Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 460 Unlucky Seiichiro

Zhao Youqian's battle with the halberd was determined in New York, and he completely established his name on the land of Western America.

As the only special chef in the world who has independently produced Lin-level dishes, he has been crowned the title of the strongest special chef in the contemporary era by the media.

And this title seems to be seen now, there is really no one in the world who can take it from Zhao Youqian's head.

Even in such a closed place as Yaozhou, Zhao Yougan's reputation has begun to spread quietly.

After all, Yaozhou's culture is different, and he is particularly concerned about promoting the country's prestige. Zhao Youqian was very low-key even when he was in Yaozhou, and his reputation was suppressed by others. When he has become the strongest special chef of the contemporary era, it will be difficult for him to be buried anymore.

For a while, all the hot search lists were listed, and even ordinary people knew from TV that there was such a super genius who established Shengchao Street outside Yaozhou and made Lin-level dishes by leapfrogging among the food halberds.

Coupled with the actions of Xie's family behind him and the promotion of various forces, Zhao Youqian's name has been vaguely listed among the strongest new generations promoted by Yaozhou in these years.

After all, no matter how you tout it, it is still not as powerful and effective as Zhao Youqian's actual live broadcast and even physical evidence.

This also makes some people feel uncomfortable.

However, Zhao Youqian's thoughts during this time have been on building Shengchao Street, knowing whether the food will take the initiative again, his thoughts have also calmed down.

He has just broken through to the level of being able to cook Lin-level dishes, and he also needs to settle down for a while.

In addition, the news from Dong Ying's side has also arrived, Sato-kun is about to arrive at the Imperial Palace, Yuanyue's backhands are about to break out, and then Zhao Yougan's goal will naturally need not waste time to cover up!

Nakamura Ji, this guy who had been selected as his target a long time ago, was his last opponent in West America this time!

The special chef challenged Linchu's food halberd, presumably many people have never seen it before.

"However, Mr. Seiichiro, why has there been no news recently?"

Zhao Youqian, who planned the establishment of Shengchao Street, touched his chin, a little confused.

In fact, the goal set at the beginning was not for him to confront Ji Nakamura directly, but for Seiichiro Xinghei to teach him a lesson.

But I didn't expect that Seiichiro Xingping suddenly lost contact information.

This forced Zhao Youqian to prepare to do it himself, but this was exactly what he wanted.

What's the point of letting others take action against one's enemies, it's better to solve it by yourself!

What's more, he has now seen the line of Lin level, as long as it takes a while, he may not be able to cross it!

The next beats the top, but it may not be true that the next beats the top!

With the advantage of not having a gourmet cell, even if Zhao Youqian fully comprehended the righteousness of food and changed his heart of cooking, it would not be obvious to the outside world.

At that time, it would not be difficult to catch Nakamura Ji by surprise!

However, Zhao Youqian was still a little worried about Xingping Seiichiro, and he didn't know what happened to him, and he was dragged so hard that he couldn't get away.

In fact, Zhao Youqian probably never thought that Xingping Seiichiro was actually not far away from him, and it can even be said that it is not an exaggeration to describe him as close at hand.

But Xingping Seiichiro's current state cannot be described well.

At least he needs to be in a state of embarrassment to explain his current appearance. In fact, he himself is also very puzzled.

It was almost inexplicable to fall into the current situation.

His unlucky things can actually be talked about from a very early time, when Zhao Youqian hadn't faced Xiao Hua, the king of Texas barbecue.

Xingping Seiichiro wandered the land of West America, recalling his past journey of eating halberds in exotic countries, and helped Zhao Youqian to contact merchants, cooks, and many immigrants from Yaozhou and the Far East who could enter Shengchao Street.

They may be people who have settled in Western America for a long time. They have been here for two or three generations, but it is still difficult to integrate into the local area because of differences in culture and skin color. Chef of the propped up Oriental Restaurant restaurant.

It can be said that the people I met along the way, as long as they have some relationship with the Far East or even Yaozhou, Xingping Seiichiro basically did not let go of them, and contacted them all.

Some agreed quickly, some hesitated, and some really turned their backs.

Fortunately, Seiichiro Xingping has seen all kinds of situations. He knows that these are just preliminary contacts. In fact, how to choose, and whether he will actually go to Mo Street in New York in the end, all depends on the results of Zhao Youqian's eating halberd.

But he didn't care, he enjoyed the feeling of galloping back and forth on the endless West American continent very much.

It wasn't until he accidentally came into contact with a car accident in a food company in Ximei that he vaguely felt as if he had encountered something serious.

Originally, he intended to pass the news on, but he didn't expect that a passer-by would be targeted, but it seemed that he didn't know his identity, so the people sent at the beginning were not difficult to deal with.

But as he got rid of those who solved the problem, trouble came!

Originally, he wanted to contact Zhao Youqian for help, but after finding out where the people who attacked him came from, Seiichiro Xingping put out this idea.

After all, Zhao Youqian's current situation is not too good, he doesn't want to put more pressure on Zhao Youqian, and after Zhao Youqian and Xiao Hua's food halberd was settled, he simply started to think of a way by himself.

Fortunately, Dongying has a lot of power left in Ximei, at least giving him a few safe footholds.

The only problem is that those guys have too much power in Nishimi, even if it is guarded by Totsuki's power on Tozakura's side, Seiichiro Kohei's whereabouts have been exposed several times.

Finally, there were no major problems, and with the delay of the arranged manpower, he escaped smoothly.

The only thing is that he was a bit embarrassed, which made him more and more confused, why he was in a car accident and helped him, but why did he get into trouble again?

'What the hell was in that food company truck? '

Now hiding in the safe house, he dare not contact others through Ximei's telecommunications and network, and can only use the pre-determined secret language to contact Yuanyue's forces in New York.

Xingping Seiichiro began to recall the details of his experience, hoping to see some clues.

It's a pity that no matter how he thinks, he can't figure out how he provoked those guys

"Still haven't found it yet?"

There was an indifferent voice on the other end of the phone.

"You should know the consequences of mission failure!"

"I don't care how long you have to use it, either hold him down or find him out. There can be no twists and turns in this matter!"

Inside the Empire State Building, Nakamura Ji, who hung up the phone, was sweating coldly on his forehead.

He knew that the one over there would definitely do what he said!

'Now... it's up to you, senior.'

Then the actual controller of New York gave the order.

The whole city is searching for a Dongying man!

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