Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 485 The Influence of Diffusion

The second week after the incident in New York.

There are still some purple-black clouds left in the whole sky, which is the influence left by nature. The different rules of the two worlds meet, and those purple-black traces are proof.

Today's New York is not yet fully open, but after being certified by the Gourmet Association, there is no risk of a 'food disease' outbreak, so you can come and go freely, so it does not affect the normal operation of New York.

Even if it was an impact, it was only a week ago.

The food fair has already considered a lot, but with a city population of tens of millions, accidents will eventually happen.

Naturally powerful gourmet cell owners are directly activated by gourmet demons, causing destruction and chaos, and even existences with heterogeneous bloodlines are activated by gourmet demons, becoming stronger and more intense in their desire for food.

It directly caused a considerable degree of damage, and even caused casualties.

Fortunately, the situation was brought under control in time. With the presence of Dragon Chef and Heavenly King, they would act if things changed. This was the second guarantee.

What has happened is impossible to change. In Manhattan, the busiest city in New York, several neighborhoods are still being rebuilt.

This is a labor pain, and it is a possible variable in the plan of the food fair, and it is worth paying a small price for it.

For the Gourmet Association, the average physical fitness of the residents of New York has nearly doubled, and many people have the possibility of awakening the ability of food demons. They can become strong people who open up unknown areas, which is the best gift for them.

And to obtain this kind of gift, what is the corresponding price?

As an international metropolis, what happened in New York naturally had a great impact, and even caused an uproar from the world's major forces and even the media at the beginning, but it was followed by strong suppression.

It wasn't until a week later that the whole of New York returned to its previous appearance, and the forces of all parties were let go of their necks.

Even so, their coverage of the events in New York was restrained and casual.

All the powerful forces in the known world have curbed news dissemination, and these keen media people still don't know what it means?

Even those European countries under the command of the IGO who like to ridicule the West and America the most have rarely silenced their voices, and we know that this is not as simple as a confrontation between forces.

On the contrary, the seemingly peaceful Far East, especially Dong Ying, actually understood what Dong Ying had been hiding for so many years after getting news from Zhao Youqian and Yukihira Seiichiro.

The old man of the Nakiri family, the Demon Eater of Dongying, seemed to have aged several years overnight.

It's just that he has never shown a trace of fatigue in his external performance, and he even seems full of confidence in the coming era.

Because he knew that as long as he showed a gloomy look, the entire Yuanyue and even the Nakiri family would encounter an unimaginable crisis.

Fortunately, Seiichiro Hirao made a decisive decision and stayed in New York directly, and began to fight for that chance. If he can break through to Dragon Kitchen, then the future situation of Dongying will be much better.

Otherwise, if Nakamura Ji landed in Dongying, would it be impossible to ask Zhao Youqian's teacher to take action?

That can only make the entire Dong Ying completely a laughing stock, and become a vassal of Yaozhou in the international arena.

This will be a bigger blow to Nakiri Senzaemon, who has always maintained Dongying's independence.

For this matter, Zhao Youqian also knew very well, so before his teacher broke through the Heavenly King, his relationship with the Nakiri family was very close, but after the breakthrough, they became estranged.

The big shop bullies the customers, and the big customers bully the shop.

Because of his special status, Yu Laogong and Qianjian Shrine have been helping behind the scenes, so Zhao Youqian's whereabouts have been hidden.

Otherwise, IGO and the Nakiri family should have gotten the news a long time ago, so they don't know that Zhao Youqian has returned to Dongying.

"Please come here this time, there are also some things that need to be discussed."

In the Asama Shrine, the great priest is still dressed in a bloody red royal dress, and his gentle and low voice is always so peaceful.

The meaning inside and outside the words is nothing more than apology for disturbing Zhao Youqian's rest.

But Zhao Youqian didn't need these comforts, so he smiled.

"It doesn't matter, let the great priest bother, it will be fine after a period of rest, now you should pay attention to the next changes in the world situation."

As he said that, his eyes fell on a certain place behind the great priest, which is where Dongying's real Dinghaishenzhen, Yu Husband 'Susano' is located.

The tall figure showed a smile that looked down on the world.

"It seems that Brother Yugan understands, yes... I deliberately kept the food fair from Senzaemon!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the air in the entire room suddenly froze slightly.

"It seems that Mr. Yu Husband has other ideas?"

After resting for a while, he also figured out some things, but the specific reason Zhao Youqian needs to be supplemented by someone, which is why he will gladly accept the invitation from Asama Shrine.

Now that the power of the Lord of Hundred Ghosts is getting stronger, he gradually understands the meaning of the so-called difference between man and god.

But there is nothing special about his body. He is really an ordinary person. Even with the blessing of the innate energy, under the transformation of the source of fear of the Lord of Hundred Ghosts, it will take a lot of time to break through.

It will take a long time to truly complete the step of crossing the gap between man and god. According to Zhao Youqian's estimation, if he has the time to transform his body, he has long relied on his cooking skills to break through the God of Cooking.

The more you understand the existence of Yu Gong, the more you understand the gap. Therefore, it is impossible for Yu Gong to have any bad thoughts about Nakiri Senzaemon. For him, everything is just a fleeting moment.

If Zhao Youqian hadn't inherited the title of Lord of the Hundred Ghosts, and might even become one of them, Yu Laogong would not treat him with such favor.

"Higashi Sakura is too small, and Nakiri Senzaemon is already at the peak in Higashi Sakura, but looking at the entire known world and unknown regions across Higashi Sakura, what is the peak of Dragon Chef?"

Yu Laogong's voice was as domineering as ever.

"Senzaemon's weakness lies here. He has no problems in cooking, and he can even be described as perfect, but his vision determines his upper limit!"

"Looking at the world, that's what he said, but what he really did was never to let the influence of Dongying or Yuanyue go to the world."

"Promote the chefs under Yuanyue to go out, but in the end they will still return to Dongying"

“Too narrow”

Shaking his head, the aura on Mr. Yu's body almost condensed into a essence.

Zhao Youqian's expression froze, he didn't expect Mrs. Yu to have such thoughts.

But for him, a native of Yaozhou, the expansion of Dong Ying's influence may not be a good thing, and he has always been deeply concerned about this.

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