As soon as the words came out, Hou Xibai knew that he would suffer. After all, such a beautiful scenery should not be destroyed like this.

But fortunately, it was just disturbing the interest, although Zhao Youqian was a little upset, he didn't say much.

But he has already started to think about whether to change the tour guide. After all, this tour guide seems to be out of Bashu, so it is useless

After looking at Hou Xibai a little longer, a thought flashed in his mind, and then Zhao Youqian put the matter aside, and he landed in the room that looked like the scenery in the picture scroll.

Shang Xiuxun was chatting with a woman in plain green clothes at this time, maybe the sound insulation effect was very good, or it happened to be covered by the sound of gurgling water, when Zhao Youqian just entered the valley, Zhao Youqian really didn't hear it. The sound of two people talking.

"Qingxuan, let me introduce you. This is Zhao Youqian, who is very good at cooking!"

Seeing Zhao Yougan coming in, Shang Xiuxun quickly took the woman's hand and introduced Zhao Yougan.

And the woman's appearance soon fell into Zhao Youqian's eyes.

Under the long eyelashes are a pair of very big eyes, which have a transparent view of the world and a love for life, making people feel nostalgic for the world just by looking at it.

Her graceful figure, just sitting there like that, is enough to make people unforgettable.

The facial features have their own characteristics, and when they are combined together, it is not enough to describe it as a fairy descending to the earth. Zhao Youqian can only admire it. It really is a descendant that combines the good and evil of the previous generation, and the essence of Zhongling Shenxiu.

But it was also because of this glance that Zhao Youqian saw Shi Qingxuan's hidden illness!

"When I was young, I got a serious illness, so that even if I learned martial arts, I couldn't hope to be a master?"

"In addition to being in this deep valley all the time, preferring vegetarian food is even more detrimental to the body's nutrition. With the support of mystic zhenqi, the skin is certainly beautiful, but what is wasted is your woman's life and blood!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, what Zhao Yougan said shocked Shi Qingxuan's heart.

However, she didn't show any emotion on her face, she just looked at Zhao Youqian with her eyes, as if she was curious about what this guy was talking about.

But Shang Xiuxun knew that Zhao Youqian never spoke indiscriminately, grabbed Shi Qingxuan's hand and rushed in with a burst of true energy.

The orthodox heart method of Buddhism that Shi Qingxuan had learned was directly smashed into pieces. At this time, Shi Qingxuan discovered that this best friend who hadn't seen him for a year had undergone earth-shaking changes, and more importantly, her martial arts cultivation had changed It is unfathomable!

Xiu brows were furrowed, and Shang Xiuxun's true qi quickly checked, but he didn't expect the situation in Shi Qingxuan's body to be so bad.

"The five internal organs all show signs of premature aging, and the more critical thing is the lack of essence and blood. Fortunately, you have plenty of vitality in the world in this Youlin Xiaozhu, so that you can continue to support yourself with the foundation of Buddhism, but even this has already affected the future. It's about giving birth!"

"More importantly, the life expectancy has been greatly reduced, and it is already a blessing to be able to live past fifty!"

Shang Xiuxun couldn't help but grabbed Shi Qingxuan's palm.

"Why didn't you tell us about your situation earlier? The old man could have taken care of you earlier at that time, and it wouldn't have deteriorated to the point it is now!"

Shaking her head, Shi Qingxuan seemed to have known about her physical condition for a long time.

"Uncle Lu Miaozi was in very bad health at that time, not to mention that Qingxuan didn't want to trouble others anymore."

"A fifty-year-old's lifespan is actually quite a lot. As long as you reduce some human contact and visit the land and mountains, Qingxuan is enough to travel all over the Central Plains."

Such an understatement of his own lifespan, and it is not a lie, but a real one, the implication contained in it, even Zhao Youqian is quite moved when he looks at it.

Because of the emergence of Zhutian Restaurant, there is no need to worry about the issue of longevity for a long time. In addition, there are gourmet cells in the gourmet world, and most people have a long life span. What kind of feeling is it.

Because of this, Shi Qingxuan's state of mind shocked Zhao Youqian, he seemed to have realized what he was missing from the Dragon Chef, or even the Heavenly King.

That is a perception of life!

In a short period of time, Zhao Youqian's attitude towards Shi Qingxuan has changed.

Regardless of whether Shi Qingxuan knew it or not, for Zhao Youqian, she still gave him a lot of key guidance.

So Zhao Youqian did not wait for Shang Xiuxun to speak, but spoke to Shi Qingxuan.

"I can solve your problems, need to change a little bit!"

Hearing that her premature death could be cured, Shi Qingxuan was not as surprised as others imagined, and she didn't feel that a stranger was joking because she could be cured by asking.

On the contrary, he spoke quite seriously.

"What should I change? If it's asking me to shave my head, I won't do it"

One must know that Shi Qingxuan spent a lot of effort for this beautiful jet-black hair, not only making ointment for constant maintenance, because her diet is almost all vegetarian, and there is very little meat, which also makes her hair easy to dry and yellow, but she has A lot of zhenqi was used to nourish her hair, and it also made her martial arts advance without any progress.

"Eat more meat in the future, and at least have a combination of meat and vegetables!"

"Otherwise, even if your problems are cured, you will gradually have problems with your body."

"Heaven and earth are born, parents educate people, you are not born to eat leaves of trees."

Zhao Youqian cast a glance at Shi Qingxuan, and couldn't help but smile bitterly at this eccentric woman, what time is this, and she can still think of it in her hair.

"It can be said that half of your body's problems come from your dislike of meat dishes, but this is also easy to solve. Just follow me and learn how to do it. If you are afraid of greasy food, just try to reduce the greasy food."

"Buddhist disciples eat their own brains full of fat, but let believers eat bran and choked vegetables. They are indeed foreign sects, and they are not sons of men!"

"There is no such statement in the original teachings of Tianzhu!"

Shi Qingxuan didn't care about Zhao Youqian's comments on Buddhism, but was quite interested in the combination of meat and vegetables in his mouth.

"So, you are really a cook? But it doesn't look very eye-catching. Have you learned some mysterious tricks?"

"Or, you inherited the orthodoxy of the ancient sage Yi Yin?"

Yi Yinnai is a legendary figure in the time of Shang Tang in ancient times, and one of the people who invented soup medicine, he can be regarded as the patriarch of the way of cooking.

It can be said that Shi Qingxuan is worthy of being the product of the combination of two of the most outstanding figures of the previous generation. I have heard of such a figure, but Zhao Youqian has nothing to do with anyone in this world.

"You will know when the time comes. In fact, there are many excellent ingredients in your deep valley, but you are not good at using them."

"You and Xiu Xun come with me!"

Beckoning, Zhao Youqian motioned for the two women to follow, turned around and saw Hou Xibai who had been working as a log at the door, and then remembered that there were three of them here this time.

But at this time, seeing Zhao Youqian's gaze coming over, Hou Xibai could only show a rather awkward smile, and then backed away.

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