Hello, 1983

Chapter 1163 The good words are complete

Jiapigou in November has entered the early winter season.

When I woke up in the morning, there was a layer of hoarfrost on the ground.

The crops in the fields have basically been harvested, and the large-scale harvesting of the mountain goods has also ended. Only a few small teams are left, leading pigs and dogs, looking for truffles in the woods.

"Mom, eat sweets."

In the courtyard of Liu Qingshan's old house, Xiaolulu held a few stalks of sweet sorghum in his hand and happily held it up to Wu Tong.

Wu Tong first peeled a section for his daughter before eating it himself.

This thing is similar to eating sugar cane, after peeling the skin, chewing out the juice inside, it is very sweet, and the sweetness is very positive.

"Mom, when will my brother come out?" Xiaolulu ate happily, Xiaozui kept asking.

Wu Tong rubbed his bulging belly: "It's still a few months away, Lulu, how do you know it's your younger brother?"

"Because I want to be a sister." Xiaolulu said confidently, and then jumped up from the small bench: "Dad, Daddy!"

I saw outside the gate, Liu Qingshan, who was busy with dust, was smiling and looking at the mother and daughter in the yard. The old dog in the family was wagging its tail around him.

The little deer jumped into his father's arms, and his big eyes were bent into two small crescents.

Liu Qingshan hugged this small, soft body, and his heart became soft.

"It's back!" Wu Tong also smiled and greeted her. Liu Qingshan released a hand to hold her waist. The family of three smiled so brightly in the warm sun of early winter.

Liu Qingshan started a leisurely life in his hometown,

Every day, I accompany my wife around the village and outside the village, and then lead my daughter to play.

The little deer is lively and active, and likes to go up the mountain and wander in the woods.

When Xiao Liuzi collected herbs in the woods, this little tail always followed behind him.

When the weather is good, Liu Qingshan will also lead Wu Tong to follow the team looking for truffles to hunt for treasures together.

This month, the truffles have been fully matured, and they emit a special aroma. Pigs and dogs with a keen sense of smell can easily detect it.

In recent years, everyone has become more and more experienced in digging, and gradually trained a group of hunting dogs to hunt for truffles.

Only Zhang Pangzi still likes to lead wild boars and mix in the team, which is a bit different.

Not to mention, Uncle Rod is the one who finds the most truffles every year.

In his words: the pig's nose is better than the dog's nose, so long, of course not white.

Liu Qingshan also met Victor who came to buy truffles. According to Victor, Jiapigou truffles already have a high reputation in France, so the price is also rising.

In addition, Liu Qingshan also received his old friend Cui Minhao at home, and Cui Minhao's ginseng business is also getting bigger and bigger.

Especially in the Eastern Autonomous Region, where large orders are signed.

There are abundant forest resources, and the climate and soil are extremely suitable for the growth of ginseng.

Originally, wild ginseng was originally produced there, and there was no excessive excavation. From time to time, it was possible to dig old wild ginseng of more than 100 years.

As for the development of the two companies, Longteng Company and Jade Bird Technology, Liu Qingshan is mainly a remote commander, and communicates with Hou San and He Wanqing by telephone.

During this period of time, it was relatively free. When Liu Qingshan was free at night, he was lying in front of the table, writing and drawing.

Opposite the table, Shan Xing is working hard to complete her Rainbow City.

With the guidance of Gao Wenxue and Lu writers, Shan Xing's writing progress is very fast.

Liu Qingshan mainly created the company's development plan and outline. First, he was relatively idle during this time; second, he was in control of the general direction of the company's development. There was a flaw:

If he can no longer continue to command, then these companies and enterprises have lost their goals and direction?

Although you can continue to explore in the process of moving forward, you will definitely have to take many detours.

Just like smart phones, when Apple first came out, the whole world was not optimistic, but later development, smart phones have completely become mainstream.

The development of a company often depends on several key nodes.

Accompanied by his wife, daughter and relatives, he writes and writes, and Liu Qingshan really feels like writing.

As a result, I wrote more and more, not only the company at hand, but also the development of the entire world economy, and made many predictions.

This, of course, also includes the development of China's economy.

In this relaxed state, before you know it, the New Year's Day is over, and the Spring Festival is over. In a blink of an eye, it is already spring.

Wu Tong was bored at home for a winter, and really wanted to go out for a walk in the wild.

Of course, Liu Qingshan also saw his wife's thoughts. Thinking that the due date was still more than half a month away, he decided to go on a spring outing in the mountains.

