Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 718 Lin Kitchen Conference (4)

"Bang bang bang!"

Also a chef from Yaozhou, Shuo Feng, one of the Five Tiger Stars, finally showed his extraordinary strength beyond ordinary Lin chefs.

After the cannon stove was lit, the flames seemed to engulf him, and the terrifying heat even affected the nearby kitchen!

"damn it!"

A Lin chef from Spain was processing his own cold dish, but when he was soaked by the hot temperature, the original taste of the cold dish suddenly changed subtly.

However, these are all kinds of unexpected factors that will inevitably appear in this kind of square cuisine. Dealing with such unexpected factors is also one of the assessments of the Lin Chef Conference, so he can only curse a few times, and then all the cold dishes that are almost completed Dump and redo.

And Shuofeng, who was caught in the hype frenzy, didn't care about the surrounding situation at all, and his originally stable face seemed to be lit by the fire and gradually became excited.

The frighteningly high temperature caused the sound of explosions to continuously resound in his pot.

The bottom of the frying pan has completely turned dark red, which is exactly the ultra-high temperature cooking technique that Zhao Youqian demonstrated before!

But when Zhao Youqian demonstrated this skill, he didn't have the cooking skill he has now, and it was far inferior to the current Shuofeng in terms of completeness and continuity.

The astonishing heat also revealed the ingredients in his frying pan, which also shocked many people.

"Stone? Why is it a stone?!"

The five tiger stars in the dark cooking world began to show extraordinary skills, and the ingredients they cooked were not unusual for ordinary Lin chefs. Even the viewers from all over the world who watched the live broadcast and those cooks who wanted to learn something, They all showed puzzled expressions.

No one would think that these people were just trying to please the public, after all, they were already successful Lin Chefs, and there was no need for anyone to be a clown in such an occasion.

So they simply can't understand their cooking techniques. In this case, most of the audience will focus on other cooks.

For example, those famous uncrowned kings!

Compared with these cooks who all have outstanding skills, Zhao Youqian is extremely low-key.

Even if ingredients such as hairy crabs are used, in the case of many precious ingredients appearing on the scene, it seems to be lost in the crowd.

Even the audience who had been interested in watching Zhao Youqian, the young Lin chef, diverted their attention because Zhao Youqian didn't have any strange cooking moves.

Only a few of the few who have truly reached the pinnacle in the field of cooking will be surprised that a young man has such profound basic skills that have been honed over time!

Don't look at what Zhao Youqian is doing now is only the most basic work of preparing ingredients, but these inconspicuous actions can reflect a person's cooking level.

Whether it's shredding green and red peppers, shredded ginger, or garlic slices, the knife skills shown don't seem to be outstanding, but only those with real eyesight can see with the help of ultra-clear cameras that Zhao Youqian's cutting is not suitable But cutting all the ingredients to the same size is just the most basic skill. What's more important is that the size of the ingredients that are most suitable for making shreds is the level he is cutting now.

This is very scary!

You must know that these are all different ingredients. If you want to make their most suitable shreds consistent, then you already know these ingredients well when you choose the ingredients. Not to mention, you can’t have any Hesitation and mistakes.

Even some of the world's giants who have just stepped into Dragon Kitchen may not have Zhao Youqian's vision and knife skills. Why don't these big shots who are watching the live broadcast be shocked?

Don't look at the live broadcast of hundreds of Linchu dishes at the same time, but for these big guys, which ones are worth paying attention to can be seen almost at a glance, and it also makes Zhao Youqian's actions more prominent in the eyes of caring people!

"This is a real dark horse! At such a young age, he already has the basic skills to be able to compete with Dragon Chef."

Different from those dragon chefs who watched behind the screen, the three dragon chefs on the scene were even more shocking when viewed directly, because they could still feel Zhao Youqian's heart of cooking that integrates everything, the one named "He" Rare kitchen heart!

Zhao Youqian, who is already immersed in the cooking, doesn't seem to care about the ups and downs of the outside world, let alone just a simple cut and match.

For the recipe of Red Snapper Continental Map, Zhao Youqian's modification is far from enough!

It is important to know that the four cuisine components of this dish are Sichuan Province, Guangdong Province, Shanghai and Imperial Capital.

That is, the unique cuisine or taste of these places.

However, the tastes of these provinces and cities two hundred years ago have changed slightly, and some of the original dishes are not well prepared. In Zhao Youqian's opinion, this is what he needs to improve.

The first thing to do is the pie crust of the Imperial Roast Duck, which is also the composition of the imperial flavor!

The freshly baked roasted duck pie skin is paired with the gratin of the back meat of the king bream. It is necessary to add the crispy, fragrant and oily taste of the roasted duck skin that is missing in the original recipe.

This is Zhao Youqian's general idea now. The fish bones of the king bream are boiled in soup first, and the fish meat is refrigerated by category, and then the production process begins.

Zhao Youqian, who always likes to make decisions before acting, disassembled the crab roe of the hairy crabs one by one and piled them up in a bowl, then began to prepare the parts that could be prepared in advance.

The duck cakes of Imperial Roast Duck are one of them!

The crust of the cake should be thin, but not too thin, and it must have some toughness. A good duck cake should be rolled up with your hands, and it can be opened completely and naturally after being loosened. This is called a qualified duck cake.

For this reason, Dijing duck cakes are divided into steamed and baked. Because the use of king bream meat will lack the aroma of oil, Zhao Youqian chose to bake this kind of duck cake.

The old rule is to put all-purpose flour into a pot, then slowly heat it with boiling water until two-thirds of the flour inside has become flocculent, and then slowly pour the remaining third of the flour into warm water , When all the flour has become flocculent, it starts to knead continuously.

Wait until all the flour has become a slightly sticky dough state, let the dough cool down, wait until the dough is completely cooled and then knead again, so that the surface of the dough is smooth and does not stick to your hands.

Adding boiling water will remove the gluten in the flour, while warm water will retain part of the gluten in the flour, so that the duck cake can retain part of its toughness.

After the dough is finished, you don’t need to wait for proofing, just knead the long strips, and then cut the long strips into pieces that are the size of two coins, which are larger than ordinary dumpling wrappers.

Then roll out a part of each dose, then overlap the two doughs that have been rolled out, spread a layer of cooked oil in the middle, and then continue to roll out the two overlapped doughs with oil in the middle again, so that a duck The cake is 90% done.

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