Hello, 1983

Chapter 100 Natural Large Refrigerator

Er Biaozi went home first and walked around, and was dragged to his house by Liu Qingshan. Yesterday, the pigs were killed, and there were some pig-killing vegetables left. It happened to be called the big head, and the three brothers had a meal together.

Before eating, Er Biaozi took out a stack of banknotes from his close-fitting pocket and handed it to Liu Qingshan.

"When you went to Longjiang Province, I gave you 200 yuan, and you gave me more than 160 yuan. In the past few months, you spent less than 40 yuan?"

Liu Qingshan counted the banknotes, then got a little angry.

It's not because the money spent is too much, but because it's too little. Excluding the tolls to and fro, it's basically no money.

Er Biaozi made a few giggles: "After I got there, Professor Xu is very good. I basically eat and drink for free and learn techniques. Even the rice seeds are given by Professor Xu for free."

Liu Qingshan also silently recorded this human feeling in his heart: the feelings of the older generation are actually the most precious wealth.

Unfortunately, with the surging economic tide, the feelings of too many people have been washed away without a trace.

"When the rice is planted here, Er Biaozi, you must carry a bag of rice to deliver it."

Datou obviously knew the sentiment here, and while talking, he stretched out his hand and patted Er Biaozi on the back.

"It's more than a thousand miles away, you asked me to carry it over, why is your head getting worse and worse?"

Er Biaozi patted the big head of the brain in turn, and the three little friends were laughing and joking.

After laughing for a while, Er Biaozi opened the satchel he had brought back, and took out a thick stack of notebooks from it.

All of the above are related knowledge from rice planting to harvesting, which is equivalent to the secrets of rice cultivation in cold regions.

Er Biaozi also proudly patted the secret book: "This is from my godfather!"


Seeing the suspicious eyes of the two friends, Er Biaozi smiled: "Professor Xu is so kind to me, of course I recognize him as a godfather."

Liu Qingshan can only give him a thumbs up: "Okay, then I will honor your godfather well."

"Eat and eat."

Liu Jinfeng placed a large pot of sauerkraut on the table, then glared at Er Biaozi:

"You're a jerk, but you can't be called a godfather when you're an old professor. You can throw it aside when you're done. If that happens, be careful I'll pinch you."

Er Biaozi is not afraid of others, but is afraid of Liu Jinfeng, so he quickly nodded his head to assure: "Sister, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person either."

"Let's eat."

Lin Zhi brought up the white meat and blood sausage, and placed a plate of white meat in front of Er Biaozi: "Biaozi, you have been black and thin these past few months. You have suffered a lot. Eat more meat."

Er Biaozi couldn't help feeling hot, and his eyes were a little pantothenic. His mother passed away a few years after giving birth to the fourth child in the family, the fourth tiger child.

Since he was seven or eight years old, he played with Liu Qingshan most of the time, and regarded Lin Zhi as his mother.

Um! With a promise in his mouth, Er Biaozi quickly took a piece of pork belly that was both fat and thin, dipped it in some garlic paste, put it in his mouth, and shouted while chewing:

"It's delicious!"

When it was time to rest at night, Lin Zhi told his son that he would go to the commune tomorrow and sell the remaining half of the pork to the purchasing station.

In fact, there have been fewer sales this year. According to the practice of previous years, after killing the New Year pig, except for the head and hoof water and suet to keep at home, and then entertain relatives and friends for a meal, the rest will basically be sold.

At the end of the year, the family's income, in addition to exchanging eggs for pocket money, the rest is the money from selling pork years ago.

This year is better. After handing in the rations, there is still some leftovers to sell.

If it was a production team in the past, the food rations for a family would be pretty good. As for work points, they are worthless in a poor place like Jiapigou.

Take the previous year for example, a work point is only a few cents.

In bad years, you may have to post it backwards, and you will end up with money in the end after a year.

Lin Zhi felt that life at home was a little better this year, so she kept an extra leg of pork.

Yesterday, she was a little worried about killing the pigs. She was worried about getting pox. Fortunately, she was lucky. The pigs she raised were also doing well, and the pork was clean.

Pigs are raised at this time, because they are free-range, so parasites are easy to grow in the pig's body, the most common one is the pig tapeworm.

In this kind of pork, tapeworm eggs are parasitized in the lean meat. They are white round things. The small ones are as big as millet grains, and the big ones are as big as sorghum rice grains. The common people call this "pox pork".

If someone kills a pig to get rid of the pox, it will be a loss. The purchasing station will not accept it at all. Eat it by yourself, and you will be guilty. So when you kill a pig, this is what you worry about the most.

Of course, Liu Qingshan can understand his mother's thoughts. He has been very careful in living his life these years, which is why these children are brought up.

But things are different now, life will get better and better, so there is no need to sell pork.

But I can't tell my mother clearly, so my mother will definitely be reluctant.

After thinking about it, Liu Qingshan said cheerfully: "Mother, don't sell it, the eldest sister and the second sister need supplemental nutrition, the fourth and fifth are also thin, eat more meat, and grandpa Grandma has to take care of it too."

Lin Zhi thought about it and thought it made sense: "Then let's sell a leg, we can't kill a pig and keep it for eating. Others will laugh at us for eating and drinking, and we won't be able to live."

Liu Qingshan scratched the back of his head: "Mother, when I went to Spring City, Professor Wang and the couple said that during the winter vacation, they would go back to Jiapigou to see, and they mainly had to be entertained by our family."

Lin Zhi raised her hand with a smile, patted Liu Qingshan's head lightly, and then turned to gently stroking: "You, you are greedy, and you are always dragging others, so don't sell it."

Feeling the warm palm of his mother, there was only peace in Liu Qingshan's heart.

"Hey, there's meat to eat every day!"

