Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 823 Unexpected Visitor

"Why are the peach blossoms blooming so hard this year?"

"Such an aroma makes people salivate."

Several people walked together, and the leader was none other than County Captain Cui from Lujiang City.

This county lieutenant is also a wonderful person, although he is in charge of public security and arresting robbers, but he likes to make friends with those literati, and it has become a great story in Lujiang City.

What's even more rare is that this county lieutenant is also quite famous for solving cases. He has been rewarded several times by the peak, and if there is no accident, he will go to the state pastoral mansion to accept the transfer order in a few months, and he may become a county magistrate in other places , the real local parent officer.

"This year's season is just right, I'm afraid the fragrance is stronger, which is also an elegant thing!"

"It can't be said that this year's peach blossom wine in Lujiang City will be clearer and more mellow than in previous years."

The other one was dressed in green, and he could be seen as a scholar at a glance. He was shaking his folding fan and shaking his head, and he had the sour air that literati often have.

But from the point of view of speech, it is obviously not unreasonable, and he knows some things about wine making.

"At that time, I must give you a few jars of wine, so as not to forget the mountains and rivers of the Lujiang River after a long time."

The scholar in Tsing Yi smiled at Captain Cui, and they all sent blessings as they said, but they were talking and laughing as they walked towards the depths of the peach forest.

He said it was a trip, but he was actually explaining how Cui Xianwei should arrange for his friends and guests after he left Lujiang.

In the past, when Lieutenant Cui was in Lujiang City, he was naturally the head of these old retainers, but since he was going to be promoted, apart from the confidantes he would take away, the relationship in Lujiang City could not be completely abandoned.

There must be a person who is in charge here. Although this position is not considered conspicuous, it is not as good as those confidantes who follow Cui Xianwei at any time, but they already have a lot of relationship and power.

There is even hopeful official status, which is a coveted path for advancement for those who have no hope of scientific examinations, or who belong to the native place of officials.

Of course, the scholar in Tsing Yi hadn't given up on the imperial examination yet, and he came here only because of the invitation of Cui Xianwei, which was quite different from his disciples.

At a young age, he is already a scholar, and even hopes to be admitted to the Juren examination. This scholar is naturally quite a proud figure, and the conversation with Cui Xianwei is also extremely equal.

It is very different from his disciples, which makes Cui Xianwei even more happy.

In Cui Xianwei's view, the appearance of this scholar in Tsing Yi is the character of a scholar, and the idea of ​​marrying his sister to this scholar has become more and more intense.

"Why does this scent get stronger the more you go inward?"

"Is there something strange?!"

A few people talked and laughed and walked for a while, and when they came to the stream, they felt that the fragrance of peach blossoms became more and more intense, especially the scholar in Tsing Yi was quite surprised, so he wanted to walk up the water.

I happened to meet an old fishing man who was walking out with a fishing tackle.

While thinking about it, he stepped forward to bow his hands and saluted, ready to ask a question or two.

"This old gentleman, I don't know what's going on up front? Why is the peach grove suddenly so fragrant today?"

But he said that the fisherman was the one who met Zhao Youqian and the two of them. Now that he had the recipe given by Zhao Youqian in his mind, he was in a daze. Being stopped by someone, it made him more sober.

Looking up, seeing Lieutenant Cui and this group of people, he stayed for a while before opening his mouth slowly.

"I don't know the reason, but I have gained a lot today, so I left first."

"If the younger generation wants to explore, just find it yourself."

After all, regardless of the reply from the scholar in Tsing Yi, he took the fishing gear and the fishing basket and walked outside like this. His steps were steady and he didn't look like an old man at all.

On the contrary, the scholar in Tsing Yi was quite surprised.

On the contrary, County Captain Cui seemed to recognize the old man, but he didn't go up to pay respects. Seeing the old man leave, he patted the scholar in Tsing Yi on the shoulder.

"Brother Lu, you are so bold. Not many people in Lujiang City dare to ask that old gentleman like that!"

After saying that, ignoring the slight change in Lu Xiucai's complexion, he led a group of people towards the inside.

Since that person can come out from inside, naturally there is nothing to be surprised about, such a beautiful scenery, you can't just miss it!

Cui Xianwei and Lu Xiucai spoke without thinking, but instead made someone guess that something happened, and couldn't help but gasped when they looked back.


"I don't know if it's fate or bad luck that Lu Xiucai met that person who was training in Lujiang. Now he's either hopeless in his career, or he's soaring into the sky!"

"Just looking at the appearance of the county lieutenant, it doesn't look like he will be hopeless in his official career."

Let this little official have made up his mind, if Cui Xianwei doesn't get any benefits, he will hug Lu Xiucai's thigh, maybe he can be promoted.

On the contrary, Lu Xiucai was a little scared, but he didn't worry too much. This adult has a violent temper, and there is no example of oppressing others for no reason. The opportunity is here.

After all, he is a person who can be selected as a scholar at a young age. Reading is one aspect, and his wisdom and human feelings are also quite sophisticated. Otherwise, he would not have the confidence to be able to raise people in high school next year.

He just shook his head slightly, and continued to follow in the footsteps of Cui County Lieutenant, without seeming to panic in the slightest.

It also made Cui Xianwei more firm in his mind.

For the three people in the center of the peach forest, which can be said to be the most core positions, every movement in the peach forest seems to be happening in the palm of their hands.

Regardless of whether it was the fisherman who left, or Cui Xianwei, Lu Xiucai and his party came in, they had already noticed it.

It's just that it's impossible for them to come to this deep pool.

Originally, a peach forest was planted here to cover up the Cave of Qianlong Tengyuan. Later, although some people tampered with it in private, the effect of this large formation was enough for ordinary people and ordinary practitioners to not see it. clues.

Otherwise, after all these years, they would not have been unaware of the location of a deep pool deep in the peach forest.

You must know that in the eyes of outsiders, the source of the stream here is a dark river spring under a bluestone wall, but it is not a deep pool.

That is to say, Zhao Youqian didn't care about these little formations at all, and Yan Chixia, as a sword cultivator, had an indomitable heart and was not affected by those little tricks, so she walked in.

Otherwise, how could it be so easy for a real dragon to hide?

It was the fisherman who was originally a minister of the world dynasty, and he was close to the dragon veins of the world, so he could occasionally catch one or two here. The four-cheeked red bass, which is rare in the world, is basically impossible to take out, which gave him the opportunity .

At the age of dozens of years, he still looks like a man in his prime. After serving two generations of kings, he still doesn't look old.

"Ignore those people outside, come and taste my grilled fish!"

"The taste must be different from what you think!"

Noticing some small things outside, Zhao Youqian quickly restrained his thoughts, and continued grilling for a few minutes, and after a few minutes, he got out the six fish that had been grilled so that they were stained with a layer of burnt black.

He greeted Yan Chixia and the real dragon.

It also made them focus on these few finished grilled fish.

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