High Above

Chapter 51

In the 766th year of the Terra calendar, the seventh month of the flames, the last ten days.

The seventh day of Ian's awakening of past life memories.

For the imperial people in the border areas, except for the nobles, basically everyone can't figure out what month and day it is. At most, they can only tell which month it is roughly by relying on some notices and announcements from the church and the city hall. The top half or the bottom half.

After all, they have no holidays or statutory rest days. They have to work every day to survive, and the specific time and number of days are meaningless.

Ian doesn't like this vague feeling. He always likes to plan the time accurately, but unfortunately, these days, he has not figured out what date it is in July. He can only roughly judge that it should be "July The second half of the month', is one of the months with the largest tides.

For lawful obsessive-compulsive disorder, this feeling is like drinking yogurt and not licking off the cap, or getting water on the sleeves when washing hands, which is quite uncomfortable.

However, Ian didn't have time to worry about these little things.

Because, he has been 'attending class' all the time.

Since four days ago, Ian showed some of his true psionic ability and his talent in source seed cohesion.

Hilliard, who made up his mind to demand Ian at the highest level, began to teach the boy everything about sublimation, as well as general knowledge courses including history, geography, and even culture and art.

——The history of the empire, the history of the continent of Terra, the laws of the empire, the terrain of Nanling province, the sphere of influence of the empire and the distribution of power among the countries...

——Ancient Terra mythology, imperial folklore, categories of Nanling aborigines, special customs and sensitive points that need attention...

——Etiquette in line with formal etiquette, the secret language of the sublimator, the basic information of various monsters and their weaknesses...

And lastly, there are quite a few tips about spiritual practice.

Among other things, Hilliard has a lot of experience in cramming teaching. During these four days, he taught Ian a lot of precious knowledge every day, trying to make Ian have the knowledge of the road to sublimation and other aspects in a short period of time. Aspects of cognition, become a normal sublimator.

"This is all the knowledge that I summed up when I taught those noble little devils. It must and cannot be omitted. As long as you learn it, your knowledge reserve will be no different from those blood nobles, or even better."

This is what the old knight said, and he is very satisfied with Ian who is studying hard - few of his past students are willing to study these "boring things" seriously, those naughty and impatient little guys can't wait to spend the shortest time So I started the practice on the road of sublimation, and always disliked these cultural courses as boring and boring.

On the contrary, Ian, as a commoner, can fully understand the importance of these seemingly boring knowledge, absorbing all the information like a sponge, and even regrets that the knowledge is too condensed and not detailed enough.

Which teacher doesn't love such studious students? Hilliard is naturally willing to integrate his decades of experience and lessons into the curriculum bit by bit, so that boys can avoid detours in the future as much as possible.

In this regard, Ian is not at all complacent.

If it is just studying in class, it is nothing at all for him who has been a human being in two lives and was a professional engineer in his last life. He has to take three certificates every year, and it is even quite easy.

Not to mention... Who said it was boring?

——This is knowledge about another world!

For Ian, who pursues the unknown and is curious about extraordinary things, just listening to the common sense of these other worlds is enough stimulation, so that he can't help but hold his hands tightly and listen carefully every time he goes to class.

It's like the setting party bought the long-awaited setting set, how can they dislike the content of it as boring to ordinary people?

He wanted to know every word Hilliard said by heart!

What's more, this knowledge, in this world with an underdeveloped social form, is obviously private to the nobles who will not disclose it to the common people. It is a secret that only big families and powerful forces can learn.

As long as he can learn these, then there will be no decisive gap between him and those nobles who are one step ahead of him, except for resources.

Four days is far from allowing Ian to catch up with the authentic sublimators and nobles who have been learning since childhood in this world. The accumulation of source food from snacks alone is incomparable.

But at least, the current Ian is no longer the boy who is ignorant and almost ignorant of the way of sublimation.

Around Port Harrison, coastal beaches.

A moist warm wind blows across the beach from above the sea, carrying the breath of heavy rain that is about to fall.

For the vast majority of Terrans, the July of Flame is the beginning of the hottest season of summer, and the residents of villages and towns around Flame will even hide in their underground tunnels to avoid the scorching sun and hot wind.

But for residents in the southern coastal areas, the name of this month may not be true, because from July to late autumn after midsummer, abundant rain and frequent typhoons will wash over this world over and over again. The tough giant trees and houses made of rocks can withstand this test.

Under the clouds, the sea wind howled, a white-haired boy was jogging along the tidal line of the beach with a small bucket.

His movements are smooth and natural, his breathing is very rhythmic, and his steps are even more light as if he has not touched the ground. With just a light touch, he has already rushed several meters forward. His body is like a spring, strong and flexible.

Ian is doing daily practical training in the afternoon. After he initially mastered the guided breathing during meditation, Hilliard asked him to use guided breathing during any exercise to adjust the direction of the source quality in his body .

After all, when exercising, the blood flow in the whole body will be accelerated. If this power is also exercised, the body is active and the heart is peaceful, which can greatly accelerate the condensation of source quality.

This is also the basic quality required for a sublimator to fight - the more a sublimator can maintain a stable flow of source quality during intense sports, the more he can guarantee an advantage in battle.

According to what the old knight said, when Ian officially becomes a sublimator and has his first source organ, he will teach Ian a special training technique and the supporting special channeling technique.

According to that refining method, sublimators can quickly restore their own source essence reserves, but it consumes too much on the body. Not only is it not beneficial for ordinary people to use it, but it will squeeze their own life potential and lead to life-threatening.

Compared with that kind of wonderful refining method, although the training techniques on Earth are detailed and comprehensive, they are not completely suitable for Terra, who has extraordinary strength.

Huh, Ian was jogging, but his breathing was steady. It seemed that his complexion had improved a lot, and there was some blood under his fair skin.

This is the result of eating fish and meat every day in the past few days, together with medicinal herbs, fruits and vegetables, and exercising, and it is also a manifestation of the spiritual energy that activates the excellent physical talents of the Terra people.

This kind of jogging has lasted for three hours, but Ian feels that his physical strength has not been exhausted at all.

On the contrary, he even became more and more energetic, and the blood flow all over his body became smoother, and he could even hear the slight sound of blood flow in his ears.

For sublimators, the food of ordinary people is difficult to quickly replenish the consumed source quality, but the efficiency is not as low as Ian imagined.

Maybe it's because the sunlight utilization rate of Terra plants exceeds that of the earth. Even ordinary berries contain far more nutrients than their counterparts on the earth, and the staple food is full of grains, high-quality, and extremely rich in aroma. The quality that this era should have.

For high-level sublimators, the food of ordinary people is no longer edible, and they need extraordinary ingredients of blue mist level to supplement the consumption of battle.

But for a virtual source seed sublimator like Ian who is still raising his body, eating more is completely enough.

Keeping breathing continuously, Ian still has the strength to open the 'foreseeing horizon' from time to time--with a radius of 100 meters around him, a lot of white or gray mist emerges and manifests in the tidal flats.

"Ha, there's a razor clam here!"

The water-colored eyes swept across, and with a soft smile, Ian found his target.

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