In the quilt, there was the giggling of the fourth and fifth little guys.

It turned out that they didn't fall asleep, and they were eavesdropping with their small ears. When Lin Zhi said that he would not buy meat, they were both very happy, these two little greedy cats.

Since you don't plan to sell meat, you have to keep it well. Their place is a natural large refrigerator, and this is the least worry.

The next day, when Liu Qingshan went to the mountain to practice the exercises and came back, he unloaded all the pork into small pieces, the pork knuckles and ribs were all unloaded separately, and the rest of the pork was cut into cubes the size of tofu, and then buried in the yard.

Yes, it is buried.

Of course, it can't be buried with soil, but with ice.

Two sacks of ice cubes were shaved from the Xiaosongjiang River and brought back, and the pork was sealed in the ice, sprinkled with snow on top, poured with water, and shaved out when eating, just like fresh.

Why not call it a natural large refrigerator?

There are also advantages, not afraid of thieves, not afraid of dogs stealing.

In addition to this preservation method, Liu Qingshan also kept a few pieces of meat and threw them into the large vat in the warehouse, which was more convenient to eat and saved the need to shave ice.

The pork in the big vat in the warehouse should be hung with a layer of ice on the outside. This is called hanging wax, which can prevent the pork from drying out and becoming odorous.

It is also relatively simple to hang wax, that is, at night, the coldest time of the day, dip the frozen pork in cold water, take it out and place it on the curtain, a thin layer of ice will soon form on the surface of the pork.

If you are worried, hang up again.

By analogy, any chicken, duck, fish, etc. can be kept fresh by this method. Otherwise, the wisdom of the working people is infinite.

This is shaved ice again, and it is ice pulling again. This busy work is only a small day. When the fourth and the others come back from school, they see the few large pieces of ice left in the courtyard, and their big eyes immediately become brighter than ice cubes. Still crystal clear.

"elder brother--"

The fourth child pulled Liu Qingshan's shirt, and his tone began to turn several turns.

Usually at this time, it's the little girl who has something to ask for.

Liu Qingshan couldn't help reaching out and pinching her little face that was red with cold: "What are you going to do?"

"Hee hee, brother, make an ice car for me and Shan Xing. Er Xiaozi and the others said they would go ice skating in the river after dinner."

The little boy finally showed the little fox's tail.


Liu Qingshan's tone did not turn around too much, which made the two little girls giggle.

Originally, Liu Qingshan had an ice car, which he played with when he was a child, but he had to make another one for Shan Xing.

He didn't want Shan Xing to just stand on the ice and watch other children play, so he would be too incompetent to be a big brother.

He really couldn't get it to make an ice car, mainly because he didn't have the tools at home, so he could only go to Zhang Guizi.

Zhang Xiaozi is making chicken coops at home. Yesterday, another team came to visit. Someone went to Liu Jinfeng's chicken greenhouse to turn around and caught his eye. He is also planning to build a chicken farm in the coming year.

The chicks will have to wait for a few months. After all, Liu Jinfeng's chicken farm has not yet started laying eggs, but the chicken coop has been booked with Zhang Zhuozi first.

For those who work together and bring materials, a chicken coop costs one yuan, which makes Zhang Zhuo happy. He can earn more than sixty cents.

After ordering 100 chicken coops, that is more than 60 yuan, plus the 50 yuan earned from Liu Qingshan, the money to buy a bicycle for his eldest brother's object is almost enough.

So when he saw Liu Qingshan coming, Zhang Zizi smiled wide-eyed and was not very affectionate.

When he learned that he was going to make an ice car, he immediately agreed, took out an adze, chisel, axe, saw, ping ping ping pong, and he got it out in more than an hour.

The ice cart is actually a small sledge. The most critical part is the two wooden rails below, which must be made of wood and must be smooth.

At the front end of the wooden rail, a bevel must be sawed out, so as not to plunge into the ice and snow.

If you want to do it, you can make a full set. Zhang Yuzi even made two pairs of ice skewers, that is, two round wooden handles, with a thin pointed steel bar inserted in the middle.

Sitting on the ice car like this, holding the ice skewer in both hands, gently push back on the ice, and the ice car will slide forward.

During the time when Zhang Ganzi was making an ice car, Liu Qingshan was not idle. He found a piece of wood, which was oak wood, very solid, and cut two pieces of wood.

尜 is also the favorite toy of northern children in winter.

After they were all done, they went home, the fourth and fifth were lying on the table studying, while the elder brother-in-law took Liu Qingshan's usual position and wrote something on the manuscript.

The eldest sister and mother are also working in the house.

The eldest sister was sitting on the kang, holding an embroidery prop to draw dragons and phoenixes, and Yang Hongying was an apprentice beside her.

My mother stuck an old cloth on top of a large wooden board, put a layer of paste on the old cloth strips, and then pasted them layer by layer, and finally they were a few millimeters thick and used to make shoe soles and the like.

As it happened, Liu Qingshan asked for a few cloth strips, ready to make two small whips for twitching.

There is a special name for this work done by my mother in the countryside, which is called "beating the robe (gē bèi)".

Several layers of clasps are cut into the shape of the sole, then glued together, and then stitched together with hemp rope.

Later, a song sang: My favorite shoes are the Melaleuca soles that my mother accepted.

Thousand layers of bottom, that's how it came out.

At that time, the rural women were never idle in the winter. They took up the soles of their shoes, tucked in robes, and were skilled girls who could embroider.

All kinds of curtains that I use at home, as well as my own dowry, are all embroidered stitch by stitch.

The dim light outlines the peaceful and busy life of ordinary farmers in this era.

Liu Qingshan looked a little crazy for a while, and in his heart, there was only an indescribable warmth:

It's like home, it's so good!

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