High Above

Chapter 54 The answer is psionic power!

Everything was so sudden that even the seasoned hunter didn't react for a moment, and was hit by Brin solidly, and the dagger that was originally aimed at the back of the heart was only pierced into the lower part of the left lung, and was stabbed by the rib bone. The board and the strong muscles of the white people jammed.

How strong is a tall man with a strong body and a strong physique? The knife hand, who was only about 1.45 meters tall, held his breath immediately, almost fainting, and let go of the knife in his hand.

But Brin couldn't really solve an enemy with such a collision.

When the herbal picker put his hands together, trying to grab the aborigine's neck and strangle him to death, the skilled hunter decisively raised his knee and hit Brin's lower body. Get out of Breen's grip in a swift kneeling position.

At this moment, the two native hunters behind had already caught up.

Nearly being killed, the terrified swordsman yelled swear words in local language, and picked up the short gun from behind. Seeing that he was about to stab Brin, who was already half kneeling on the ground, with a distorted face of pain, to death.

Accompanied by a gust of wind, a bucket suddenly flew towards the knife hand who was about to stab.

This kind of surprise attack, usually a swordsman can dodge a hundred times when he encounters it a hundred times, but at this moment he is extremely angry and excited, and he has already raised his hand to exert force. By the time he notices the bucket, it is already too late, so he can only raise his hand subconsciously. block.

Seeing that the attack was just a bucket, he felt relieved, apparently he didn't think a bucket could do anything to him.

But the knife hand who has never studied physics has never thought about what is in the bucket and what force is used to throw it out so that it can travel on a straight track without any tumbling.


In the next moment, under the astonished eyes of the archers and arrow blowers who rushed over, the knife hand who raised his hand to block flew upside down the moment he was hit by the bucket, his body floated in the air, and accompanied by the crisp fracture sound, The right hand used to block was also bent at a strange angle, and the whole person fell towards the ground in a head-down posture, and the short gun in his hand came out, spinning in mid-air.

Before the flying short spear landed, it plunged into the ground, and the bucket that hit its target exploded immediately, and the water-absorbing silt spread all over the sky with a smell of the sea, hitting the archer blower in the face.

——All kinds of martial arts, this is the lime powder coastal version!

Brin, who was half kneeling on the ground, knew the bucket that saved his life. It was filled with seafood by Ian—but how did he aim at the target so accurately in the dark jungle?

Is it psionic?

Also, that kid, how could he have such great strength?

Before he had time to think about it, Brin at this moment saw the figure of a boy leaping over the moss-covered tree roots and vines, rushing towards the natives who were shaking off the sand.

After the catastrophe, he didn't have time to calm down, feeling the pain of being stabbed in the chest and lungs, he was anxious on the spot: "What the hell are you doing, go!"

To be honest, Brin really didn't want to die - if Ian died, he would have nothing to eat if he returned alive. Even if Elder Pude didn't blame him on the surface, he would definitely not have a good life in the future.

Think about it, that old man has unified all the white people in the Nanling immigration area. He has been a ruthless elder who has been firmly seated as an elder for decades.

On the other hand, if he died but protected Ian well, then his wife and children would be well settled. Ian would accept his love and not talk about the past minor faults to alleviate it, and he would definitely take care of his family in the future.

——But here comes the question, how can an eight or nine-year-old child have the courage to charge head-on to a seasoned native hunter? !

Sure enough, Brin, who was struggling to stand up, saw in pain that the archer, whose face was covered in sand just now, was pulling his short bow fiercely, and he was not blinded by the sand. At such a short distance, the natives have absolutely no reason to miss.

But before Archer let go, a wet ball of mud hit him in the face.

Within seven steps, the throwing object is accurate and fast!

Ian was ready to go, and his speed was naturally faster than the raided natives. For a while, the sand flew and mixed into the eyes and mouth of the archer. The mucus secreted by sea water and various seafood made him tear up. The impact made him stagger even more, and he didn't know where to shoot the arrow.

But even so, he was still brave. He threw down his short bow, took out a rusty dagger from his waist, and rushed towards Ian.

The rusty blade is poisonous and more capable of killing people, and there are still bloodstains on it. It is obvious that their team of hunters has killed other unlucky targets.

But this time, it was doomed to fail.

On the other side, relying on fear, anger and adrenaline, Brin forced himself to stand up. With a roar, he pulled out the knife that had been pierced by the knife hand from his chest, and then slammed towards the blower who wanted to cooperate with the archer's attack. vote.

