fortunately, her attention quickly returned to the game.

Kyle rubbed his arm and moved aside calmly.

In such a sudden moment, the situation on the court changed. Marcus successfully grabbed the Quaffle. The Slytherin team relied on the advantage of the broom to rush to Hufflepuff ahead of Harris and others. Strange goal post.

“Marcus threw the ball…no, it was a pass!

With a beautiful fake move, he deceived everyone, including the Hufflepuff keeper, Rozier scored, and Slytherin got back the game.

Ten to ten! "

This time, it was Slytherin's turn to cheer.

"In less than a minute, two goals, two perfect fakes."

The commentator's face flushed with excitement, "It's so exciting, this game is so exciting!"

The game continued. Next, the two sides scored each other, and the score never opened too much.

Especially in the first twenty minutes, Hufflepuff tried its best and only managed to take a temporary lead with a ten-point advantage.

The Slytherin players were as strong as if they were on drugs. Marcus Flint even rushed over on his broomstick when the goalkeeper missed, blocking the Quaffle that was about to score with his face.

At that time, not only Slytherin, but almost everyone was cheering for him. Even his opponent, Harris, and Gryffindor's Charlie and others gave a thumbs up.

No matter how many shameful little moves Marcus made in previous games, at least at this time, his actions are worthy of admiration.

But after thirty minutes, the situation changed.

Slytherin's speed has slowed down visibly, and whether he is attacking or defending, he is not as hard as before.

In just about ten minutes, Hufflepuff scored three goals in a row, bringing the score to 90-50.

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