Fang Chuanzi did not get a rebuttal from Sun Hang. Instead, Hu Qinghe, who was sitting at the guest table next to him, disparaged him and immediately frowned.

However, Hu Qinghe's claim that he is a walking history textbook is still very influential in the industry.

Even Fang Chuanzi is somewhat famous on the Internet.

Compared to Hu Qinghe, his status is not a little bit worse.

"What, Professor Hu, was what I just said wrong?"

Hu Qinghe then continued:

"Since you insist, let me ask you, do you know that in modern times, people who do business are often called businessmen?……"

"And where did the word"businessman" come from?"

"Have you researched it?"

After Fang Chuanzi heard what Hu Qinghe said, a look of confusion suddenly flashed across his face.

How did he know where the word"merchant" came from?

Ever since he entered the Lighthouse Country to study abroad, he rarely looked through Longguo's books. History.

If it weren't for the crackdown on counterfeit Sun Hang just now, he would have used his mobile phone to search for some historical information about the Dragon Kingdom on the Internet.

Only then did he find a Confucian record about the people of Yin and Shang opening the city gates to welcome Jiang Ziya and King Wu of Zhou into the court. Clues.

Seeing the blank look on Fang Chuanzi's face, Hu Qinghe sighed helplessly:

"According to historical records, the remnants of the Yin and Shang dynasties who hated King Zhou to the core as recorded in Confucianism would rather live in exile than become subjects of the Zhou dynasty since King Wu of Zhou overthrew the Shang dynasty.

So these Yin Shang remnants pushed various carts around and made a living by trading goods."

"Over time, during the Zhou Dynasty, people from other tribes saw these Yin Shang survivors pushing carts and trading goods from a distance. For convenience, they simply called these Yin Shang survivors merchants.……"

"This time you understand the origin of the businessman, right?"

Sun Hang nodded slightly when he heard this.

Hu Qinghe is indeed an expert in archeology and history, and the businessman's explanation is indeed straight to the root. The

Demon King also has beautiful eyes.

This is the first time she has heard of the origin of this businessman. It's actually like this.

Then Hu Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief and continued slowly:

"In fact, there is another statement in the Han Dynasty's"Historical Records: Biography of Boyi".

At that time, after the fall of the Shang Dynasty, the survivors of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Boyi and Shuqi, missed King Zhou and the Shang Dynasty so much that they refused to eat the corn of the Zhou Dynasty and eventually starved themselves to death."

"Through the origin of merchants and the legends of Boyi and Shuqi, this also directly refutes Fang Chuanzi, the Confucian record you just mentioned"

"The people of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, at least many at the bottom, did not want their Shang Dynasty to be overthrown."

"Therefore, they will naturally not open the gate of Chaoge and welcome Jiang Ziya and King Wu of Zhou into their capital. Therefore, the above are all lies and can be disproven.……"

"The people of the Yin and Shang Dynasties still respected and loved their emperor Di Xin very much, and they were also very grateful.……"

After hearing Hu Qinghe's words, Fang Chuanzi's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He did not expect that a loophole he had racked his brains to think of would be slapped in the face by Hu Qinghe with a history book in the blink of an eye.

At the moment, there were many fans who supported Fang Chuanzi, and all of them were in an uproar.

In their minds, the tall image of this anti-counterfeiting fighter suddenly collapsed.

This time, Fang Chuanzi saw that the number of his Weibo followers began to decrease rapidly like an avalanche, and his face became extremely ugly.

Now he looked up at Sun Hang with eyes full of jealousy.

Sun Hang did not continue to talk to Fang Chuanzi.

At this time, he looked in the direction of Hu Qinghe and said:

"In my opinion, when we modern people evaluate our ancient emperors, we mainly look at two aspects:

Point 1: The performance of the dynasty in power.

Point 2: Far-reaching impact on future generations"

"In fact, there is a third point, which is character and morality, but I would rather not consider character and morality first.

After all, character and morality are still too personal."

Hu Qinghe heard Sun Hang's breakdown of each ancestor's emperors' evaluation, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Hearing this, Ju Zuo lightly tapped the table with his hand a few times, and immediately nodded. :

"As modern people, when we evaluate our ancestors, we naturally cannot deny his achievements during his time in power."

"At the same time, his profound influence on our future generations is also his contribution."

"As for character and personal ethics, if it is included, it will indeed make the evaluation more complicated. I also agree.……"

Fang Chuanzi wanted to be creative and put forward his own opinions, but after thinking about it, he still held back his words.

The evaluation criteria given by Sun Hang were already very perfect, and he could not find any loopholes for a while.

The next moment, Sun Hang continued to speak:

"Judging from the achievements of the current dynasty,

Emperor Xin, whom we just mentioned, advocated equality between men and women, promoted the lower class and worked hard, and even canceled sacrifices and reduced the use of slaves to kill people."

"These are just a few of his achievements during his reign."

"In fact, during the Shang Dynasty, Emperor Xin was still a powerful ruler with great talents and strategies."

When they heard the word"heroic lord", both Hu Qinghe and the bureau chief came to their senses.

Heroic lords mostly refer to monarchs with outstanding talents and strategies.

The most famous ones in history are the four heroic lords of Qin:

Qin Xiaogong, Qin Huiwen, Qin Zhaoxiang, Qin Shihuang.

Could it be said that Emperor Xin is also a hero?

Hu Qing and Bureau Zuo looked at each other, and they both saw the confusion in each other's eyes...

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