Great Expert Ninja Recruiter

Chapter 67 Zhang Miao's Sculpture

Speaking of woodcarving, this is Zhang Miao's old profession, because he relied on this to make a living before crossing.

According to the words of the old dean of the orphanage who hated him the most at the time, it was "three years of severe drought, and the craftsman will not starve to death."

In fact, when Zhang Miao first learned woodcarving with the old master, all of the sculptures were Buddha statues, but when he finished his studies, he realized that very few people bought Buddha statues carved from ordinary wood.

Because wealthy people usually go to "invite" Jade Buddha or Agarwood Buddha statues, they are not short of money anyway; while people who have no money buy a printed portrait back, which is not only cheap, but also can be attached to the wall. As a wallpaper by the way.

As for those who are between the rich and the poor, they are busy working and earning money, how can they have the intention to buy a Buddha statue and go back to worship?

Therefore, although Zhang Miao's craftsmanship is good and the Buddha statues carved are very delicate, even if he lowered the price to ten yuan, still no one cares.

As the saying goes, "Poorness leads to change." Zhang Miao pondered that since no one bought this Buddha statue, why not carve something else!

A certain Jew said that women and children make the best money in the world, and Zhang Miao agreed, so he set his sights on children and began to carve his first work other than Buddha statues ——

Happy sheep!

At that time, this cartoon, which can be called a "divine drama", swept the land of China and fascinated countless children. It was for this reason that Zhang Miao's Pleasant Goat carvings sold very well!

Although he made the first pot of gold with Pleasant, Zhang Miao was not satisfied with this. After all, Pleasant is facing children. If the price is expensive, the parents will not buy it, and if it is cheap, there is not much profit.

So he turned his attention to another bigger market - Japanese animation figures!

As an extension of Japanese animation, Japanese animation figures are basically aimed at teenagers, and such people have certain economic autonomy, so it is natural to make Japanese animation figures more profitable than Pleasant Goat!

In order to find out which animation is the most popular and which characters are the most popular, Zhang Miao bought a computer with the money from selling Pleasant Goat carvings, pulled the network cable, and plunged into the world of animation.

Zhang Miao found that the most popular animations today are Naruto, Reaper and One Piece, which are dubbed the "Three Migrant Workers Anime".

And Zhang Miao's favorite is Naruto, so he took this anime as his goal.

Naruto's character modeling and costumes are not complicated, Zhang Miao's foundation is good, so it only took a few days to figure it out, so he began to put it into action.

Konoha Xiaoqiang, Sannin, Hokage of the past dynasties, and even the nine-tailed beasts in Hokage were all carved out by Zhang Miao, and then brought to the door of the nearby school to sell.

But what Zhang Miao didn't expect was that his Naruto sculpture would be so popular, and what he didn't even expect was that today's students are actually so rich!

As a result, his wood carvings went from 20 yuan a piece at the beginning to 50 yuan a piece. In the end, the slightly flawed Orochimaru carving actually sold for an "astronomical price" of 100 yuan!

When he tasted the sweetness, Zhang Miao became more interested in Naruto carving, especially for those characters who sold well, he would carve a few more shapes and compile them into a series to sell at a higher price!

Zhang Miao's Naruto figure business became more and more prosperous, and even a young man chased after his house and expressed his willingness to pay 200 yuan to let Zhang Miao carve a swimsuit for him!

For such a shameless request, Zhang Miao decisively refused!

"How can two hundred yuan be enough? Hinata in a swimsuit should be at least two hundred and fifty!"

And just when Zhang Miao was looking forward to making a fortune by relying on Naruto figures, becoming a rich generation, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of life, and when he was a little excited when he thought about it, an accident happened——

He crossed!

Thinking of his unbearable past, Zhang Miao's heart suddenly became more indignant.

"Damn, people say that going to bed early and getting up early is good for my health, why did I pass through after a good night's sleep? Why haven't I reached the pinnacle of my life yet! Damn it!"

While muttering, Zhang Miao waved the Kunwu in his hand and slashed the wood in front of him until the sawdust flew.

Fortunately, Zhang Miao now has a Chakra of the Shangnin level. With the support of Chakra, he even chopped wood for more than half an hour, but his face was not red or breathless, but his forehead was slightly sweaty. .

At the same time, the shape of a one-meter-long fox gradually emerged from the wood.

This hardwood is as thick as a bucket, so Zhang Miao enlarged the size of the model a bit. This has two advantages. First, it does not waste wood, and second, it can make the details more delicate.

This is not the first time Zhang Miao has carved nine tails, so he dares to be so unrestrained, but this is only at the beginning. Now that the shape is probably out, he naturally has to be careful.

While decorating the details of the model with kunai, he said to the stunned Owl next to him: "Owl, bring me a lamp here!"

"Oh well!"

Hearing Zhang Miao's words, Xiao immediately reacted, he quickly agreed, and went to the room to bring a lamp out and placed it beside Zhang Miao.


Zhang Miao thanked him without raising his head, and then focused on carving the wood in front of him again.

This sculpture is one night!

When the fish belly turned white, Zhang Miao finally stood up and exhaled a long breath.

"Whoo—finally done!"

At this moment, what appeared in front of him was no longer the ordinary piece of wood from last night, but a round, chubby nine-tailed figure.

That's right, what Zhang Miao sculpted was the Nine Lamas in his childhood!

Zhang Miao has carved many images of nine-tails, but the best-selling one is this one of the nine-tailed carvings of his childhood when he was separated from the Six Path Immortals.

Especially with the tears in the corners of its eyes, I don't know how many people have been sprouted, making them willingly stuff the big red notes with the heads of great men into their hands.

Now, it's time for it to show its power again!

Thinking of this, Zhang Miao grinned at Xiao Xiao who was dazed beside him.

"Haha, Xiao, I worked hard for you last night, and I worked hard for you one last time. You can buy a box of paint for me. I'm going to catch up on sleep first, ah, I'm so sleepy!"

After speaking, Zhang Miao picked up the young nine-tailed sculpture on the ground and went straight into the room.

When Zhang Miao closed the door, Xiao finally came back to his senses from the state of shock, and his eyes flashed with meaning in disbelief.

"He carved... nine tails?"

Xiao had seen Jiuwei, but he couldn't connect the huge monster that appeared in the village with the cute thing carved by Zhang Miao.

"Probably I guessed wrong, I'd better go buy paint first!"

Thinking of this, Xiao suddenly shook his head, and then disappeared with a flash.

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