Gourmets of the Heavens

Chapter 408 The First Course

Zhao Youqian, the power in Wu Street, has already figured it out, whether it's the shady middle-aged man or the big man nicknamed 'Gou Er Er'.

And the old man in front of him with a smile on his face and bowing his hands in salute is the most important thing in his intelligence collection.

Jin Jingzhong, a native of the Xian nationality nicknamed "Boss Jin"!

Jing Zhong, loyal, I'm afraid no one would have imagined that such an upright old man, who seemed to have a very hot and upright temper, was actually the one who led Dongying and some people from the Xian tribe directly betrayed the originally united Wujie Eastern Alliance, making him Old Chu's hard work fell short.

According to Mr. Chu's strength back then, it is not impossible to forcibly build a Shengchao Street. After all, Longchu can occupy one side anywhere, even if it is a food fair, it is not easy to take it casually.

It's not difficult for the king of heaven to beat the dragon chef, but it's hard to say if he wants to keep the dragon chef, so the gourmet meeting was just a little secret plan at the time, but he didn't expect that Mr. Chu would be hit in Yaozhou, and he would kill himself as soon as he was betrayed by the inside. Giving up, let Sheng Chaojie's plan directly abort.

The original Wujie Eastern Alliance has also been occupied by doves, and now it has become a gathering place for a group of bullies and gangsters.

If these guys didn't know that once Mo Street was destroyed, their income and territory would be gone, and they weren't really mad, I'm afraid the whole Mo Street would have been ruined.

Although it's not much better now.

If anyone relaxes their vigilance because of Jin Jingzhong's upright look, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

Zhao Youqian naturally wouldn't make such a mistake, and he didn't even pay much attention to the so-called master of Wu Street.

"The shop is open today, and all diners are welcome to taste."

There's no need to put something on display, the certification and badge of the master chef is the best proof of craftsmanship.

As long as those things are hung on the wall, they are the biggest and most attractive selling point.

Even Jin Jingzhong, who was ignored and anger flashed in his eyes, shrank his eyes when he saw the words and documents in the window.

‘A badge of gold and silver! '

'That's the sign of passing the special examination! '

Now that he has stepped into the field of special chefs, no matter how ignorant he is, he still knows what the badge represents.

The unhappiness in his heart was directly thrown away, and those subordinates who saw their leader being slapped, but their expressions were cloudy and uncertain, did not dare to step forward.

Until his face gradually calmed down, he turned his head and spoke.

"Come on, let's go in and taste the taste of this store!"

Ignoring the looks of those subordinates behind him, Jin Jingzhong was the first to walk into this small shop with a red lantern hanging on the eaves of the door, also called a red lantern.

As soon as he entered this small shop, his first impression was that it was bright and majestic. It was not at all like those restaurants opened in Wu Street. Either it was too much pursuing the so-called oriental elements, which seemed a bit rustic, or it was blended with Western American style. Extremely twisted and weird, giving people a twisted feeling.

There are also some that look dilapidated and old. If you know it, you know that your shop has been in operation for a long time, but if you don’t know it, you think you have never cleaned it.

What's more important is that the aroma of broth has already wafted out when you enter the restaurant, attracting the appetite of diners.

People who often cook broth know that once the bone is boiled for a long time, there will be a smell like leather. The only way to solve this smell is to cook it fresh every day, and limit the broth The amount maintains the bone stew time.

But sometimes, the more the soup is boiled, the richer the taste. Many shops ignore the environmental and smell factors in order to maintain the taste.

But just entering the door, Zhao Youqian is completely different from the style of ordinary Yaozhou restaurants, which makes Jin Jingzhong excited.

This shows that Zhao Youqian has a completely different personality from those old-school Yaozhou cooks. Just looking at the appearance of this shop, you can tell that he is a person who pursues perfection and can't get sand in his eyes.

'How do you deal with a guy like that? '

No matter what Zhao Youqian's attitude towards him is, some things need to be contacted to know. What's more, now that he has come in to taste the food, as long as Zhao Youqian is still the owner of this restaurant, it is impossible to drive him away.

This at least gave Jin Jingzhong a chance to contact Zhao Youqian.

"Hi, how about dinner?"

As a waiter, Yukino came to Jin Jingzhong's side, and Jin Jingzhong gave Yuki a slightly surprised look at the body temperature with obvious chills.

"This is today's menu, please call me after the guest chooses."

Without any faux pas or provocation, they entered the small shop. As long as they don't show hostility, Zhao Youqian will not deliberately find fault. This is the basic principle of a cook.

After placing a glass of ice water in front of Jin Jingzhong, Xue Nu left in front of him naturally, leaving enough room for Jin Jingzhong to order.

'Processing of this service'

Many details can only be felt by oneself, Jin Jingzhong can clearly sense that Zhao Youqian's arrangements are by no means aimed at ordinary diners, and even those distinguished diners are absolutely impossible to criticize such services.

A simple one-page menu, apparently handwritten every day.

There are not many dishes today, only a dozen or so. Obviously, the dishes will be different every day, so there will not be too many dishes a day. This kind of cooking method is more like a private chef, which makes Jin Jingzhong feel more novel, and The shadow in my heart became more and more obvious.

Because in this way, he could hardly see anything that the Wujie Eastern Alliance could intervene in.

Even the guest, this Zhao Youqian obviously doesn't want many

After scanning the dishes on the menu several times, Tadashi Jinjing's thoughts are unpredictable, and he loses his appetite if he thinks too much, but it's not justified not to try the craftsmanship of this Yaozhou genius.

Finally he turned the menu and raised his hand to order.

Soon Xuenv appeared by his side.

"What kind of food do you want?"

I saw Tadashi Kanai's finger scrolling to the third line of the menu.

"Just this dish. By the way, bring me a bottle of beer. I want it to be iced."

Seeing the dishes ordered by Tadashi Jinjing, Yukino showed a look of surprise, but she accepted the menu without saying anything.

"Then I will place the order for the customer"

Then, he wrote down the dishes he was going to make on the menu, turned around and sent them to the kitchen, then went to the wine cabinet to get a bottle of cold beer, and brought a bottle opener to Jin Jingzhong's table.

In the back kitchen, Zhao Youqian looked at Jin Jingzhong's order and showed a funny smile.

"It's interesting, I didn't expect him to order this dish"

"It seems that he still knows a lot about Yaozhou cuisine!"

Knowing that Jin Jingzhong is going to test his level, but why is Zhao Youqian worried?

He was only afraid that his level was too high, and he would scare away the master of Wujie!

'Bang bang bang! '

With the explosion of the cannon, even the dining area could hear the sound of the stove deflagrating, and Zhao Youqian Ximei's first dish was officially started!

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