Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 477 The Ambition of the Gourmet Club

It is actually not difficult to get in touch with this matter. The unexpected silence of the Food Society even allowed Shengchao Street to be established smoothly. There must be something unusual in it.

If it is for some compromise, let Zhao Youqian and even the master of the hundred ghosts of Dongying leave Ximei, so as not to change things, then it is not incomprehensible.

But what is it that makes the food society do this at the cost of sacrificing some of Ximei's vitality?

This is what confused Zhao Youqian.

What is it that matters so much?

"Actually, that's what your teacher meant."

"Or do you think that the old man told you to leave, and you think you will go obediently?"

Zhao Youqian couldn't calm down when he really showed a look of surprise.

"My teacher has come out? Mr. Chu, what the hell is Ximei or the Food Club doing?!"

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Mr. Chu showed a smile that was not a smile.

"What are you doing? I'm doing something that no one knows if it's good or bad, but everyone is willing to wait for the food to do it."

If Zhao Youqian was just an ordinary special chef, or even an ordinary Lin chef, Mr. Chu would not have revealed so much to him. After Xie Wenyuan told him the bold idea of ​​the president of the food club, it took a long time for him clam down.

However, at the first moment, what he thought of was not to stop the crazy president of the gourmet club, but to think about an idea.

Can this thing be successful?

Realizing this, he understood why the situation in West America is what it is now.

Even when he was planning to live in safety, he couldn't help but want to see what would happen at the food fair, not to mention the other old guys.

It’s no wonder that the development of Western American Gastronomy Association in recent years has been like a runaway wild horse. It can fly as much as it wants. IGO really didn’t go head-to-head with Western American Food Association in the West American continent. It just competed with South America. Food will be in full swing.

It is completely different from the usual style of IGO. In Europe and other parts of the known world, IGOs ​​are basically domineering things. Only in Western America, they are low-key like little brothers.

Outsiders think that the gourmet associations in West America have already taken the complete advantage. Only a few people know that IGO has also buried a lot of nails in West America, so it is not possible to be suppressed as it is now. IGOs.

Mr. Chu didn't notice any problem until Xie Wenyuan made it clear, then he figured it out.

This is the IGO waiting for the food society to do something. As for whether to kill you after the work is done, or continue to maintain the balance, it depends on the situation.

But I won't bother you until you're done.

It is precisely because of this tacit understanding that the IGOs ​​in Western America are extremely low-key, even a little weak and deceptive.

The recent policy of the Gourmet Club in the world is to open up and strive for various interests.

"What the hell is it? It made you feel excited, Mr. Chu?!"

Zhao Youqian looked at Elder Chu's appearance, and Xie Wenyuan told him to go back to Yaozhou. He knew that this matter must not be separated from the approval of these two elders, otherwise he would not be allowed to leave Ximei.

He still has a lot of plans to implement.

What's more, during this period of time in Ximei, I have seen the bottom of the cooker's box by the way. It is impossible to say that he has not made more progress. Now that he has just made a breakthrough, he can see more of Ximeilin's cooking skills. It is really a pity to call him back now.

It's just something that can make Chu Lao's heart move. Zhao Youqian can't think of what it is.

"Since you remember that Dong Ying's guy was hunted down by the food society because of the accident of the delivery truck of M Food Company, he helped, but have you ever thought about why, just because of this, he was asked to shut up?"

Mr. Chu patted the handle of the seat to signal him to sit down. He didn't mean to hide anything, and told Zhao Yougan the reason.

"I remember Mr. Seiichiro said that it was a vehicle transporting raw materials. He didn't actually see anything, but some pink gelatinous things. He thought it was something harmful, which made others think seal."

"But it turned out to be someone from the Food Club, which dispelled his idea. The problem is that he really didn't see anything."

When Zhao Youqian said this, he suddenly paused.

"Those ingredients are not simple? But this kind of pink gelatinous ingredients. There are a lot of them."

In fact, Seiichiro Xingping also thought of this, but there are too many types of ingredients, and it is impossible to reveal anything!

"Phantom jellyfish, you must have heard of it."

Knowing what Zhao You did was unknown, Mr. Chu paused for a moment, then continued.

"Then you must know that all major forces are restoring the cells of the phantom jellyfish, and even breeding and cloning the original phantom jellyfish!"

Zhao Youqian also knows this news, this is the most cutting-edge information in the culinary world every year.

Especially when he couldn't make any progress, he was very concerned about these biological breakthroughs, but because the gourmet cells at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty would undergo large-scale changes after entering the biological body, and it was impossible to reverse the original phantom jellyfish cells, so This matter has been studied every year, but there is no result every year.

'Could it be? ? '

With an incredulous look on his face, Zhao Youqian looked at Mr. Chu.

"They recovered?!"

With a sneer, Mr. Chu patted Zhao Youqian on the head.

"Guess what, how can it be so easy, being able to restore the phantom jellyfish is equivalent to holding the key to the evolution of the world, which may trigger a world war!"

"Of course it hasn't been restored, but it has inherited certain abilities!"

"And those ingredients are resurrected jellyfish that have inherited certain abilities!"

Having said that, Mr. Chu couldn't help but sneered a few times.

"The president of the food club is also very courageous. After the resurrected jellyfish came out, they began to breed on a large scale, and added it to various canned foods. Even because the resurrected jellyfish itself has no taste, it is directly used as a product for infants and young children. Just use it!"

"In recent years, all kinds of fish and even strange sea beasts have appeared in the deep sea. It's no fault of this president to release a batch of these resurrected jellyfish into the sea!"

"You must know that this kind of jellyfish has no taste and no nutrition, but only a little. It can increase the concentration of gourmet cells!"

Hearing this, Zhao Youqian really came to his senses, what exactly does the president of the food club want to do!

"Increasing the concentration of gourmet cells will increase the possibility of awakening gourmet cells on the road of the gourmet association, will it squeeze the current mainstream road in the culinary world?"

After humming, Mr. Chu shook his head.

"It's as simple as that, he wants to use Ximei as a test field!"

"He wants to become a god!!"

As soon as the word Chengshen came out, Zhao Youqian's heart shrank, as if he had finally sensed the imminent imminent crisis in West America!

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