Although the blower was wary of the sudden appearance of Ian, he did not let down his guard against Brin, and quickly dodged away.

Indeed, in this one breath, he couldn't cooperate with the archer to deal with Ian, but he was only an eight or nine-year-old child, and no matter how he thought about it, his partner couldn't lose...

Before he could finish thinking about this idea, he was shocked to find that his old partner had already let out a scream, which sounded like the scream of someone kicking his lower body.

At a glance, the aborigine who attacked Ian collapsed in shock, and his lower body was dripping with blood, apparently smashed to pieces.

Thanks to the height of the natives, Ian would not be able to jump up to hit the vital point.

——All kinds of martial arts, this is ergonomics!

"How is it possible, how can this kind of child have such great power?! (Talk)"

It was hard to contain the confusion in his heart. The blower was originally doing scouting and sneak attacks in the team, and he was more inclined to flexibility than strength. He thought to himself that it would be impossible for his partner to make such screams, let alone throw It is difficult to understand the current situation because it can smash the bucket of the swordsman.

But things had come to this, facing Ian who had already broken the archer's throat with one foot, and stepped on the lower body again with another foot, making sure that the archer was completely dead, the arrow blower knew very well that he had no way to escape.

He could see bursts of pale blue light glowing on Ian's arms and fists. It was the power to defeat the archer in an instant. He could only see the most ferocious monsters, the elite warriors and chiefs of the tribe. seen on him.

No time to think.

The moment Ian stepped forward and rushed towards him, the blowman immediately took out a sharp wooden knife that had been tempered with poison from his arms, intending to use this dangerous weapon to force the opponent back.

Even, kill each other!

Even in the face of a saberclaw tiger's pounce, a brave hunter can wield his sword without fear, bringing hope to his compatriots. No matter how powerful the opponent is, how can he possibly be able to match...

Poof—a bag of sleeping powder hit him in the face.

The pleasant scent of flowers filled the air, and the blower was confused.

Then, a gust of wind blew in his face, one hand knocked down the poisonous knife in his hand, and the other hand grabbed his face, inserting his thumb and index finger into his eye sockets.

Immediately afterwards, it was a hard buckle inward.

It all happened in an instant, and he died.

The battle is over.


With blood on his hands, Ian put down the body of the blower who had just stopped struggling, and he took a long breath: "These natives are really not very smart—thanks to your help, Uncle Brin, without you attracting attention, I would still be here." It's not good to kill them."

He said it easily and freely, not caring that he had trampled to death with his own hands just now, crushed a person to death, Ian even moved his right hand, thinking in his heart: "Eyeballs are harder than I imagined... ...Although the natives look short, like other Terrans, their physical strength is actually quite good."

"It's a pity that there was not enough time last time, and now is not the time for an autopsy."


And Brin, who just stood upright just now, stared at Ian. He looked at Ian with horror rather than astonishment, as if looking at an extremely strong fool: "You put a whole bag of sleep Fen was thrown out as a hidden weapon?!"

He didn't even have time to be shocked that an eight or nine-year-old child killed two native hunters so easily, and the heart-wrenching pain made it hard for him to breathe: "That's dozens of talers—dozens of talers!"

He coughed up a mouthful of bloody sputum - the chest and lung injuries from the previous stabbing by the natives had already affected.

"Don't get too excited, Uncle Brin."

After dispelling the condensed essence on his arms and fists, Ian came to Brin's side and helped him lean against the tree roots: "Your lungs are injured, so you can't exercise vigorously. Wait for a while, we will return to the port immediately."

The lungs and the ribs in front of the heart of the Terra people are blocked by the bone plate structure. If the knife is not stabbed deeply, the bone plate will be pierced at most, and the internal organs will not be damaged.

Even if the lung is injured, as long as it is not serious, it will not be a problem to save Brin's life with Elder Pude's method.

"It's okay...the knife wasn't that deep, he didn't go all the way through my ribs."

Accepting Ian's help, Brin, who was breathing evenly after a while, finally had the energy to look at Ian who was thinking about something. The herb picker said in disbelief, "Am I dreaming?"

"Ian, how do you have such great power?"

"The answer is psionic power!"

Hey, the two-character book title can’t be pretended to be serious anymore. Every time I have to think about whether I have used this word before, forget it, return to the free title name!

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