Mother Lin Zhi was a little worried, but the children became more active one by one, and the little six patted her chest to make sure there was no problem. Lin Zhi then smiled and agreed.

Li Tie and Li Tieniu drove two cars and drove them all the way to Woodcut Leng.

In the big forest in early spring, the air is very fresh, the leaves have just spit out buds, the grass has just emerged, and new life is being conceived and grown.

The big bear was swaying, and he wanted to hug Wu Tong, but was pulled aside by Liu Qingshan: You can't tell the height of the eyebrows.

Shan Xing smiled and stuffed a few ham sausages into Big Bear's mouth as a sign of comfort.

After a while, Xiao Liuzi and Xiaolulu didn't know where to bring back a group of sika deer, and the children were all scrambling to ride.

However, these stocked sika deer are still wild, and they are not allowed to ride except Xiao Liuzi and Xiaolu deer.

Liu Qingshan took Wu Tong's hand and followed slowly, before turning to the Broken Soul Cliff before he knew it.

On the cliff wall, a lift was installed, and the dolls were clamoring to take a bath in the hot spring below, and even Wu Tong was quite moved.

Liu Qingshan was not at ease, and asked Xiaoliuzi for advice. Xiaoliuzi nodded affirmatively: "Of course it's fine to take a bath. In foreign countries, there are people who give birth underwater."

So I went down the elevator in batches and came to the hot spring.

The children all rushed into a pool with joy, because the little white ape was leading the monkey group and was taking a bath in this pool.

Liu Qingshan supported Wu Tong and found another hot spring to go down. The warm spring water wrapped his body, and the feeling was like returning to his mother's body.

Wu Tong lay comfortably on the water, his body gradually floated up, and Liu Qingshan looked at her big belly and laughed.

"Don't laugh, oops!" Wu Tong suddenly called out: "Sanfeng, it seems like labor pains."

After all, she had given birth once, so she had accumulated a little bit of experience. Wu Tong felt the pain before childbirth.

When Liu Qingshan heard it, he was stunned for a while, but he quickly calmed down.

It is absolutely impossible to send them to the hospital or go back to the village now. They can only give birth here.

It is really called Xiao Liuzi to say, maybe it is really possible to carry out underwater childbirth.

"Six sons, come here!"

Liu Qingshan shouted, and soon Xiao Liuzi ran over happily, followed by Shan Xing, who was also squatting on Shan Xing's shoulders.

Xiao Liuzi felt Wu Tong's pulse: "I'm really going to give birth, I guess the water in the hot spring is a little hot, it's alright, just give birth here?"

"Six sons, have you taken over the birth?"

Liu Qingshan looked at Xiao Liuzi, he was just twelve years old, can he?


Xiao Liuzi replied simply, "But in Liland, I have seen the medical team deliver the baby, so it's definitely no problem."

Liu Qingshan felt relieved when he heard the words of Xiao Liuzi. He went ashore first and asked Li Tie to return to the village to call someone, while Li Tie Niu looked at the children.

After the arrangement was completed, he went out of the hot spring again, only to see Shan Xing supporting Wu Tong, while Xiao Liuzi ran to fetch his own small medicine box and began to prepare.

Seeing that Wu Tong's state was relatively stable, Liu Qingshan felt relieved, and swam over to support Wu Tong's body.

Then he felt a hairy little paw pulling his arm, and when he took a closer look, it was a little white ape.

"Don't make trouble." Liu Qingshan didn't have time to pay attention to it.

The little white ape shook the water splash on his head, then stretched out his small paws and gently stroked Wu Tong's belly, baring his teeth at her from time to time.

Wu Tong also stretched out his hand and rubbed the monkey head with a smile.

She suddenly felt that these animals also have spirituality. When Lulu was born, a herd of deer came to announce the good news.

This second child is about to be born, and there is also a white ape by his side, it is really fate.

Oh, no, if this child is born, how good is the monkey head?

Also, what if you are also naughty and naughty like a monkey, making trouble at home every day in the Heavenly Palace?

Comforted by the little paws of the little white ape, Wu Tong thought in a mess, and it relieved a lot of pain.

Not to mention, I don’t know if it’s because of the hot springs, or because of the old bottom line. In short, this production went very smoothly.

Wu Tong did not experience too much pain, and the little guy came to the world smoothly.

The spring water is clear, and you can clearly see that the little guy is soaking in the water, and his little hands and feet are digging twice from time to time.

"Haha, it's amazing, you can swim when you are born." Xiao Liuzi cut the umbilical cord for the baby, and he kept boasting.

In fact, in the mother's body, the fetus lives in a liquid environment, so there is no problem in the water.

Xiao Liuzi gently held the baby's neck and back, and called the little head out of the water, and then, with a loud cry, announced that there was another little life in this world.

"It's born, it's born!"

Xiaoyueyue and Xiaolulu, who were waiting not far away, burst into cheers.

Liu Qingshan was also very relieved. He gently supported Wu Tong and kissed his wife's forehead lightly: "It's hard work."

Wu Tong is in good shape, not as weak as when he first gave birth: "Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Let me see." Liu Qingshan really didn't have time to pay attention to this.

"Hee hee, I have another little nephew." Xiao Liuzi replied with a smile.

Liu Qingshan also showed a smile: now both children and children are.

Squeak, the little white ape made a soft cry in his mouth, and then opened his little claws, as if he wanted to hug the little baby too.

"You're so stupid, I can't believe you." Liu Qingshan murmured.

"Xiao Bai is very good." Xiao Liuzi put the baby's little hand into the paw of the little white ape.

Strange to say, the little guy stopped crying immediately.

At this time, a group of people ran over, headed by Lin Zhi, and the nurse from the village clinic.

"I've already given birth, it's a boy." Liu Qingshan saw her mother running out of breath, and quickly reported safety.

Lin Zhi was a little relieved, and quickly handed the blanket to Liu Qingshan, wiped the baby first, and then wrapped it in a quilt.

Liu Qingshan also wrapped Wu Tong in a blanket, carried him to the room next to the hot spring, put on his clothes and trousers, and covered him tightly to avoid the wind.

All ready, Liu Qingshan held Wu Tong, Lin Zhi held the baby, and returned to the cliff together.

"Why is this little white monkey here?" The nurse at the clinic was a little strange.

"This is from the harvest. When I go back, I will serve you with good wine and good food." Liu Qingshan also joked in his mouth, briefly telling the story.

The meaning of harvesting here is not the meaning of harvesting and cutting, but who gave birth to the child, except for the family members and the person who delivered the birth, whoever sees the first outsider of the newborn first is called harvesting. .

Most old people think that when a child grows up, he will be like a harvester.

Therefore, people who have given birth to children hope to find a better person to give birth.

Everyone was delighted to hear that, this monkey is a pick-up boy, and it is estimated that he must be a Taoist boy.

"We already have a little deer in our house, and now there's a little monkey." Lin Zhi couldn't help laughing. This grandson can't be called a little monkey or a monkey, right?

Liu Qingshan thought for a while: "Then the nickname is "Tao Tao", Xiaobai, what do you think?"

The little white ape bared his teeth at him, and then clicked his little head twice.

When he got home, Xiao Liuzi felt the pulse for both Wu Tong and Xiao Taotao, and then prescribed a nourishing prescription to Wu Tong, and nothing else mattered.

Because of the birth of the little guy, Liu Qingshan's house was filled with joy.

The happiest thing is that grandfather Liu Shikui and grandma, these old people, especially Liu Shikui, are even more delighted: they finally have a great grandson, and the old Liu family has a successor.

The elderly are still more concerned about this.

Xiao Taotao is still very easy to worry about. He usually doesn't cry or make trouble, and sleeps when he is full.

This kid is the closest to Xiaolulu and Xiaoliuzi, and when he sees them, he is foolishly happy.

Furthermore, when Little White Ape came to the house, he was also the most excited.

When Xiao Lao Si returned home after the college entrance examination, he saw this little nephew who had just passed 100 days, and the first sentence was: "Oh, it's really good!"

A good baby is good for brain development. Liu Qingshan asked about the situation of the fourth child's exam, and he played well.

And Lao Wu Shan Xing's Rainbow City also completed the first draft in this half year.

The youngest fourth was completely liberated this time, so he decided to go to the Dongfang Autonomous Region to have a good time.

Liu Qingshan saw that Wu Tong's body had also recovered, so it would be better to go out to relax.

So after packing up, Liu Qingshan's family of four, and the fourth, the fifth and the sixth, took the plane and flew to Vladivostok.

Both are their own sites, and Liu Qingshan also gave Li Tie and Li Tieniu a holiday to reunite with their families.

Originally, Liu Qingshan wanted to lead his mother and grandfather, but the elderly were not very willing to toss.

Naturally, he would not be reluctant and began to enjoy this leisurely holiday.

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